Dividend Growth Investor: Six Dividend Stocks Increasing Dividends Last Week

Markets are near all-time highs. But the market is also rotating. Tech stocks are no longer leading returns higher. Other ...
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Mr. Dividend Investor: Top 3 Dividend Stocks For October 2024 That I’m Scooping Up

September is nearly over. The month is historically the weakest for markets. But for the first time in five years, ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Six Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With Raises

Markets have been touching all-time highs. Some see valuations as stretched. Particularly with tech stocks, which have soared over the ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Talk Your Book: Investing in Free Cash Flow

Investors have a variety of tools that they can use when evaluating a company’s performance. Typically in markets, investors look ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Dividend Stocks Are Cheap

With the stock market trading near all-time highs, it’s easy to forget that just a handful of stocks powered most ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Seven Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With Raises

With interest rates set to decline, yields on bonds will drop. As that happens, their price will rise. Investors may ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Six Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Dividends Last Week

Market volatility remains elevated. That trend may continue over the next few months, likely lasting through the election. That means ...
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Rivkin Report: There is an Alternative (To Equities)

Investors looking for an alternative asset to the stock market have several options. Cash and bonds currently pay a relatively ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Ten Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders with Raises

Markets rise over time thanks to rising corporate earnings. As a company’s profits rise, it can continue to reinvest in ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Buffett on Ignoring Stock Price Fluctuations and Thinking Like a Business Owner

With markets hitting new all-time highs, it’s easy for investors to get caught up in the excitement. That could mean ...
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Ryne Williams: 3 Deeply Discounted Dividend Stocks to Buy In July 2024

The stock market ended the first half of 2024 near all-time highs. However, most of that was driven by tech ...
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BlackRock: Abundant Income

Investors have had to contend with interest rates going from historically low levels of zero percent to a 15-year high ...
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Daniel Pronk: 5 Undervalued Stocks to Buy In June 2024

With the market near all-time highs, some stocks have already made a big run. Some may have already hit their ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Four Dividend Growth Stocks Increasing Dividends Last Week

While the market continues to grind higher, investors aren’t taking any big swings right now. Stocks often climb what’s called ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Fourteen Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Dividends Last Week

Stocks are trending back to all-time highs. Investors remain somewhat bullish, but even small market pullbacks can lead to a ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 15 Dividend Stocks in the News

A dividend is not set in stone. It’s determined by a company’s board of directors. And many factors go into ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Hedging Your Portfolio With Options

Market volatility has been on the rise. The past few months has seen stocks trade sideways overall. Most investors hope ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Eight Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Investors With a Raise

Markets remain near all-time highs but have pulled back recently. The economy shows signs of strong growth. While that’s keeping ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: The Illusion of Choice in Consumer Goods

Investors have the ability to invest in any number of great brands. A brand tends to have buying power, in ...
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FX Evolution: RISK-OFF Is Coming According to the Debt Markets?

While most investors may be focused on the stock market, its returns are often driven by the returns of the ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Five Dividend Growth Companies Increasing Dividends Last Week

After rallying for nearly five months without a major break, the market is starting to pause. Investors who have ridden ...
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Meet Kevin: The Fed’s Big Lie

Markets soared following the Fed’s interest rate decision on Wednesday. The central bank held rates steady for the fifth consecutive ...
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Dividendology: 5 Dividend Stocks Just Bought By Super Investors

Every quarter, professional money managers file a 13-F form with the SEC. It discloses their holdings and any additions or ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 17 Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Shareholder Distributions

While the market continues to hover near all-time highs, other assets have been performing strongly. Gold and bitcoin made new ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Eighteen Companies Rewarding Shareholders With a Raise

Whether the market moves up or down, stocks are just fractions of a business. Some of those businesses decide to ...
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The Average Joe Investor: I Back-Tested a Covered Call Strategy with Real Option Data

