Stock Picks

Gold’s Pullback Could Show It’s Time to Buy

Investors know that price trends are interrupted by countertrend moves. In other words, prices move neither straight up nor straight down. Up moves will include down moves and vice versa. This is true in all time frames whether investors focus on the long term or short term.

Barron’s recently highlighted the bullish trend that appears to be developing in gold and reminded investors of the risks as they consider buying the metal. The weekly chart of SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD) is shown below.

GLD weekly chart

In the article, Barron’s noted, “Gold prices have pulled back from a 10-month high in recent sessions, leaving investors wondering why the many geopolitical and economic issues plaguing the market haven’t been able to fully support the metal’s haven appeal.

Gold notched that multi-month peak just over a week ago on the back of uncertainty linked to Brexit, the U.S.-China trade dispute, and global economic growth. But prices on Wednesday were in jeopardy of suffering a loss for the month on the heels of four monthly gains—the longest upward streak since 2016.

“Prices have run up to the top end of the trading range they have held for the past five years,” says Rob Haworth, senior investment strategist at U.S. Bank Wealth Management, pegging the “top end” at $1,350 to $1,400.

“Without further easing in financial conditions, ramping inflation or stock market volatility, gold prices are likely to struggle at the top end of this five-year trading range,” he says.

Gold still faces supply challenges and any uptick in demand would tighten inventories.

The gold-mining sector has seen a spate of merger and acquisition activity, most recently with Barrick Gold ’s (Canada.TSX: ABX) unsolicited proposal to buy Newmont Mining (NYSE: NEM) in a deal that values Newmont at nearly $18 billion.

“The M&A activity is reflective of the increasing difficulty [in] finding and mining gold reserves,” says Will Rhind, chief executive officer at exchange-traded fund issuer GraniteShares.

“The consolidation of the gold-mining sector…highlights existing gold supply difficulties and shortages, which is supportive of gold prices,” he says.

On the demand side, central banks have been on a gold buying spree, lifting 2018 net purchases of the metal to 651.5 metric tons—their highest in more than 50 years, as geopolitical uncertainty and economic worries prompted national banks to diversify their reserves, according to the World Gold Council.

“Central bank choices about composition of their reserves send important signals to financial markets about relative safety of currency alternatives,” says Trey Reik from Sprott, which manages the Sprott Physical Gold Trust (PHYS). “Whenever gold allocations are on the rise, central bank authority is augmenting the [money-like qualities] of gold.”

Carlos Artigas, WGC director of investment research, says that on an annual basis, central banks have been net buyers of gold since 2010. A recent WGC survey also revealed that almost a fifth of central banks signaled their intention to raise gold purchases over the next 12 months.

“Central bank buying is quite bullish as they are massive institutional players…and even a small allocation to gold can be quite significant in terms of additional physical demand,” says Mark O’Byrne, research director at precious metal brokerage GoldCore.

“Official sector gold buying does not imply necessarily that [central banks] are bullish on gold, per se….It likely means that they are concerned regarding the outlook for the dollar and are reducing and hedging exposures in this regard.”

“Trillion-dollar deficits in the U.S. under [President Donald] Trump and growing fiscal imprudence will be making central banks with large dollar reserves increasingly nervous about the outlook for the dollar,” says O’Byrne.

“A $22 trillion national debt and the lack of any will to rein in massive spending is making America’s creditors nervous and…the ‘risk free’ status of U.S. Treasuries will come into question.” That may lead to higher demand for haven gold.

“Given the scale of the risks,” O’Byrne believes gold is “more than likely” to climb to a record high of $2,000 within the next 24 months.

The longer term chart of gold (GLD) is shown next. At $2,000 an ounce, this ETF would be expected to trade at $200.

GLD monthly chart

That is a significant potential gain and the chart shows the potential rewards could outweigh the risks of the trade.

GLD has traded in a narrow range for some time. The downside risk is, under technical analysis, the lows of the range or about $100 a share. The upside is about three times larger than the downside which makes buying gold favorable from a risk and reward perspective.

Gold Miners Could Be A Better Trade

It’s possible to directly trade gold. This can be done with coins, ETFs or futures. Coins are collectibles and can have tax consequences that are different than investments in stocks. Of course, popular ETFs that back their shares with physical holdings of precious metals face taxes at the higher rate for collectibles.

