FX Evolution: Will October Actually Be Bad for Markets?

Financial markets skated through September unscathed. The start of an interest rate cut cycle allowed stock to break higher in ...
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The Intellectual Investor: The Best and Worst Investment Decisions I’ve Made

Over a lifetime of investing, the top ideas and the bottom ideas will truly stand out. And as long as ...
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FX Evolution: You Won’t Believe What Tom Lee Thinks Will Happen Next!

Markets have recovered from some of their August and early September selloff, and once again pushed to make new all-time ...
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Lead-Lag Live: Mike Green on ETF Innovation, Passive Investing Risks, and the Future of Alternative Assets

Markets have become more efficient over the years. That’s good news for most retail investors. It means that they generally ...
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Trading Titans Podcast: Volmagedom Lessons from the Crash

When trading, several factors come into play that otherwise may not occur with a longer-term investment. That’s especially true when ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Talk Your Book: Quality Growth Investing

Investing comes in all types and flavors. However, most styles tend to get grouped as either value or growth. Right ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Beware This Downside Zig-Zag!

Markets have caught a bit of a break from their selloff that kicked off August. And economic data, such as ...
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Of Dollars and Data: The Sustainable Path is the Only Path

Investing and building wealth can be similar to dieting. Most don’t follow a set plan. When they try to do ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Buy the Rumor, Sell the News on Rate Cuts!

Investors have had to exercise extreme patience over the past few years. First, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates over ...
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FX Evolution: This Rare Signal Has Flashed Again for Stocks…

Some rare market signals are kicking off as stocks continue to break to new all-time highs. Market breadth is improving ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Elliott Wave Targets for S&P 500 Melt-Up!

Stocks haven’t just been trending higher in recent weeks. The S&P 500 had a hard time breaking through 5,500. Once ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Pro Trader Tip: Follow Your Trading Plan and Manage Your Losses!

The market uptrend has slowed down in recent weeks. For traders, that may mean that it’s time to shift strategies ...
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Tastylive: Stay Profitable During Low Volatility with This Strategy

Traders need markets to move to have profitable trades. Using tools such as options can take a smaller market swing ...
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Let’s Talk Money: 10 Stocks to Buy BEFORE They Split Next

Nvidia (NVDA) has helped the stock market reach new all-time highs this year. And in the past few weeks, shares ...
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Game of Trades: The Only Time THIS Happened Was in 1987

Investors and traders alike rely on market signals. While no signal is perfect when trading, rarely-occurring signals with a high ...
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Game of Trades: They Sold the Top (Again)

Looking for a sign that markets might be overbought and ready to trend lower? Simply take a look at whether ...
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FX Evolution: Retail Investors Are Getting Squeezed Again

Following the market’s selloff and bounce higher, investors may think that markets are back in bull market mode. With companies ...
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We Study Billionaires: Making Smarter Decisions & Why Great Investors Are Great Quitters

Risk. It’s the ultimate challenge for investors. A great investment opportunity can (and should) carry some risk to it. Understanding ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Follow Your Trading Plan!

Trading takes a totally different mindset compared to investing. Investing is based on several factors. That includes looking at a ...
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Tastylive: 0DTE’s: How to Maximize Profits

The past two years have seen an explosion in options trading. That’s partly due to the rise of individual investors ...
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FX Evolution: Is This the Beginning of Something Big…

Markets are starting to show signs of slowing down. Yes, some traders are buying call options aggressively on big-cap stocks ...
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Tastylive: When Volatility Is High Use this Strategy

With markets near all-time highs, market volatility has been low. For the past five weeks, markets have been pricing in ...
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Data Driven Investor: Play the Probabilities to Win in the Stock Market

Investing comes down to probabilities. While investors may look at a runaway stock and simply see dollar signs, a rising ...
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The D&O Diary: Thinking About Warren Buffett’s Latest Letter to Berkshire Shareholders

Consistently outperforming the stock market is challenging. Many professional investors fail over time. A few good years are quickly forgotten ...
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The Lead-Lag Report: Dissecting the AI Revolution’s Economic Ripple Effects

AI has been the market’s hot trend for over a year now. It’s allowed many big-tech companies playing to the ...
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Tastylive: If You’re Losing Money with Fundamental Analysis, This is Why