Investors have several ways to increase their income. That can include investing in dividend growth stocks. Or investing high-yield stocks ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 25 Companies Rewarding Shareholders with Raises

Dividend investing hasn’t gone out of style, even as tech stocks lead the market to new all-time highs. With tech ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Five Dividend Growth Companies Raising Dividends Last Week

Markets are making new highs. Corporate profits are also expanding. That’s allowing many companies to pay out dividends. For those ...
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Ari Gutman: Getting Wealthy With Dividends Requires Growth

For decades, investors had an advantage with buy-and-hold investment strategies. That’s because the brokerage costs used to be far higher ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Dividend Champions List for 2024

Not all dividend stocks are alike. Some companies are cyclical, and raise or lower their dividends in accordance with their ...
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GenExDividendInvestor: Dividends and a Long-Term Mindset Help You Win!

The start of a new year tends to lead to resolutions. But resolve without a plan will likely fail. That’s ...
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Trader’s Insight: “Weaponized FOMO” Takes a Breather

Investors who pile into the stock market often consider the fact that stocks tend to be the best-performing assets over ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 17 Companies Spreading Holiday Cheers to Shareholders

With markets heading to new all-time highs, valuations are getting stretched for some companies. That could mean a pullback soon ...
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Sure Dividends: Can Dividends Make You Rich? How to Get Rich Off Dividends

The S&P 500 is set to close an above-average year of returns. Investors who sat through last year’s bear market ...
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Bigger Pockets: How to Get Rich Without Investing In Real Estate

For most investors, their largest source of wealth will come from their home. And investing in real estate has typically ...
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Sure Dividend: The Pros & Cons of Dividend Stock Investing

After a strong market rally, tech stocks are again with the grasp of new all-time highs. Other parts of the ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Nine Cash Machines Hiking Dividends Last Week

While stocks have soared, going from oversold levels to overbought levels in just three weeks, a company’s fundamentals are slower ...
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The Meb Faber Show: Jim Bianco on “The Biggest Economic Event of Our Lifetime”

While investors have been treating the stock market as back to bullish following last year’s drop, a bigger trend may ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 8 Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Investors With a Raise

Whether the market moves up, down, or sideways, dividends can greatly improve total returns. Reinvested dividends can make up more ...
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Sure Dividend: The 10 Best Small-Cap Dividend Stocks You’ve Never Heard Of

Income stocks can provide investors with lower market volatility and better returns over time. Most investors are aware of large, ...
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Joseph Calrson: It’s Finally Time to Buy Bonds

It’s been a tough year for bonds. Technically, it’s been a tough three years. The bond market sold off in ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Seven Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Dividends Last Week

While markets set a new multi-month low, the companies behind those stocks have had a more mixed performance. Some are ...
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LeadLag Report: An Interview with Ophir Gottlieb on Bond Market Instability

Bond yields have been rising for over three years now. The bottom was hit in March 2020, amid the pandemic ...
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StockMarket.com: 3 Utility Stocks to Watch in the Market Today

The market’s focus on bond yields in the past few weeks has led to a selloff in many interest-rate sensitive ...
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DoubleLine Capital: Finding a Bottom in Bonds

Bond yields have been driving the stock market in recent weeks. Since June, bond yields have risen by 100 basis ...
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Tastylive: How Pros Are Trading a Collapsing Bond Market

At the height of the pandemic in 2020, investors panicked. They moved so much money into bonds that 10-Year yields ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Five Dividend Growth Stocks Increasing Shareholder Dividends

The market selloff peaked with a drop in dividend-paying companies. Given the competition between dividend yields and bond yields, that ...
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Trader’s Insight: Walking Gingerly into October

The final quarter of 2023 has arrived. Following September’s slump, markets are down over 7 percent from their recent peak ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Eight Dividend Growth Companies Increasing Dividends Last Week

Typically, investors look forward. They want to invest in a company ahead of future growth. That’s where big gains can ...
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Deep Knowledge Investing: Putting Today’s Interest Rates in Perspective

Interest rates have hit their highest levels since the mid-2000s. Mortgage rates topped 7.2 percent recently, a 25-year high that’s ...
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GenExDividendInvestor: Dividends vs Inflation: Who Wins?

