ClearValue Tax: The Great Melt-Up: National Debt Crisis Will Skyrocket Inflation

The Federal Reserve has shifted to fighting inflation to protecting the job market. While most investors have cheered the news, ...
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Rebel Capitalist: This Economic Bellwether Gives Dire Warning

Investors have a nearly infinite amount of data to look at to determine the strength of the economy. However, some ...
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Game of Trades: The Damage Is Irreparable

Interest rates are starting to trickle down. But it may already be too little, too late for the economy. Since ...
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Tom Bilyeu: “My Biggest Fear Is a Reverse Market Crash”

Many investors expect some kind of market crisis. Interest rates soared to a 15-year high, and have now stayed there ...
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Game of Trades: This is Getting Worse than the 1929 and 2008 Yield Curve Inversions

One heavily-watched economic indicator is the difference between the 2-year U.S. Treasury and the 10-year. Typically, the 10-year offers a ...
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Heresy Financial: Why Fed Rate Cuts Will Trigger a Recession

Interest rates are set to decline coming in mid-September. This comes more than a year after the Federal Reserve last ...
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Game of Trades: This is a Textbook Bear Trap

In just two weeks, the stock market has gone from being overly fearful to closing in once again on all-time ...
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David Lin: “Bigger Main Event” In a Few Weeks Warns Fund Manager Who Called Yen Carry Trade

Is the market selloff over? The massive rush for the exit on the yen carry trade may have hit a ...
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The Pomp Letter: Are We in a Recession and Should You Be Worried?

Markets may have sold off largely from traders exiting the carry trade. But last week’s job data suggested another concern ...
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QTR’s Fringe Finance: George Gammon Explains the Yen Carry Trade Chaos

The market’s slump over the past two weeks has largely been driven by traders exiting the yen carry trade. Simply ...
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Sachs Realty: “Society Is Vulnerable” U.S. Economic Collapse Is Coming

It’s said on Wall Street that stocks climb a wall of worry. That’s been the case in recent months. The ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Waiting for the Coast to Clear on Inflation

Over the past few years, traders and investors have had to exercise patience with the Federal Reserve. As the central ...
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Excess Returns: The Case for a Continued Rally

While markets have pulled back slightly over the past few weeks, that’s a normal summer trend. The market tends to ...
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BiggerPockets: Seeing Greene: Investing with High DTI, When to Refi, & Getting Out of Debt

The real estate market has been largely “stuck” for nearly two years now. High mortgage rates have made homebuying challenging ...
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Rebel Capitalist: Next Phase of the Commercial Real Estate Crash Is Here

Commercial real estate has struggled in recent years. First, retail spaces saw a decline in demand as buying shifted online ...
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The Maverick of Wall Street: Consumer Stocks Are Crashing As Credit Card Delinquencies Hit the Highest Level Since 2008

Consumer spending remains the lion’s share of the U.S. economy. The past few years have seen some big shifts in ...
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David Lin: Roaring 20’s Is Back: S&P to 8,000 Says Economist Who Called Rally

While bear markets tend to last for 18 months on average, bull markets tend to last for years. Both 2020 ...
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The Compound and Friends: Get out of Cash

Markets stand at a pivot point. Growth is slowing. And unemployment has ticked higher. It’s now at 4%, right at ...
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Lead-Lag Report: From Nord Stream to Taiwan: Brandon Weichert on Global Flashpoints

The stock market is having a strong year. So far, the only thing that has derailed the market rally has ...
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The Pomp Letter: The Public Market Pivot

For most of the past 15 years, interest rates have hovered near historic lows. That’s punished savers keeping cash in ...
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QTR’s Fringe Finance: The Bull Market Just Died

There’s an old Wall Street saying: They don’t ring a bell at the top. Bull markets tend to end on ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: America’s Piggie Banks Are Full

While markets hit new all-time highs, investors remain flush with cash. Besides holding cash on the sidelines, homeowners are sitting ...
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Heresy Financial: Why Does the US Borrow and Tax When It Can Print Money?

During the pandemic, the U.S. government printed trillions of dollars. Much of that money went to keep companies operating. Some ...
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FX Evolution: Wall Street’s Biggest Bear Just Gave Up

Markets move in cycles. From their lows, investors start off skeptical. Many miss out on the early part of a ...
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Heresy Financial: How the US Will Inflate its Debt Away (and you can too)

With interest rates at their highest level in 15 years, those who are undertaking new debt today are paying a ...
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Game of Trades: This is the Single Biggest Threat Today

While most investors may focus their investment ideas on the stock market, financial markets are driven by something more fundamental ...
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QTR Fringe Finance: Modern Monetary Theory And Boiling Frogs

Financial markets are still reeling from the recent bout of inflation. That inflation resulted from a number of factors. But ...
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Blockworks Macro: The Bond Market Will Take the Stock Market Down With It (Here’s Why)

While most traders gravitate towards stocks or options on stocks, the bond market tends to drive other asset classes. That’s ...
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Michael Bordenaro: Fast Food Customers Have Had Enough of the High Prices!