Investing involves trade-offs. The decision to buy one stock means not buying another. Or an asset class. So on some ...
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FX Evolution: Is Everyone Missing THIS…

Markets may be making a shift this week. Over the past 18 months, there have been six-month periods of strength ...
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Tastylive: 3 Methods to Test if You’ll Blow Up Your Portfolio

Risk is one of the most important concepts in investing. One of the biggest risks is having a portfolio position ...
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The Compound and Friends: How to Find the Biggest Winners

Investors have many strategies at their disposal. While most studies show that long-term investing can work well with passive investments, ...
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Diamond Hill: Anti-Herd Mentality

There are plenty of ways to invest. But it’s clear that investors following trends over the past few years have ...
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Let’s Talk Money: 10 Stocks to Buy in 2024 According to Wall Street Pros

With markets ending the year on a strong note, Wall Street analysts are looking bullish for next year. Part of ...
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FX Evolution: The Best Stocks Are Not Leading

The past few weeks has seen a shift in the markets. It’s a small one, but a key one. For ...
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Elliott Wave Investor: Positive Signals 460 Remains a Key Level

While the stock market rally since November has slowed down, it’s not quite over yet. The latest employment data shows ...
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FX Evolution: Secret Market Volatility Starts to Spike?

Markets had a brutal September and October. However, November was the opposite, nearly reversing all of the market’s losses since ...
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The Compound and Friends: Things That Never Change With Morgan Housel

When it comes to investing, some things are always changing. For instance, 2023 has seen the market move all-in on ...
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Thoughtful Money: 2024 “Going To Be A Lot Worse” For Markets as Tech Stocks Implode

2023 has been a strong year for the stock market. But if you back out the seven largest tech stocks ...
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Tastylive: Call vs Put Selling – This Strategy Wins 81% of Trades

Traders have a variety of ways to profit from market moves. One of those ways is to use options. Generally, ...
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Bigger Pockets: The 3 “Lies” You Can’t Afford to Tell Yourself in This Market

When it comes to investing, we can be our own worst enemy. Our brain likes to use shortcuts. That’s fine ...
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TastyLive: Scalping Was Hard, Until I Found These Videos

The increase in daily options trading can make or break a portfolio account. While some traders still swing for the ...
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FX Evolution: Are Stocks About to Enter a Short Squeeze?

Following a rough back-to-back drop for September and October, markets historically start to calm down in November. The month tends ...
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David Lin: Markets Bottom, Expect ‘Strong Rally’ Next, Then 50% Crash

Markets are shaking off their September slump with a strong performance in the first full week of October. That’s in ...
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Chart Advisor: Classifying SPY’s Lower Lows

Stocks hit their yearly peak on July 27. Since then, they’ve pulled back, rallied, and pulled back again. And so ...
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CBOE: Evaluating the Market Impact of SPX 0DTE Options

The past few years have seen an explosion of investor interest in trading options. That includes trading daily options, known ...
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FX Evolution: Hedge Funds Are Selling Stocks Again…

Investors looking to profit in the stock market can get a sense of what to do by following big players ...
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Lead-Lag Live: The Last Sustainable Edge With Jim O’Shaughnessy

There are many investment strategies that investors can employ. The most popular one today is passive investing, where investors simply ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Expect More Weakness… Elliott Wave 4 Downside

The market downtrend of the past few weeks reflects a few concerns. That includes the market’s strong performance since the ...
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Validea: What Kobe Bryant’s Mantra of “Never Get Bored With the Basics” Can Teach Investors

Great investors have a lot in common with great athletes. There’s an innate skill. But it’s also been honed by ...
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Elm Wealth: A Closer Look at “Cut Your Losses Early; Let Your Profits Run”

Most traders follow a mantra of getting out of a losing trade quickly. That can avoid the permanent impairment of ...
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Clyde Prestowitz: Cheap May Be Expensive

Value investors are on the lookout for inexpensive companies that have been misvalued by the market. But what if that ...
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Traders’ Insight: Risk Premium Plummets

Investors have gotten more bullish in terms of sentiment as the market has moved higher this year. There are many ...
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Tastylive: The Last Time Markets Looked Like This, Volatility SPIKED

Market volatility has dropped to its lowest level since the start of the pandemic. Generally, volatility refers to how much ...
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Tastylive: Time to Trade Less?