Futures carry their own tax consequences and risks and many individual investors avoid these markets.

It is important to consult your tax adviser to learn how this could affect you.

Publicly- traded stocks of gold miners offer an indirect way to invest in gold. Mining companies are taxed at the same rate as stocks which can be lower than the rate for gains in GLD or other ETFs.

In addition to offering tax benefits, gold miners also offer the benefit of leverage. An example might be the best way to explain the leverage miners offer.

Let’s assume it costs a miner about $800 an ounce to produce gold and they mine 1 million ounces a year. If gold is at $1,000 an ounce, the company should generate a profit of about $200 an ounce or $200 million.

This is a simplified example so we will assume the company has no other costs and no additional revenue.

If the price of gold increase by 30%, to $1,300 an ounce, assuming the costs of production stayed the same, the miner’s profits would increase to $500 an ounce or $500 million for the company, an increase of 150%.

The miner is leveraged, in this example, 5 to 1, and benefits immensely from higher gold prices. Even smaller gains in the price of gold have a large impact on earnings. A 1% increase in gold prices (to $1,010 an ounce) results in a 5% jump in the earnings of this hypothetical mining company.

Remember, leverage can help increase investment returns on the upside but can cause significant losses on the downside.

A 1% decline in the price of gold could result in a 5% drop in earnings for this gold miner and we would expect the stock price to reflect the diminished earnings potential of the company. A 20% decline in gold would push the miner from a profit to a loss.

This leverage makes gold miners an excellent way to invest in gold. Buying miners while uncertainty is high could lead to gains in the short run and in the long term.


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.





How the Fed Affects Individual Investors

It was just a few months ago when the financial community was certain the Federal Reserve would continue raising interest rates. But, in a speech earlier this year, the Vice Chair of the Fed noted,

“The U.S. economy enters 2019 after a year of strong growth, with inflation near our 2 percent objective, and with the unemployment rate near 50-year lows.

That said, growth and growth prospects in other economies around the world have moderated somewhat in recent months, and overall financial conditions have tightened materially. These recent developments in the global economy and financial markets represent crosswinds to the U.S. economy.

If these crosswinds are sustained, appropriate forward‑looking monetary policy should seek to offset them to keep the economy as close as possible to our dual-mandate objectives of maximum employment and price stability. As we have long said, monetary policy is not on a preset course.”

Federal Reserve

Source: Federal Reserve

Clarida’s comments indicated the Fed is not determined to raise rates and could cut them when the data dictates. Traders are now incorporating this view into market prices as the chart below shows.

expected action of the fed

Source: CME

This is a chart of expected action by the Fed. In October a majority of traders believed the Fed would raise rates at their march meeting. Now, there is almost complete agreement rates will remain unchanged at that meeting.

This is all important to the economy and the market. It is also important to individual investors.

How Monetary Policy Affects Investors

According to economists working with the San Francisco branch of the Federal Reserve “the point of implementing policy through raising or lowering interest rates is to affect people’s and firms’ demand for goods and services.

For the most part, the demand for goods and services is not related to the market interest rates quoted in the financial pages of newspapers, known as nominal rates. Instead, it is related to real interest rates—that is, nominal interest rates minus the expected rate of inflation.”

This measure is shown in the next chart.

effective federal funds

Source: Federal Reserve

The recent move into positive territory could be a concern for the Fed. This interest rate affects individuals, because, as the Fed explains,

“For example, a borrower is likely to feel a lot happier about a car loan at 8% when the inflation rate is close to 10% (as it was in the late 1970s) than when the inflation rate is close to 2% (as it was in the late 1990s).

In the first case, the real (or inflation-adjusted) value of the money that the borrower would pay back would actually be lower than the real value of the money when it was borrowed. Borrowers, of course, would love this situation, while lenders would be disinclined to make any loans.”

But the Fed doesn’t directly set the rate for car loans,

“Remember, the Fed operates only in the market for bank reserves. Because it is the sole supplier of reserves, it can set the nominal funds rate.

The Fed can’t set real interest rates directly because it can’t set inflation expectations directly, even though expected inflation is closely tied to what the Fed is expected to do in the future.

Also, in general, the Fed has stayed out of the business of setting nominal rates for longer-term instruments and instead allows financial markets to determine longer-term interest rates.