For decades, customers have flocked to fast food for its speed and convenience. Fast food companies have leaned into customer ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: How to Lie With Charts

The housing market is starting to shift away from larger homes. Over the past 10 years, the median square footage ...
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Game of Trades: Investors Don’t Know What’s Coming

Monthly inflation has been ticking higher, moving to a 0.4% monthly increase in March. That could be a sign that ...
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Bigger Pockets: Recession Predictions: Why They’re Often Wrong, and Why the Narrative Continues to Switch

The past four years have seen the economy make its steepest correction since the Great Depression. That’s thanks to Covid-related ...
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Game of Trades: I Was Wrong

History is being made. For over a year now, the yield curve on U.S. Treasurys has been inverted. That means ...
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George Gammon: Interview: Hedge Fund Manager Reveals Secrets You’ll Never Hear on CNBC

While the mainstream view is that the economy is faring well, as evidenced by the stock market near all-time highs, ...
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Data Driven Investor: Why the Normalcy Bias is Dangerous for Investors

Sometimes, investors get caught in market changes like a deer in the headlights. We tend to have a great few ...
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FX Evolution: Stocks Might Have Just Made a Big Switch

After hitting all-time highs last week, cracks have started to appear in the stock market. This could be a moment ...
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George Gammon: Did the Next Phase of the Banking Crisis Just Start?

It’s been nearly one year since the economy saw the second, third, and fourth largest bank failures in history. When ...
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The Compound: Three Reasons Stocks Could Have a Good Year in 2024

Markets are trending higher. The S&P 500 Index has started hitting new all-time highs, finally joining the Nasdaq. The Dow ...
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Heresy Financial: The Fed’s Secret, Ongoing Bank Bailout that Just Keeps Growing

Big bank earnings have come in over the past week. And the overall results have been lackluster. Most banks are ...
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BiggerPockets: Why Now is the Time to Buy a House

After peaking near 8 percent in late 2023, mortgage rates have been trending lower in recent months. That’s starting to ...
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Game of Trades: This Time Is NOT Different

In 2022, most economists predicted a recession within the next 12 months later. Some predictions were mild. Others weren’t. Either ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: The Biggest Risk in 2024

What a difference a few months can make! At the end of the autumn, investors were fearful due to rising ...
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Thoughtful Money: ‘Buy Everything!’ Says Wall Street As Fed Signals 3 Rate Cuts Are Coming

The holidays hit the stock market early this year. The December meeting minutes for the Federal Reserve hinted at three ...
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Game of Trades: A Once In a Lifetime Financial Event Is Here

For the past 40 years, interest rates have generally moved in one direction – down. Over the past year and ...
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Heresy Financial: Hedge Funds Have Put the Entire Treasury Market at Risk of Collapse

Investor returns in 2023 have shifted largely due to moves in the U.S. Treasury market. As the 10-year U.S. Treasury ...
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DoubleLine Capital: Jeffrey Gundlach on the End of Secular Norms

For the past 40 years, investors have been able to follow one big trend. That’s because interest rates peaked in ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: The Companies Are Fine

2023 has seen inflation get crushed. That’s thanks to rising interest rates. The Federal Reserve made its most aggressive series ...
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George Gammon: Here’s the Truth About 2024 (No One Is Expecting This)

Investors and analysts are bullish, following the market’s recent rally. However, going into 2024, a number of factors could play ...
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Game of Trades: A Once in a Lifetime Financial Event is Here

Despite being only three years old, the decade of the 2020s is one for the history books. A global pandemic ...
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Joseph Carlson: Everyone Was Wrong About Black Friday

The holiday season is afoot. And despite some concerns about a potential slowdown in spending for the holidays, the numbers ...
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Kitco News: Banking Sector Collapse Coming, Why It Could Happen in March

While the market is moving towards a calm, seasonal trend higher, there are factors in play that could pose a ...
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Heresy Financial: The 2024 Recession is About to Hit Hard

While the market is looking strong going into the end of 2023, events may mean some pain for investors in ...
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Eurodollar University: One of the Worst Bear Markets in History Already Happened

The past four years have been unprecedented for the economy. A global shutdown was attempted to halt the spread of ...
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Game of Trades: It’s Much Worse Than You Think

