CME Group: Why Is the Gold Rally Leaving Silver Behind?

Year-to-date, gold prices have soared to all-time highs. However, silver has lagged. In fact, on a nominal price basis, silver ...
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The Average Joe: Intel’s Multi-Billion Dollar US Foundry Expansion Is Killing Its Stock, But It Could Also Save Its Future

Semiconductor manufacturers have been a big hit with the market over the past year. While most of these companies aren’t ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Hedging Your Portfolio With Options

Market volatility has been on the rise. The past few months has seen stocks trade sideways overall. Most investors hope ...
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David Lin: We’re Entering “Greater Depression”: Brace For War, Sovereign Defaults

Markets have seen some increased volatility in recent months thanks to geopolitical events. While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drags on ...
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FX Evolution: Retail Investors Are Getting Squeezed Again

Following the market’s selloff and bounce higher, investors may think that markets are back in bull market mode. With companies ...
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