Long-term interest rates reflect, in part, what people in financial markets expect the Fed to do in the future.

For instance, if they think the Fed isn’t focused on containing inflation, they’ll be concerned that inflation might move up over the next few years. So they’ll add a risk premium to long-term rates, which will make them higher.

In other words, the markets’ expectations about monetary policy tomorrow have a substantial impact on long-term interest rates today. Researchers have pointed out that the Fed could inform markets about future values of the funds rate in a number of ways.

For example, the Fed could follow a policy of moving gradually once it starts changing interest rates. Or, the Fed could issue statements about what kinds of developments the FOMC is likely to focus on in the foreseeable future; the Fed even could make more explicit statements about the future stance of policy.

Changes in real interest rates affect the public’s demand for goods and services mainly by altering borrowing costs, the availability of bank loans, the wealth of households, and foreign exchange rates.

  • For example, a decrease in real interest rates lowers the cost of borrowing; that leads businesses to increase investment spending, and it leads households to buy durable goods, such as autos and new homes.

  • In addition, lower real rates and a healthy economy may increase banks’ willingness to lend to businesses and households. This may increase spending, especially by smaller borrowers who have few sources of credit other than banks.

  • Lower real rates also make common stocks and other such investments more attractive than bonds and other debt instruments; as a result, common stock prices tend to rise. Households with stocks in their portfolios find that the value of their holdings is higher, and this increase in wealth makes them willing to spend more. Higher stock prices also make it more attractive for businesses to invest in plant and equipment by issuing stock.

In the short run, lower real interest rates in the U.S. also tend to reduce the foreign exchange value of the dollar, which lowers the prices of the U.S.-produced goods we sell abroad and raises the prices we pay for foreign-produced goods. This leads to higher aggregate spending on goods and services produced in the U.S.

The increase in aggregate demand for the economy’s output through these different channels leads firms to raise production and employment, which in turn increases business spending on capital goods even further by making greater demands on existing factory capacity. It also boosts consumption further because of the income gains that result from the higher level of economic output.”

These may sound indirect but as notes, “When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, you feel it.

“The Federal Reserve has its fingers in your pocketbook to a greater degree than the IRS,” says Michael Reese, a certified financial planner.”



Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.



Stock Picks

Four Warren Buffett Stocks Trading Under $10

Like many investors, we spend a great deal of time studying Warren Buffett. In our research, we concluded that there are several steps to finding Buffett-style stocks:

  • Find strong management teams by focusing on companies with higher than average return on equity (ROE).
  • Find companies that show growth in earnings and sales to benefit from the expected growth.
  • Ensure the company has an adequate return on assets (ROA).
  • Ensure valuation is reasonable using metrics like the price to earnings (P/E) ratio or the price top cash flow (P/CF) ratio.

There are other ways to search for Buffett stocks. This is just one possibility and we used the free screening tool at the FinViz web site and applied the setting shown below.

FINVIZ screener


As we noted, our screen serves as a reasonable starting point for additional research. One avenue for research is in stocks Buffett cannot buy. These include smaller companies and in our screen we found companies that have market caps of less than $10 billion.

He runs a big company, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A), with a market cap of almost $500 billion Berkshire owns more than $100 billion worth of publicly traded stocks and has billions in cash on its balance sheet.

Buffett considers himself to be an elephant hunter. He is forced to focus on large cap stocks because his portfolio and company are so large.

Let’s imagine Buffett discovered a small cap stock he likes, and he invests $5 million in the company. Once he reported his ownership through Securities and Exchange Commission filings, it would be difficult to get out of the stock.

Some buyers would rush in to follow in his footsteps, decreasing the liquidity of the stock since they would be investors planning to hold for the long term. Without liquidity, Buffett would move the market against his position when he tried to exit, costing him money and taking time away from more promising investments.

Ignoring the mechanics of trading small cap stocks, Buffett faces another problem. These investments simply won’t matter to his performance.

Let’s assume the stock doubles in value and Buffett makes $5 million on his investment. This would amount to less than 0.001% of the amount of capital he manages. The gain would increase the value of his portfolio by a trivial amount. He would need to find hundreds of these investments to add 10% to the value of his stock market portfolio.

Given the small impact small investments would have on his wealth, Buffett is likely to ignore small investments.