The economy has held up well, at least according to headline data. GDP growth remains strong, and unemployment is still ...
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Ray Dalio: The Thinking Behind Why Cash Is Now Good (and not Trash)

In early 2020 amid the pandemic meltdown, billionaire investor Ray Dalio famously stated “cash is trash.” Today, the billionaire sees ...
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Game of Trades: This is Unlike Anything We’ve Seen

The three-month U.S. Treasury bill has hit a 5 percent yield. That’s the first time in 16 years that a ...
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Deep Knowledge Investing: Counter-Intuitive Inflation – How Overspending Creates Inflation

Investors have focused on the Federal Reserve and its interest rate hikes over the past 18 months. Higher interest rates ...
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Lead-Lag Report: Understanding the Turbulence of Financial Markets with Gary Shilling

The stock market has struggled in recent weeks. The S&P 500 slid 3 percent last week, and is down over ...
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Bigger Pockets: Cities are Cracking Down on Short-Term Rentals – What Does It Mean for Investors?

For most Americans, their primary asset is their home. An increasing number of Americans also invest in real estate to ...
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Data Driven Investor: Your Pre-Investment Decisions Might Be Behind Your Stock Market Losses Despite Investing in Quality Assets

Investors who focus on buying quality assets, such as industry-leading companies, tend to perform well over the long term. However, ...
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Deep Knowledge Investing: Ready for Un-Disinflation?

The market’s narrative this year has settled on the idea that higher interest rates will wipe out inflation. That’s largely ...
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How Money Works: If Nobody Can Afford a Home… Who’s Going to Buy Them?

Home prices have held up well, even as mortgage rates went from the 3 percent range to over 7 percent ...
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Data Driven Investor: Six Key Learnings From the BlackRock 2023 Midyear Outlook

Investors looking to beat the market have a variety of options. One of the best ways is to find an ...
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George Gammon: It’ll Start Oct 1st… Here’s Why

An increasing number of economists are lowering the chance of a recession in the next year. Instead, they see the ...
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New Money: Ray Dalio: The World’s Greatest Wealth Transfer Has Begun

The world is facing a massive wealth transfer. It stems from decades of government spending, driving up debt costs. Today, ...
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QTR Fringe Finance: 3 Reasons A “Nasty Recession” Will Soon Arrive

While markets sold off in the first part of August, much of the drop was reversed in the second half ...
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The Maverick of Wall Street: The Fed Is Losing Control Over the Bond Market

For years, a small group of investors have warned about the total outstanding debt. It doesn’t matter if it’s government ...
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Deep Knowledge Investing: Higher for Longer – Again

After over a decade of zero or near-zero interest rates, it’s all starting to change. Rates are now over 5 ...
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George Gammon: Why the Yield Curve Inverts Before a Recession (The Real Reason)

In the post-World War II era, inverted Treasury yield curves have always accurately predicted a recession within 12-18 months. Currently, ...
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The Med Faber Show: Stephanie Pomboy on the Corporate Credit Crunch

Interest rates have jumped from 0 percent to over 5.5 percent in under 18 months. That’s leading to borrowing costs ...
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FX Evolution: We Haven’t Seen This Happen to Stocks Since October of 2022!

Markets continue to show some volatility following last week’s downgrade of the U.S. credit rating. Earnings season has helped some, ...
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Bigger Pockets: Institutional Investors are Buying Up Affordable Housing in Droves – Are They on to Something?

The real estate market is on the verge of shutting down. The massive jump in mortgage rates over the past ...
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Minority Mindset: How to Make Millions From CHAOS

The world is constantly changing. Understanding those changes, and when they can occur, can allow astute investors to make big ...
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CME Group: A Bumpy Inflation Ride Ahead

Inflation has come down substantially over the past year. Since peaking at over 9 percent, it’s now down to 3 ...
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Deep Knowledge Investing: Mixed Economic Data – Still More Rate Hikes

Markets appear to be heading towards a “soft landing” after all. That’s better than a recession, as a soft landing ...
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Heresy Financial: The Next 40-Year Economic Cycle has Begun

Markets move in cycles. Some can be rather short, such as market seasonality throughout the course of a year. Others ...
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AIER: The Inverted Yield Curve and the Next US Recession

Investors have largely ignored the inverted yield curve in U.S. Treasuries in the past few months. Typically, the yield curve ...
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QTR’s Fringe Finance: The Market Is A Time Bomb And Other Observations

Stocks went into a bear market in 2022. The size and severity of rising interest rates off of zero percent ...
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Bryan Kuderna: What Is Inflation Still Sticking To?