Inflation has seen a dramatic drop over the past year. However, it’s still higher than average. And getting it down ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Four Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With Raises Last Week

While some parts of the economy are starting to feel the pinch of higher interest rates, other parts are faring ...
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Ari Gutman: 7 Discounted Dividend Stocks to Buy Immediately

From earnings season and concerns of a slowdown in the banking sector, markets are looking a little more shaky. While ...
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Praetorian Capital: Playing Inflation Part 2

There’s been a big slowdown in inflation data over the past year. While that’s good news, investors may want to ...
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Ryne Williams: 3 Deeply Discounted Dividend Stocks to Buy In August 2023

Most stocks have recovered the bulk of their losses from 2022’s selloff. Some are even making new highs. Fortunately, a ...
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GenExDividend Investor: Best Ways to Grow Your Dividend Snowball

Buying and holding dividend stocks can pay out well over time. But with the use of a few simple strategies, ...
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The Shadow Banker’s Secrets: Lessons From 2008: How to Protect Your Investment Portfolio From Market Crises

The bear market of 2022 caught most investors by surprise. The selloff is today blamed on the Federal Reserve’s comments ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Seven Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders with Raises

Up, down, or sideways, no matter what the stock market does, the underlying companies behind those stocks continue to operate ...
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New Money: Big Short Investor’s Warning for the Commercial Real Estate Crisis

Some have warned about the dangers in commercial real estate for years. Starting with the pandemic and the rise of ...
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BiggerPockets: How I Make $1 Million in Annual Cash Flow After Less Than 10 Years of Investing

Investing takes time. That’s a concept that can get overlooked in a bull market when prices soar higher by the ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Five Dividend Growth Companies Increasing Distributions to Shareholders

As the market continues to rally this year, investors continue to remain bullish. One confirmation of that move is the ...
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GenExDividendInvestor: Retirement with Dividends vs Without

While some investors gravitate towards dividend stocks for their long-term appreciation potential, others may look for immediate income. But dividend ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Eight Companies Rewarding Shareholders With a Raise

The stock market has moved higher in recent weeks, even with investors remaining skeptical about the move. While there appears ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Seventeen Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Dividends Last Week

While the market has trended higher so far this year, rising interest rates and slowing markets such as real estate ...
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Bob Sharpe: 7 Mistakes to AVOID When Dividend Investing

In volatile markets, traders tend to focus less on growth stocks and more on income-producing stocks. An investment portfolio focusing ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Happy Coca-Cola Dividend Day Warren Buffett

One investment strategy that stands the test of time is dividend growth investing. Fewer than 50 companies in the S&P ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Stocks Versus Bonds Today

Investors have a number of asset classes to invest in. Historically, liquid investments have been divided between stocks and bonds ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 25 Golden Rules for Investing by Peter Lynch

One of the top investors of all time, Peter Lynch ran Fidelity Investment’s Magellan Fund for 13 years. He turned ...
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Sure Dividend: 2 Safe Dividend Stocks For The Next Market Pullback

Markets continue to face the impact of rising interest rates. 2022 saw both stocks and bonds take a dive as ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: 23 Dividend Growth Companies Raising Dividends Last Week

After a rough year for stocks last year, 2023 started off strong. However, that rally is fading as inflation comes ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Dividend Aristocrats List For 2023

Income investors tend to gravitate towards companies that pay out increasing dividends annually. Even if the initial yields are low, ...
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Simply Investing: How a $25k Investment Generates $4k in Dividends Annually

On paper, dividend investing sounds simple. But getting started is tough. So is staying the course. Dividend investing can provide ...
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Financial Tortoise: Practice Frugal Wealth

2022 was a much better year for slow-and-steady investors after years of being great for those looking for a quick ...
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GenExDividendInvestor: Companies About To Be Dividend Kings

While investors should be forward looking, considering a company’s future prospects relative to a current price, dividend investing can be ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: 9 Things That Surprised Me In 2022

With the trading year now over, investors can take a look back at some of the big moves that occurred ...
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GenExDividendInvestor: Which of My Dividend Stocks are Cheap Right Now?

