Bitcoin Magazine: Skybridge’s Anthony Scaramucci Predicts $170,000 Bitcoin Price on CNBC

In just under one week, bitcoin will go through its halving process for the fourth time. The halving reduces the ...
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SchiffGold: Prices Up 2500% Since FDR Abandoned Gold

April 5 marked the 91st anniversary of the day that the United States abandoned the gold standard domestically. Americans were ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: The Illusion of Choice in Consumer Goods

Investors have the ability to invest in any number of great brands. A brand tends to have buying power, in ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: How to Lie With Charts

The housing market is starting to shift away from larger homes. Over the past 10 years, the median square footage ...
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Game of Trades: Investors Don’t Know What’s Coming

Monthly inflation has been ticking higher, moving to a 0.4% monthly increase in March. That could be a sign that ...
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