Bitcoin Magazine: The Conundrum of Central Planning

The global financial system is centrally planned. A big part of that planning comes from central banks. They decide how ...
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Kitco: Gold Has New Momentum as its Utility Grows in Global Trade

Investors have many reasons to make gold a core portfolio holding. Over time, gold tends to hold its purchasing power ...
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Heresy Financial: Why Does the US Borrow and Tax When It Can Print Money?

During the pandemic, the U.S. government printed trillions of dollars. Much of that money went to keep companies operating. Some ...
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Bigger Pockets: High Interest Rates Are Forcing Big-Time Investors to Cut Their Losses – Is a Bust Coming?

Interest rates went from historic lows to their highest level in 15 years in the span of 18 months. Meanwhile, ...
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Game of Trades: The Only Time THIS Happened Was in 1987

Investors and traders alike rely on market signals. While no signal is perfect when trading, rarely-occurring signals with a high ...
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