As individual investors, we do not have this problem. A small investment can have a large impact on our personal wealth and we can invest in the smallest companies in pursuit of wealth.

To take advantage of this flexibility, we added filters to our screen to hunt for low priced stocks and we found four.

Laredo Petroleum, Inc. (NYSE: LPI) is an independent energy company. The company is focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of oil and natural gas properties, and the transportation of oil and natural gas from such properties primarily in the Permian Basin in West Texas.

Recent filings indicate LPI had assembled 127,847 net acres in the Permian Basin and had total proved reserves, presented on a three-stream basis, of 167,100 thousand of barrels of oil equivalent (MBOE).

The stock is in a persistent down trend but could be bottoming.

LPI daily chart

SRC Energy Inc (NYSE: SRCI) is also an independent oil and natural gas company. The company is engaged in the acquisition, development and production of crude oil and natural gas in and around the Denver-Julesburg Basin (D-J Basin) of Colorado.

The D-J Basin generally extends from the Denver metropolitan area throughout northeast Colorado into Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas. The D-J Basin contains hydrocarbon-bearing deposits in various formations, including the Niobrara, Codell, Greenhorn, Shannon, Sussex, J-Sand and D-Sand.

Filings indicate the company was the operator of 324 gross (288 net) producing wells and participated as non-operators in 307 gross (65 net) producing wells.

This stock could also be bottoming.

SRCI daily chart

Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (Nasdaq: SVA) is a biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of vaccines that protect against human infectious diseases, including hepatitis A, hepatitis B, seasonal influenza, Haemagglutinase5 Neuraminidase1 (H5N1) and Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic influenza and mumps.

The company’s pipeline consists of vaccine candidates in the clinical and pre-clinical development Phases in China. SVA is engaged in the sales, marketing, manufacturing and development of vaccines for infectious disease.

Sinovac develops various products, including Healive, Bilive, Anflu, Panflu Whole Viron Pandemic Influenza Vaccine, Split Viron Pandemic Influenza Vaccine, Panflu.1, RabEnd, Mumps Vaccine, Enterovirus 71 (EV71) Vaccine, Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine, Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, Rubella Vaccine, Varicella Vaccine and Sabin Inactivated Polio Vaccine.

SVA can be a volatile stock.

SVA daily chart

180 Degree Capital Corp., (Nasdaq: TURN) is a non-diversified management investment company operating as a business development company. The company’s investment objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation by making venture capital investments.

TURN specializes in making investments in companies commercializing and integrating products enabled by disruptive technologies mainly in the life sciences industry. The company provides operational and management resources, and financial solutions to such companies.

Its investment portfolio includes publicly traded and privately held companies and its investments are focused on transformative companies in precision health and medicine

This stock is also volatile.

TURN weekly chart

These are just the companies that made it through our initial, quantitative screen as ideas that are worth additional research. Any one of these stocks could be considered a buy in the current stock market but all have risk and there is no guarantee any of them can deliver Buffett-like returns.

However, it could be useful to think like Buffett and to focus on aspects of a company’s valuation that Buffett has written about. These include the importance of cash flow since a company needs cash flow in order to reinvest in its operations and growth. Focusing solely on the P/E ratio as some investors do could miss companies like the ones we identified above.


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.


Cryptos Continue to Show Signs of a Rebound

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are on short term winning streaks. Bitcoin is up more than 20% from its December lows.

Bitcoin daily chart

The gain comes as news about cryptos indicate more widespread acceptance of the currencies and the technology is possible.

Infrastructure Changes Improve the Market

Last week, according to MarketWatch, the ethereum network completed its latest software upgrade, known as Constantinople. The upgrade is intended to speed up processing times to address scalability issues — the ability of a blockchain to process transactions faster and more efficiently.

Ethereum is more volatile than bitcoin and is up more than 30% from the lows reached at the end of 2018.

Bitcoin daily chart

Analysts at BitOoda, a digital asset advisory firm, attributed the recent rally in Ether to the growing optimism around the upgrade, but warned investors, the euphoric rally may have come to an end.

“This event driven trade is now over, and in our eyes, it is difficult to come up with any reasonable thesis to have conviction for ETH to trade higher or lower,” wrote Tim Kelly, founder and CEO of BitOoda. “We would be of the opinion to close out of this trade, sit tight, and wait for the next trade opportunity patiently.”