While inflation has been on the forefront of consumers and investors for the past two years, it’s heading down. The ...
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Joseph Carlson: We’re Now In an Everything Bubble

With markets moving back towards a bull stance, a few bears remain. There have always been a small number of ...
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Longview Economics: Blow Off Top?

While investors have been transfixed on big-cap tech stocks over the past month, they haven’t been the market leader. Transportation ...
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Game of Trades: Stocks Are Going to Continue Doing This For 12 Months

Markets have had a strong runup in the past few weeks. The S&P 500 even managed to move into overbought ...
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FX Evolution: Stocks Always Do This… FOMC The Catalyst?

The Federal Reserve has finally paused its policy of interest rate hikes. However, the central bank came out with a ...
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IBKR Podcasts: What? No Recession?

Investors have expected a recession for nearly a year now. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates since last ...
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Meet Kevin: The Fed U-Turn & Banking Flip

The banking crisis has calmed in recent weeks. And the Federal Reserve has suggested that it’s done raising interest rates ...
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GMO: The Curious Incident of the Elevated Profit Margins

For the past decade, profit margins for U.S. firms have been elevated compared to their historic average. Predictions for a ...
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QTR’s Fringe Finance: Our Economic Arrogance Will Be Our Undoing

Predictions are often wrong. That’s true whether they’re made by laymen, or made by experts armed with prior knowledge. For ...
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Game of Trades: Credit Markets are Flashing the Same Warning Signal For Stocks That We Saw In Late 2021

Investors don’t often pay attention to credit markets. But it’s a space that tends to be more cautious. Consequently, it ...
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American Institute for Economic Research: Bank Term Funding Program Discounts the Discount Window

The banking crisis of 2023 flared up, died down, and flared up again. Is it over yet? Probably not. This ...
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Drezner’s World: The Risks of De-Risking

The U.S. dollar has been the world’s reserve currency since the end of World War II. Most countries have used ...
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Quoth the Raven: The Economy Is a Powder Keg, Boiling Over and Ready to Blow

Since March, five banks have collapsed. Four of them have been in the United States. And they mark the second, ...
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Deep Knowledge Investing: The Reserve Currency Status Is Going to Be a Problem

Although the United States dollar has been the world’s reserve currency since the end of World War II, the trend ...
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Meet Kevin: The Worse, 2nd Wave Massive Economic Correction

The Federal Reserve has now been raising interest rates for over a year to slow down inflation. However, as interest ...
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Blain’s Morning Porridge: Inflation, Rates, Recession or Stagflation – Nothing Is Clear Yet

Markets are in a wait-and-see mode right now. Last week’s CPI data looks good, at least from the headline number ...
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We Study Billionaires: Calling a Super Bubble: The Crisis Is Bigger Than Banks

Markets have moved higher in recent weeks, shaking off some fears from the second and third largest bank failures in ...
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Bigger Pockets: How to Change Your Financial Life with a Money “Reset”

Many investors have the end goal of a comfortable retirement. Perhaps, with the right investments, they can even retire early ...
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Heresy Financial: A Credit Crunch is About to Crush Small Businesses

While the recent fears in the banking sector have waned, we’re not out of the woods yet. A combination of ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Talk Your Book: Startups In a Crisis

Small businesses are in trouble. That’s largely due to rising interest rates. Higher interest rates have made it costlier to ...
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Quoth the Raven: Everyone Is Just Pretending Nothing’s Wrong

Markets have moved sideways in the weeks following the second and third-largest bank collapses in U.S. history. It’s clear that ...
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Schiff Gold: Americans Will Pay for These Bank Bailouts

History may not repeat… but it certainly rhymes. The banking system is in turmoil again, and it’s clear that many ...
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EPB Research: My Final Thoughts on the Coming Recession

Economies go through boom-and-bust cycles. The boom cycle looks more obvious in hindsight. The massive rally in real estate, stocks, ...
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SchiffGold: Here’s why Inflation Is Going to Get Worse

After dropping for most of the past year, inflation numbers finally started to tick higher slightly in January. Given that ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: An Ongoing Stimulus In the Economy For Years to Come

Investors tend to be focused on the prices of assets. It doesn’t matter if it’s stocks, bonds, real estate, cryptocurrencies, ...
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Meet Kevin: The Insane China Problem

There are two views when it comes to China’s economy. The first is that the country’s rapid growth over the ...
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Of Two Minds: The New Normal: Death Spirals and Speculative Frenzies

Most market commentary is focused on either a “hard” landing or a “soft” landing for the economy. Either way, it ...
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Gains, Pains & Capital: Here’s Your Roadmap For the Market’s Next Money Making Move

It’s easy to get caught in the trap of looking at the market based on calendar years. However, market trends ...
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Wealthion: Debt Crisis to Trigger Hard Landing & Painful Recession?