Many traders are looking for the next opportunity. Investors might find the best opportunity is one already in their portfolio ...
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Dividendology: 3 Dividend Stocks Near a 52 Week Low!

Investors often consider dividend stocks for a number of reasons. The first is that a dividend is a cash payment ...
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The Dividend Guy Blog: You’re Losing Money If You Don’t Sell These Stocks

Investing is often thought of as an exercise in finding what to buy. There are many ways to do this, ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Twelve Cash Machines Hiking Dividends Last Week

While the stock market may be off of its lows, and may trend higher going into the end of the ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Simple Investing Principles to Follow

In a challenging year for the market, investors who focus on the fundamentals can come out ahead when things turn ...
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Bigger Pockets Money: Why “Just Keep Buying” is the Smartest, Simplest Way to Get Rich

During the recent bull market phrases like “stocks only go up” became the norm. After a year of stocks largely ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Twelve Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With Raises

Dividend-focused investing tends to filter out considerable market noise from growth stories. Growth stocks are rapidly repricing for a slowing ...
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Dividend Investors: Stay the Course

Nobody knows how long a bear market will last, or how steep it will decline. While there’s an average to ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Why Diversifying Your Portfolio Feels Awful

Diversification is a concept most investors are familiar with. The idea is to own a variety of different assets. More ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Five Companies Rewarding Shareholders With Raises

Corporate America has continued to pay out some of its earnings in the form of dividends in the current market ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Twelve Companies Committed to Returning More Profits to Shareholders

While the markets have had a few strong weeks, the data suggests that may not continue. For most investors, who ...
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Bigger Pockets Money: How to Get to Early Retirement Even Faster

In times of economic uncertainty, those with a financial plan tend to come out ahead. And in a world where ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: How Ronald Read Managed to Accumulate a Dividend Portfolio Worth $8 Million

Over an investment lifetime, there will be many bear markets. But over time, investing in great companies will allow an ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Are Dividend Increases Beating Inflation in 2022?

With asset prices falling, investors are turning away from growth stories and looking for companies with more consistency. For the ...
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Money For Nothing: Covered Calls Primer

Over the long-term, the stock market trends up. Investors can be taken by surprise during those periods when the market ...
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3 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate During a Recession

During a recession, prices of many assets tend to pull back. Sometimes that includes real estate… but sometimes not. Right ...
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Sure Dividend: 4 Consistently High Paying Dividend Stocks With Growth Potential

Market declines are solid opportunities for investors to refocus on great companies with strong fundamentals. Such companies also tend to ...
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Dividend Growth Investor: Nine Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With a Raise

Market selloffs can be a challenging time. Even great companies can get sold off with speculative names. That’s why investors ...
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The Dividend Guy: Ignoring Yield Below 1% Is Your Biggest Investment Mistake

With growth stocks out of favor with the market, many investors are turning to dividend stocks. They tend to be ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Investing in Business Development Companies and other Niche Assets

With interest rates rising, and bond prices falling, investors are looking elsewhere for income and reasonable yields in a period ...
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Bigger Pockets: How to Counter the Biggest Risk of 2022’s Real Estate Cycle

Many homeowners have enjoyed tremendous increases in wealth over the past two years as home prices have soared. But with ...
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Sure Dividend: Will Tesla Ever Pay a Dividend?

As markets get volatile, investors often seek the safety of companies that pay out a dividend. When traders make big ...
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