The market has been fairly calm so far this year. Aside from a brief spike in volatility as the second, ...
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Tastylive: The Most Important Number in Options Trading

As investors and traders alike have increased the use of options, many have entered the space with limited knowledge. Understanding ...
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The Lead Lag Report: Navigating Murky Waters: How Mega-Cap Tech Earnings Mask Underlying Market Uncertainties

Four times each year, corporate America reports earnings. An entire cottage industry has been built up on Wall Street of ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Inflation Slows But Yields Remain Inverted

There’s a lot of negative sentiment about the economy right now. But the job market remains strong – some say ...
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Contrarian Edge: What to Expect After the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse

The past 15 years have been dominated by the 2008 housing meltdown and its aftermath. For years afterward, interest rates ...
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Game of Trades: A Credit Crunch is Inevitable in 2023

While we’ve just seen the two biggest bank failures since 2008, investors haven’t been too worried about any further contagion ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Banking Crisis Helps FAANG Stocks Up!

The current banking crisis is causing a shift in behavior. Consumers are pulling money out of smaller banks, and placing ...
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Contrarian Edge: The Stock Market, The Economy, Possible Outcomes, How to Invest

Investors tend to think of the stock market as rising or falling. However, returns over the past 100 years indicate ...
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The Big Picture: Maria Vassalou on the Small-Cap Effect

Smaller companies tend to grow faster than larger ones over time. The reasoning is that it’s easier for a company ...
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Game of Trades: This Warned the SP500 Bull Traps in 2008 and 2001

It appears the economy is teetering on a recession… and yet it isn’t. At least quite yet. Corporate earnings have ...
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Elliott Wave Options: More Downside to Come?

Both consumer price inflation and producer price inflation have shown a bump higher in the last few months. That’s caused ...
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ValueWalk: How Much Can You Rally Expect to Earn Investing?

Why do we invest? At its core, we’re looking to have our saved money earn more money for us. Over ...
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Game of Trades: SP500 Volatility Is Breaking Out Again

While traders have been focused on the market’s strong rally since the start of the year, the rally has come ...
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The Big Picture: William Cohan

One of the biggest trends in the economy over the past few decades has been the increasingly prominent role of ...
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New Money: Charlie Munger’s Warning for Investors in 2023

Inflation remains high but is coming down. Interest rates are at their highest level in over a decade and continue ...
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Game of Trades: Speculation Is Going to Lead to Pain in the Stock Market in 2023

After a significant down year for the markets, it’s reasonable to expect an up year. Historically, that tends to be ...
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Contrarian Edge: Why We’re Not Celebrating the Vindication of Our Investing Principles

The market tends to largely define a stock as either growth or value. The past decade was a great time ...
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Billionaire Philosophy: Warren Buffett Interview

Many investors caught up in big growth stories in 2021 were hammered in 2022. However, those who followed a value ...
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Elliott Wave Trader: PPI Report: Inflation Still High!

Inflation remains a top concern for investors. Fortunately, it’s starting to come down. The latest report for producer price inflation ...
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Game of Trades: We Are not Even Close to Real Bear Market Capitulation

There are a number of ways to determine how the market is being valued. One measure is to look at ...
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The Intellectual Investor: Why Value Investing Requires Thoughtful Arrogance

There are many ways to think about how to invest. One way is to look at what crowds are doing ...
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Elliott Wave Options: Earnings Reports Lift Markets… S&P Wave 4?

There are many ways to look at markets and market trends. Elliott Waves are a technical strategy that identify a ...
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Game of Trades: We Haven’t Seen This Since the Dot-com Bust

The S&P 500 index is testing its 200-day moving average for the first time since the Covid crash in early ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Three Dividend Growth Stocks Increasing Shareholder Dividends

Although the economy is slowing and stocks are in a bear market, there are still opportunities for investors now. For ...
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Lead-Lag Live: Dual Momentum Investing

There are a variety of ways to think about how to invest in financial markets. One somewhat overlooked strategy is ...
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Dividend Freedom: 5 Dividend Stocks I Just Purchased

A bear market is a time to build. After years of growth stocks leading markets, move value-oriented stocks look appealing ...
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Meet Kevin: The Netflix Warning to the Entire Stock Market