U.S. debt has hit over $30 trillion. While most may shrug off that statistic, the real issue is that the ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: The Psychology of Market Tops & Market Bottoms

During a market decline, the conventional wisdom is to avoid catching a falling knife. But what about when a stock ...
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BiggerPockets: The 2023 Tech Layoffs: What HR Won’t Tell You

There are many signs of a slowing economy. One of the trends that matters most to policy makers like the ...
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The Pomo Letter: How to Resist the Zero Interest Rate Mind Virus

Investors have had life in “easy mode” for some time. That’s thanks largely to ZIRP, or zero interest rate policy ...
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Wall Street Silver: Everything Bubble Ready to Pop?

Market returns over the past year have been driven lower as interest rates have started to move higher. While the ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: 5 Lessons From an Awful Year For Financial Markets

2022 was an unusual year for investors. Most likely felt significant pain, given that both stocks and bonds saw double-digit ...
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Simply Bitcoin: Inflation Has Peaked

Asset valuations have dropped thanks to rising interest rates, which raise the cost of capital. But inflation has also been ...
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Meet Kevin: Morgan Stanley’s HUGE Warning

Every year brings out several predictions about how various assets will perform. Depending on conditions, institutions may gravitate toward a ...
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Lead-Lag Live: Credit Markets & Financials

The Federal Reserve’s moves in 2022 led to the sharpest increase in interest rates in over 40 years. That speed ...
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Wealthion: Neil Howe: The Fourth Turning Has Begun, How Will It Unfold?

Investors who take a long view may often look to trends that typically don’t come up in financial markets. One ...
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The Big Picture: Observations to Start 2023

While a new year may be a time for change, that change only occurs if people are willing to change ...
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Meet Kevin: A New Damning Warning by Michael Burry

A new year tends to bring new predictions, particularly for the stock market and how individual asset classes will perform ...
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Wealthion: “Investors Better Buckle Up” For the Rocky Year Ahead

Since the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates in April, stocks have continued the downward trend that began at the ...
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Lead-Lag Live: Something Is Breaking

A handful of market analysts have warned that the current selloff could get far worse… and quite quickly. That’s because ...
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The Compound: Will Investors Get Rug Pulled in 2023?

With the year closing, investors are looking forward to 2023. Most expect the market to have a better year than ...
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The Big Picture: Powell Should Declare Victory & Go Home

2022 was a tough year. Investors saw both stocks and bonds decline by double digits for the first time in ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: How Often is the Market Down in Consecutive Years?

The stock market is on track for a double-digit decline this year. That’s the 12th time such a move has ...
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The Reformed Broker: Value Creation

Investing is all about creating value. That turns an invested dollar into more than a dollar. How much depends on ...
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Wall Street Silver: The Fed Is Paving a Path of Destruction

The economy has been slow all year, with the first two quarters of 2022 showing a decline. Historically, that’s been ...
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George Gammon: Michael Burry Is Now Predicting Another Huge Crash

Stocks go up and stocks go down. Those who go long stocks have to sit through periodic bear markets. Those ...
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The Reformed Broker: People Hate Inflation, But Unemployment Is Worse

Inflation has been the big theme for markets this year. But with inflation starting to come down, many are looking ...
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Markets Policy Partners: The Fed Is Fighting a Bigger Foe Than Inflation and Risk Investors Should Beware

This year, the stock market has moved around the narrative that the Federal Reserve has had to raise interest rates ...
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Lead-Lag Live: Portfolio Construction Past the Melt-Up

Investors who think for the long-term can get fantastic results. Looking past the market’s daily swings can lead to a ...
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ContrarianEdge: Why Non-Transitory Recession Is Coming and How to Face it as an Investor

Many market participants are looking at the current data showing slowing inflation with a sigh of relief. It appears the ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: No Soft Landing

Markets have been tricky this year amid a rapid rise in interest rates. That’s led to a number of investors ...
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Meet Kevin: Prepare: The Market Will Flip Here

The economy continues to show weakness thanks to a variety of reasons. There’s the ongoing slowdown from rapidly-rising interest rates ...
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ColdFusion: How the 2008 Financial Crisis Still Affects You

While markets are supposed to be forward looking, investors often get caught up making comparisons to the past. There’s also ...
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Lead-Lag Live: The Recession Narrative Changes Again

After two quarters of a declining GDP, the data for the third quarter showed a 2.6 percent annualized gain. That’s ...
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esInvests: Market Bottomed and Headed to Top in 6 Months

While many fear a further market decline, there are several reasons why investors could expect to see a recovery from ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Everyone Is Predicting a Recession But No one is Acting Like It (Yet)

The US saw negative GDP growth in the first two quarters of 2022. Historically, that’s a sign of a recession ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Why Isn’t Inflation Falling?

