Trading Strategies

The Financial Economics: Truth About Compounding

Investing is a lifelong process. The process is based on compounding wealth. That simply means investing a dollar at the highest possible return for the longest amount of time. The longer someone can compound, and at as high a rate of return can result in the creation of massive amounts of wealth.

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  • This strategy relies on patience for the right prices and market opportunities. As well as taking a disciplined approach for knowing when to let winners continue to rise and to cut losers short.

    Those looking to get the best compound return need to look at three numbers.

    The first is the starting amount. The higher the starting amount, the better the returns will be. In one’s early years, it will be necessary to start small. But regular contributions of capital can lead to higher returns.

    Next is the length of time. With longer lifespans, starting investing early can make a massive difference compared to waiting until one has a significantly high salary to put large sums to work.

    Finally, there’s the total returns. Buying the right assets at the right time and capturing big moves can make a huge difference. But it’s also possible to succeed with average investments over the long haul. It’s just important to avoid overpaying to get in.

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  • By understanding the compounding process and the three numbers behind them, investors can better focus on earning better returns over time.


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