One of the best performing stocks over the past decade has been Netflix (NFLX). But year-to-date, it’s been one of ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: How to Survive a Bear Market

Investors have been lulled by easy money in the past decade. The stock market had its longest upward run from ...
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Of Dollars And Data: How to Not Panic

Investors feel in control of their portfolios – at least when markets are on the rise. But when markets go ...
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Morningstar: The Verdict on Wide-Moat Stocks

Value investing has a number of tenants. One of the more popular items that value investors look for is a ...
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GreenWood Investors Q4 2021 Letter

In a piece called The Acceleration of Time, hedge fund GreenWood Investors looks at the issues facing markets at the ...
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An Active Strategy For Inactive Traders

Many traders would like to trade more actively but they may lack the time. There are some strategies that require ...
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Finding Winning Stocks With the Most Potential

Many investors study the past to find potential winners in the future. The idea is that stocks that did well ...
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Investing Like a Rocket Scientist To Deliver Returns

Many investors are considering strategies that can be considered quantitative investing. This type of investing is, in general, a newer ...
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How to Really Read Chart Patterns

Charts have been used by traders for hundreds of years. The practice was widespread by the early 1900s when many ...
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Can This Trick Really Help Your Portfolio?

It’s often described as the “only free lunch in investing.” Diversification is defined as “a risk management strategy that mixes ...
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What You Should Know About the Price to Sales Ratio

Fundamental analysts focus on data available in financial statements. Among the most popular uses of this data is the calculation ...
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Stocks Under $10 Ben Graham’s Formula Says Are Buys

Warren Buffett completed his graduate degree at the Colombia Business School which he specifically chose so he could study under ...
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This Company Demonstrates Why You Should Diversify Your Portfolio

Many investors follow Warren Buffett because he may be the most successful value investor of all time. That means they ...
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Now Could Be the Time to Buy Brexit

Brexit has been in the news for years and is still an issue that investors might not fully understand. CNN ...
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The Biggest Trend Investors Should Be Aware Of

The biggest trend investors should be aware of might be fintech. Fintech is the term that is “used to describe ...
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Trading the Inverted Yield Curve

One of the biggest stories for investors in the past few weeks has been the inverted yield curve. As Investopedia ...
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Volatility Could Be the Best Trade in the Markets Right Now

The yield curve inverted and that led to a scramble among analysts to forecast the implications. The most obvious implication ...
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Know What You Want Your Investments To Do

Successful musicians often suffer from financial problems that are similar to the problems of a typical individual investor. The similarities ...
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It Could Be Time To Buy Into This Big Name Turnaround Story

Some investors love turnarounds. That makes recent price moves in Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG) potentially appealing. It’s been almost ...
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The Yield Curve Inversion Could Mean It’s Time to Panic

The yield curve can be a concept that is a challenge to understand for some investors. It might be best ...
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This Market Expert Says Be Careful With Yields

Mortgage real estate investment trusts, or mREITs, help provide essential liquidity for the real estate market. mREITs invest in residential ...
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If You Follow Buffett, You Might Have This Problem In Your Portfolio

Warren Buffett is widely followed because he has delivered a long record of successful investments. Not all of Buffett’s investments ...
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This Could Be the Perfect Trade to Prepare for the Market Correction

In case any investor forgot, prices go both up or down. This was a lesson brought home to investors in ...
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Trade the Dogs of the Dow Strategy for 2019

You might be familiar with the Dogs of the Dow, a popular investment strategy that identifies stocks in the Dow ...
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The Future Looks Scary for Investors

Investors might be disappointed in the future. At least that is likely to be the case if Dr. Phil is ...
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Monetary Theory Is Suddenly Important to Investors

Monetary theory, according to Investopedia, “holds that change in money supply is the main driver in changes in economic activity ...
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Investment Picks of the Bond King

Large professional investors are different than individual investors. The professionals seem to generally have access to more information than individuals ...
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You Might Be Like a Professional Investor, And That’s Bad

Many professional investors spend all day deciding which stocks to buy and sell. That’s their job. Many individual investors have ...
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This Long-Term Trend Could Drive This Stock Up

Investors often say they focus on the long term. If they really do, it could be useful to consider some ...
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