Inflation continues to wreak havoc on the economy. While the year-over-year numbers have started to show a decline, inflation still ...
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Animal Spirits: A Tough Break

Markets are in a tough spot. That’s because good news has become bad news. The strong job market sounds like ...
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The Financier: This Crash Will Be Much Worse Than Expected

Inflation remains a top concern for the Federal Reserve. Their plan? Raise interest rates to slow the economy, and hence ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Could We See Another Lost Decade in the US Stock Market?

Markets are known as mean-reverting. In English, that simply means that if markets have some great up years that are ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Why Is the US Dollar So Strong? Will It Continue?

The US dollar is trading at its highest level in decades, as measured against other currencies. It’s now stronger than ...
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Daily Profit Cycle: Are Mortgage Rates Headed to 20%?

The housing market has been slammed in the past few months. 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, the industry standard, now yield over ...
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Animal Spirits: Powell Wants You to Lose Your Job

Markets sank following the Fed’s September meeting. While the bank raised interest rates 0.75 percent, in line with expectations, the ...
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Animal Spirits: Is a Recession Bullish?

Every recession is different. But many investors know that buying during a recession can create a lifetime of wealth. Does ...
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Palisades Gold Radio: The Worst Part of the Bear Market Is Dead Ahead

A bear market is a process. Just as stocks don’t rally in a straight line, they also don’t fall in ...
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Animal Spirits: Live From Future Proof

Every recession is different. However, the data shows that recessions tend to bottom out nearly midway through. The problem? Knowing ...
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Bigger Pockets: Crash or Correction: Are We Repeating 2008’s Mistakes?

During any market turmoil, history can provide some guidance. While specific market conditions will vary compared to the past, understanding ...
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Financial Samurai: Understand How Rich Central Bankers Think So You Can Outperform

Currently, we have signs of both a slowing economy and inflation rates starting to come down. So it seems odd ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Animal Spirits: The Super Bubble

Asset prices are based on a number of variables. There are metrics like the price-to-earnings ratio in the stock market ...
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Lead Lag Live: Housing Slowdown or Crash

After nearly two years of strong performance, the housing market is slowing down. That’s being seen across the board, from ...
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Game of Trades: Stock Market Investors Are Not Positioned for What’s About to Happen

Right now, the economic consensus is that things are slowing. And central bankers are raising interest rates into a recession ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Unintended Consequences Impact Everything

In a complex global economy, actions can lead to any number of unexpected reactions. Some of those consequences are known ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Tough Talk From the Fed

For years, investors have followed a rule: Don’t fight the Fed. The central bank of the US determines monetary policy ...
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Bigger Pockets: Is the Global Economy About to Collapse? Inside China’s Real Estate Crisis

It’s been nearly a year since investors were made aware of the potential implosion of Evergrande. The Chinese-based real estate ...
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Game of Trades: This Has Triggered All Great Market Collapses in the Last 30 Years

The S&P 500 has been trending down since late last year. Even with a 20 percent rise off of June’s ...
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Meet Kevin: The Major Stock & Housing Market Reset

Signs show the economy is continuing to slow. We’re coming off of the end of earnings season, and overall, things ...
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Klement on Investing: Consistency Is Overrated

On any given day in the stock market, some areas will perform better than others. That’s true of longer time ...
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WhiteBoard Finance: The Great Deflation Is Happening

Some asset prices have come off their highs considerably. That includes tech stocks that are more than 50 percent off ...
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The Big Picture: The Trouble with Sentiment

While the economy seems to be shaking off a poor start to the year, there’s trouble on the horizon. Sentiment ...
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Lead-Lag Live: The Bear Market Ain’t Over

Markets never move in a straight line. Even the market’s decline in the first half of 2022 was marked by ...
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Meet Kevin: Legendary Stock “Suit” Flips

Calling a market top or bottom remains a challenge. As the old saying goes, “They don’t ring a bell at ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Animal Spirits: Invest in What You Know

In 1947, GDP contracted for two quarters in a row. Yet that wasn’t declared a recession. Why? The economy was ...
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The Big Picture: The Great Resignation Is Long Over

One of the few positives to come out of the economy over the past few years has been in the ...
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Lead-Lag Live: What If the Bear Market Is Over

Bear markets can be tricky. Some last for up to 18 months. Some last for just a few months. Some ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Animal Spirits: Extreme Cost Cutting