Social Media Companies Boost the Market

Also last week, The New York Times reported that Facebook Inc. and other internet companies are planning to launch their own digital currency within the next year. Citing four people brief on the matter, the Times said Facebook had held conversations with exchanges about listing its coin.

Other companies pursing a potential digital currency are Signal and Telegram, the Times said.

“Truth is, this isn’t that much of a revelation as some are making of it,” wrote Mati Greenspan, senior market analyst at eToro. “The Times tells us that existing messaging platforms with a large user base have a much easier way of implementing new payment systems than those that need to start from scratch.”

According to The Times, “Some of the world’s biggest internet messaging companies are hoping to succeed where cryptocurrency start-ups have failed by introducing mainstream consumers to the alternative world of digital coins.

The internet outfits, including Facebook, Telegram and Signal, are planning to roll out new cryptocurrencies over the next year that are meant to allow users to send money to contacts on their messaging systems, like a Venmo or PayPal that can move across international borders.

The most anticipated but secretive project is underway at Facebook. The company is working on a coin that users of WhatsApp, which Facebook owns, could send to friends and family instantly, said five people briefed on the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of confidentiality agreements.

The Facebook project is far enough along that the social networking giant has held conversations with cryptocurrency exchanges about selling the Facebook coin to consumers, said four people briefed on the negotiations.”

This news is likely to have had just a small impact on shares of Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) but the stock is improving.

FB daily chart

Banks Also Boost the Crypto Market

This news follows last month’s announcement that big banks are also looking at cryptos. Then, The Times noted,

“In 2017, Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase’s chief executive, declared Bitcoin a “fraud” and said that any employee caught trading it would be fired for being “stupid.”

On Thursday, JPMorgan became the first major United States bank to introduce its own digital token for real-world use, the latest step in Wall Street’s evolving approach to the blockchain technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether.

Despite questioning Bitcoin’s legitimacy, Mr. Dimon has said he recognizes blockchain’s potential in the future of the global financial system. And JPMorgan has already released a blockchain platform, Quorum, that several institutions are using to keep track of financial data.

With the announcement of its coin, JPMorgan is widening its experiment and moving to make the idea of digital currencies more palatable to its typically risk-averse corporate customers.

“Clients engaged us, saying they need a way to move money onto the blockchain,” Umar Farooq, who leads JPMorgan’s blockchain efforts, said in a telephone interview.

The bank’s token is unlikely to shake up the financial system anytime soon. Because it will be run by JPMorgan, it lacks the fundamental qualities that have made cryptocurrencies so radical: the freedom from middlemen and from regulatory oversight.

JPMorgan will control the JPM Coin ledger, and each coin will be backed by a dollar in JPMorgan accounts, giving the coins a stable value. That means JPM Coin will not be subject to the wild price volatility that has drawn speculators to other cryptocurrencies.

The bank is following in the footsteps of several smaller players that have introduced similar digital coins tied to the dollar. A consortium of European banks has been finalizing a similar product, Utility Settlement Coin, that would make it possible to move money between banks more quickly. Several cryptocurrency exchanges already have their own so-called stablecoins.

JPMorgan’s version will be less useful than other similar products because it will not be possible to move it outside the firm’s own systems, at least initially. What’s more, it is still just being tested and is not available to clients yet.

JPMorgan’s offering would be useful for big clients, but not for the smaller speculators who have typically taken an interest in cryptocurrencies.

“This is designed specifically for institutional use cases on blockchain,” an analyst said. “It’s not created to be for public investment.”

Overall, this news all indicates that cryptos could be moving towards more acceptance and that should boost the value of the currencies.

The crisis in Venezuela also boosts the currency. The New York Times recently reported,

“The local market for Bitcoins broke a record on April 17, reaching $1 million worth on that day alone, Bloomberg reported. Venezuela has been ranking second worldwide in volume of activity on, after Russia.

According to Coin Dance, a website that monitors cryptocurrency transactions, during the week ending on Feb. 16, people in Venezuela traded about $6.9 million on, compared with about $13.8 million in Russia.

That’s saying something for a country in its fifth year of a recession, whose economy contracted by some 18 percent in 2018.”

Whether it’s a crisis hedge or a means of commerce, bitcoin could be worth another look.


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.

