Personal finance

Bigger Pockets: How to Plan for (and CRUSH) Your 2023 Goals

The end of one year and the start of a new one is a crucial time for investors to think about setting goals. It’s also a good time to review the prior year’s goals. That allows someone to determine what worked out, what didn’t, and how things could have been different.

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  • For those ready to start setting goals, there are a few different strategies. And it may be more important to set goals and break down how to move towards them then actually achieving them.

    Ultimately, the purpose of setting goals is to decide what you want your life to look like. While setting goals may be simple, that doesn’t make it easy.

    Especially when thinking about the steps required to achieve those goals and how to break down big goals into manageable chunks.

    Knowing the difference between big goals, medium goals, and small goals can be crucial. And so can the concept of pivoting. When working towards a goal, new information many lead to a necessary shift.

    Part of the process is to review prior goals. Those goals may have been specific – like doubling an investment account – or general, like beating the market.

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  • Overall, setting goals that are aggressive but achievable may work best. And picking the right goals can be even harder than hitting them. But it’s a valuable exercise to set a yardstick for financial or personal achievement in the year ahead.


    To listen to the full podcast, click here.


  • Special: Every Time the Government Releases Jobs Data... Make This Trade the Night Before!