A recession can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. As the economy appears to slow, individuals will cut back their discretionary spending ...
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Kitco News: “Red Hot” Housing Market Could Explode

Most of the time, everyday investors don’t see a big change to their lives when the Federal Reserve changes interest ...
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Lead-Lag Live: On the Precipice of a Great Deleveraging

There are many ways to look at the economy. One view is to look at macroeconomics, with big events that ...
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The Big Picture: Signs We’re Past Peak Inflation

Investors looking for a clue that we’re hitting peak inflation were disappointed with the June read. With expectations for 8.8 ...
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The Maverick of Wall Street: The Fed Is Getting Very Very Confused

The Federal Reserve appears to be making some bad decisions right now. As a result of its dazed and confused ...
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Quoth the Raven #290 – Mark Spiegel

Most of the stock market’s extreme valuation and speculative names have been wiped out so far this year. However, there’s ...
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Meet Kevin: This Month Could Be Hell

Economic data continues to show a slowdown in the economy. July will prove a busy month for new information coming ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Animal Spirits: The Pandemic Broke the Economy

With the economy teetering into a recession, most investors haven’t fully realized the severity of the stock market’s recent decline ...
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Wealthion: Robert Kiyosaki: Worst Crash of Our Lifetime Ahead

One of the biggest impacts of inflation isn’t just the loss of purchasing power. Rather, it’s the fact that wages ...
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What Bitcoin Did: Is Hyperinflation Coming?

Right now, investors are worried about inflation. It’s on the rise, with the UK reporting a new high just this ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Animal Spirits: Peak Pessimism

Markets are facing a tough year. Inflation and mortgage rates are spiking. And the economic data out there has yet ...
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Meet Kevin: An Ugly Warning to Everyone

Investors are braced for a recession. That’s partly due to the first quarter GDP numbers, which showed a surprise decline ...
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The Irrelevant Investor: When Do Stocks Bottom?

Bear markets are measured in months, bull markets are measured in years. Over time, that’s a good fact to remember ...
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Lead-Lag Report: This Bear Market Is Different

The word volatility gets thrown around a lot during a market selloff. However, volatility can simply mean how much an ...
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Meet Kevin: DANGER: The Coming Recession is WORSENING

One of the top economic trends being watched this week is inventory levels. Retailer Target (TGT) warned on Tuesday that ...
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Stay-At-Home Macro: We Are Not in a Recession, Nor Is One Imminent

Talk of a recession has ramped up in recent weeks. The first quarter GDP data showing a drop of 1.3 ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: Why Housing Is More Important Than the Stock Market

For years, the concept of a “wealth effect” has been in place. When asset prices rise, investors feel wealthier. And ...
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Collaborative Fund: Endless Uncertainty

The past few months has seen a rise in the concept of uncertainty. Investors may be waiting for clarity on ...
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Money For the Rest of Us: Will Quantitative Tightening Lead To Even Greater Financial Losses?

The Federal Reserve is “taking away the punch bowl” as the latest economic party has long been in full swing ...
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Game of Trades: SP500 Looking Very Familiar to the 2001 Bear Market

Whether the economy is going up or down, it can be helpful to place the current move in a historical ...
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Oblivious Investor: How to Invest with a Looming Recession

For many investors, recessions are a painful lesson in holding the wrong stocks for the wrong amount of time. And ...
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Minority Mindset: What ETFs To Buy ASAP For A Recession

With the markets now starting to price in a potential recession, investors can now start to look for opportunities to ...
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Minority Mindset: The Housing Market Is About to Go INSANE…

It’s no surprise that home prices have been on the rise. For existing homeowners, that’s generally good news. For those ...
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Meet Kevin: WFT *JUST* Happened- Inflation Disaster & CPI Numbers

This month’s inflation data had a little of something for everyone – but just a little. Inflation did drop year-over-year ...
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Minority Mindset: The Fed JUST Said They WANT To Crash the Market

The resumed selloff in the stock market has caused indices to retest their February lows. Many stocks have fallen further ...
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The Irrelevant Investor: New Lows

The stock market’s renewed decline in recent weeks has sent stocks to 52-week lows on average. For some companies, the ...
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Game of Trades: Investors are About to Get Sucked Into the WORST SP500 Move in History

The market is throwing off a number of recessionary signals. Spiking oil prices. An increasingly hawkish Federal Reserve. And many ...
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Dividend Café: Something to Be Certain About

These are difficult times. That’s something that can often be heard when the stock market isn’t trading near its all-time ...
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The Breakdown, With NLW: Economists See Increasing Risk of Recession and Stagflation

The past few weeks have seen a rising number of economists and analysts who see a rising risk of a ...
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The Plain Bagel: What Rising Rates ACTUALLY Mean For Your Investments

With interest rates meaningfully off their lows and the Federal Reserve set to continue increasing interest rates this year, there’s ...
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Noah Kagan: Asking 80 Year old Millionaires If It Was Worth It

Investing is a journey with a few goals in mind. For most, that may mean the ability to retire, potentially ...
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Of Dollars and Data: The Yield Curve Just Inverted… Now What?

