Bigger Pockets: Dave Ramsey Is Wrong – Doing This Won’t Make You Wealthy, But There Is Another Way

There are many roads to wealth. And many ways for those to get started on the road. Some strategies for ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Keeping Investing Fees Low Matters

Investors have to deal with significant uncertainties, as investing is largely an exercise in predicting an unknown future. That can ...
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Bigger Pockets Money Podcast: Coast FI

Many investors looking at the market today are considering how to reach their retirement goals. For those looking to retire ...
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BiggerNews June: Why “DIY Landlords” Will Win in a Recession

Rising interest rates mean higher mortgage rates. That makes home ownership less affordable, which will likely lead to a decline ...
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This Asset Class Could Provide Double Digit Passive Income

Every saver has come to understand the problem of low interest rates. Interest rates available on safe investments could be ...
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There’s a New Investment Opportunity. But Should You Take It?

Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, or JOBS Act. While having many different functions, the one that has captured the most ...
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Income Investors Need to Evaluate Reverse Mortgages

Money is an emotional topic at times. Among the most emotional topics can be reverse mortgages. But, before jumping to ...
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Baby Bonds Could Help You Diversify Your Fixed Income Portfolio

Bonds belong in many portfolios. There are many ways to add bonds and each way has its advantages and disadvantages ...
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Income from Idle Assets Is Now Possible

Many of us can sit down in a corner of our home and identify idle assets sitting in our line ...
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Farming Could Be the Income Opportunity You’ve Overlooked

Income investors have been forced to search far and wide for income in recent years as the yields on bank ...
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Pros and Cons of Muni Bonds Right Now

A municipal bond, often called a muni bond, is a bond issued by a local government or a local government ...
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Mistakes Fixed Income Investors Can Make

It seems as if income investing should be more leisurely than investments in the stock market. That would, in theory, ...
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Experts Say These Are the Best Income Investments

Sometimes, we all need expert advice. This is obvious, but we don’t always want to accept it. Investors may find ...
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How Real Estate Crowdfunding Can Create Passive Income

Real estate is a potential income investment, but many investors may overlook the possibility because of the high barriers to ...
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Income and an Inflation Hedge, In an Obvious and Overlooked Area

Inflation is a growing concern. The truth is that inflation has been a concern for decades. One of the most ...
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Evidence Trumps Fear for Income Investors

Fear is widely used as a selling strategy. Do you need an extended warranty with that new item you just ...
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Climbing the Ladder to Escape Inflation

Interest rates are rising, slowly. Federal Reserve policies seem to be pointing to even higher rates. And, after a decade ...
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How Central Banks Will Affect Your Income Investments

Income investors have learned in the past decade that they are subject to risks associated with central banks. The largest ...
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Maybe It Is Time to Worry About Social Security

Retirement is a dream for many individuals. It is also among the greatest fear for many individuals. The fears often ...
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Finding Safe 5% Yields

Yields are elusive, especially high yields in the current market environment. Published yields can also be deceptive and may not ...
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A Different Way to Invest in Amazon

Source: Warren Buffett has frequently written about his investment strategies. One, value investing, is well known. Buffett searches the ...
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Income with Inflation Protection

Income investors face a number of risks. One of the greatest risks is that inflation will increase before their investment ...
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A Possible Alternative to Funding College

College is becoming more and more expensive. Over the past thirty years, the cost has more than doubled. This is ...
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An eBay Opportunity for Income Investors

Source: You might recall the original story behind eBay, the online auction site. It was touching and heartwarming. It ...
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Can You Really Generate Passive Income from Your Stocks?

Many investors understand the concept of writing options as a way to generate income but wonder if the strategy is ...
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Demographics Highlight an Income Opportunity

Demographics are destiny, according to some analysts. This idea extends far beyond the stock market. Politicians follow demographic trends and ...
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Looking at an Unloved Income Investment

Investing is emotional for many people. Those emotional responses have led to detailed studies in the field of behavioral finance ...
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Income From Oil, Without Investing in the High Cost Oil Producers

Energy investments are appealing for a number of reasons. They are a hedge against inflation, at least in part. This ...
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Generate Income Like a Music Star

“Telephone number checks” is one way to describe the income some performers make from royalties. These are checks containing seven ...
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Investing in high quality preferred stocks

Source: Learn about Investing in high quality preferred stocks and get passive income. Preferred stocks are an often overlooked ...
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Bad News Provides a Passive Income Trading Opportunity

Investors know that news can move a stock. Often, the price moves that occur because of news is a short ...
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hedge fund trading strategies | Generate Extra income

Stocks deliver income through dividends. These regular payments can build large fortunes over time. But, recent income from dividends has ...
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Overcoming the Problems of Covered Calls to Create Passive Income

Source: Covered calls are a well known income strategy. With this strategy, an investor sells call options on stocks ...
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Passive Income Is Built Into These ETFs

Stock market investors often associate income with dividends. That is certainly one source of income for investors. If asked to ...
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Hard Money Lending Can Provide Passive Income

Every saver has come to understand the problem of low interest rates. Interest rates available on safe investments could be ...
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Become a Private Equity Investor for Passive Income

Private equity is one of the best performing asset classes over time, but, at least until now, individual investors have ...
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Real Estate Income Without Owning Real Estate

Investors often understand the value of a real estate investment. Property values tend to rise over time and can deliver ...
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Passive Income From the Stock Market

Income is elusive in the current market environment. Interest rates are low as are the yields on stocks, in general ...
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