Weekly Recap

Weekly Review

Analyzing Bitcoin in Real Time

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are perfect for technical analysis. They are much like commodities markets where fundamentals play a smaller role than they do in stocks. In the stock market, earnings and cash flow are widely studied. That’s not true in other markets.

  • Special: Every Time the Government Releases Jobs Data... Make This Trade the Night Before!
  • Because fundamentals represent just a small factor in the investment process, technical analysis is well suited to analyzing cryptos. We share the details Here.

    Insider Buying Highlights Bargains

    A recent study confirmed that parents should avoid saying things like “do as I say, not as I do” to children. The children learn from watching and the misbehavior of parents, even if the parents instruct kids to ignore it, sets a bad example.

    Investors should learn from that study. As investors, we should assign more weight to what management teams do than to what they say. We dig in to the details in this article.

    A Whole New Group Develops in the Stock Market

    Investors sometimes think of groups as relatively unchanging. There is the mining sector, the railroads, auto makers and other clearly defined groups of stocks. The truth is that at one time, all of these were new industries and it took time for the companies to grow into a group.

    In recent years, several new industries have appeared. These industries have created trading opportunities and we share the specifics right here.

  • Special: $1,300 into $45,000 in just 4 MONTHS?!
  • Income and an Inflation Hedge, In an Obvious and Overlooked Area

    Inflation is a growing concern. The truth is that inflation has been a concern for decades. One of the most significant differences between a typical bout of inflation concerns and the current round is that inflation pressures are building.

    With inflation pressures building, many income investors should be increasingly concerned. In our recent article, we share a strategy that provides income and an inflation hedge. Read more here.



  • Special: Every Time the Government Releases Jobs Data... Make This Trade the Night Before!