Investors are aware of the macroeconomic implications of the yield curve inverting. But they need more than that. They need ...
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A Wealth of Common Sense: The Predictive Power of the Yield Curve

With the yield curve inverting in recent weeks, investors should feel duly warned. This indicator has a stellar record of ...
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The Big Picture: Sources of SPX Earnings Growth

While the market can be volatile on a daily basis, stocks tend to go up or down over time as ...
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Meet Kevin: A Warning for Stocks

The stock market has retraced part of its losses over the past few months. But when hitting a key technical ...
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Ray Dalio: Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio believes that the future ahead will be vastly different than what we have experienced in our ...
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Wall Street Silver Official Podcast: Energy Crisis Leading to Food Shortage This Year

Traders have largely been focused on precious metals, energy, and commodities like wheat in the past month, as Russia’s invasion ...
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Game of Trades: This is Exactly Like the 1929 Yield Curve Inversion

The 10-year Treasury yield curve has inverted relative to the 2-year yield. In other words, investors can get a higher ...
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The Compound and Friends: Pulling Out

In the latest Compound and Friends podcast, the roundtable discusses a number of macroeconomic issues. The biggest issues pertain to ...
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Invest Like the Best: Marko Papic – a Multi-Polar World

Marko Papic, partner and chief strategist at Clocktower Group, leads the firm’s research on macroeconomics and markets. Marko has spent ...
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News Could Indicate the Yield Curve Inversion Isn’t Important

Among traders, the magazine cover indicator is legendary. The indicator holds that when a major market story hits the covers ...
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Investing in Your Home Might Be Profitable

Home ownership can be a surprisingly controversial topic among investment experts. The question of whether or not a home is ...
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More Big News From the Bond Market That Investors Must Be Aware Of

Many investors are familiar with the news that the yield curve inverted. The yield curve defines the relationship between Treasury ...
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The Fed Might Have Triggered a Bear Market

Last week’s news from the Federal Reserve was significant. After a two day meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee announced ...
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Business Execs Are Increasingly Worried About Recession

Every quarter, executives of large companies share their outlook with analysts in conference calls after earnings are announced. In these ...
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This Could Be the Time to Buy a Home

If you are renting and considering buying a home, now could be the time to make the move based on ...
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How the Fed Affects Individual Investors

It was just a few months ago when the financial community was certain the Federal Reserve would continue raising interest ...
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Retail Sales Raise Flags for Investors

Many investors and analysts closely watch economic data. The most recent data on retail sales caused many to question the ...
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Now Is the Time to Prepare for the Fed’s Next Move

Traders are pricing in a dramatic shift in Federal Reserve policy. Market expectations of Fed policy can be easily determined ...
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What’s the Fed Put and Does It Mean the Stock Market Will Rally?

Traders and analysts are once again wondering if the Federal Reserve will provide the “Fed put” that can potentially limit ...
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Now Could Be the Time for Gold

The headlines are a cause for concern. This is honestly true at any news site. It can be market news, ...
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Time To Look At This Sector Again

After the most recent meeting of the Federal Reserve, traders started reviewing their assumptions about rate hikes. Within days, futures ...
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Uncertainty Is High, and That Could Affect Your Investments

It’s often said that stock market investors dislike uncertainty. When conditions are uncertain, that can lead to a bear market ...
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This Economic Trend Could Be the Most Important One For Investors to Follow

Investors need to follow economic trends because the stock market tends to move in the same direction in the long ...
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Stocks After Government Shutdowns: What History Says

At least for now, the government shutdown is ending. It has been weeks since parts of the government shutdown and ...
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What Investors Should Know About Brexit

It’s earnings season in the United States and that will drive many headlines in the coming weeks. In addition to ...
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Forecasts Continue to Deteriorate

As some investors anticipate the end of the stock market decline, others remain worried and some of their concerns are ...
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This Scary Chart Could Actually Guide Traders Through This Market

Some charts are interesting but, at first glance, they seem like nothing but an interesting coincidence. Among the more popular ...
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Bearish Sentiment Could Mean More Gains for Gold

One of the indicators many analysts consider in their market outlook is sentiment. This is usually applied as a contrary ...
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