Stock market

Amazon Could Be the Next Walmart

Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) has been a great stock market performer and great performance often leads to skepticism. Investors become concerned that the growth cannot continue. That can be a healthy attitude for investors to maintain. Not all companies can continue to grow rapidly even after delivering growth.

These concerns could be overblown in the case of Amazon. The company’s operating profits are shown below and the trend appears to be moving in the right direction.

Amazon's profits

Source: Mauldin Economics

Of course, this chart shows past growth. To continue growing in the future, Amazon could benefit from new ideas. Recent reports indicate that Amazon could be following in Walmart’s historic footsteps.

Analysts note that Walmart “grew from one retail store in Arkansas in 1962, founded by Sam Walton, to the largest food retailer in the U.S. for 2010 with an estimated $188.3 billion in total food/consumable sales.

In 1987 Wal-Mart opened larger Hypermart USA stores which combined a grocery store, a merchandise market and other services such as restaurants and video rental stores.

Sales volume averaged $1 million per week at the Hypermart stores compared with $200,000 for the regular stores.

The store spread across the country like wildfire. But its first full-stocked grocery didn’t open until 1988. The first Wal-Mart Supercenters opened in 1988 which combined the discount outlets and grocery stores. Hundreds of supercenters were opened during the 1990s.”

The Next Move For Amazon

Now, according to The Wall Street Journal, “ Inc. is planning to open dozens of grocery stores in several major U.S. cities, according to people familiar with the matter, as the retail giant looks to broaden its reach in the food business.

The company plans to open its first grocery store in Los Angeles as early as the end of the year, one person said. Amazon has already signed leases for at least two other grocery locations with openings planned for early next year, this person said.

The new stores would be distinct from the company’s upscale Whole Foods Market brand, though it is unclear whether the new grocery chain would carry the Amazon name.

Amazon is also exploring an acquisition strategy to widen the new supermarket brand by purchasing regional grocery chains with about a dozen stores under operation, one person said.

Amazon is now in talks to open grocery stores in shopping centers in San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, the people familiar with the matter said.

While Amazon has already signed leases, that doesn’t guarantee it will open the grocery stores. Retailers sign contracts and then pull out or delay store openings if certain conditions aren’t met.

The new stores aren’t intended to compete directly with Whole Foods and will offer products at a lower price point, these people said. The new chain would offer a different variety of products than what is on the shelves at the more upscale Whole Foods stores.

Whole Foods doesn’t sell products with artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and sweeteners, among other quality standards. Suppliers with big brands have hoped that Amazon’s 2017 purchase of Whole Foods would give them new inroads into the high-end chain.

Whole Foods has gradually expanded the big brands it carries—such as Honey-Nut Cheerios and Michelob beer—but the grocer’s quality standards haven’t changed. A conventional grocer can carry a much larger assortment of items.

Amazon is also increasingly focused on physical retail. It has had mixed results with its food-delivery business, and the company wants to better understand how it can cater to grocery shoppers, according to people briefed on the company’s strategy.

Supermarket operators Walmart Inc., Kroger Co. and others are also trying to find ways to offer delivery and pick-up to customers in a more cost-efficient manner.

Amazon has been targeting new developments and occupied stores with leases ending soon. It could also look at a portion of a vacated Kmart, for instance, a person familiar with the matter said. Stores in the new grocery brand could be in strip centers as well as open-air shopping centers, the people said.

They will be about 35,000 square feet, smaller than the 60,000 square feet for a typical supermarket, they said.”

The Competition Reacts

After The Wall Street Journal reported news of Amazon’s plans, the stocks of other supermarket operators fell, according to Barron’s. Kroger dropping 3.6% on the day, Walmart down 1% and Sprouts Farmers Markets Inc. losing 1.1%. Amazon rose 1.4%.

Amazon’s new grocery brand also comes as the retailer rolls out its cashierless Amazon Go stores in urban areas across the U.S. The company has 10 Amazon Go stores in Seattle, Chicago and San Francisco, according to the Amazon website.

A look at Walmart could be instructive for investors. The company now has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries. The stock has been a great performer. Since shares began trading in 1972, the stock has gained more than 268,000%.

WMT quarterly chart

The stock has delivered a gain more than 2,000% since it opened its 1,000th store in the 1980s. By that time, the company’s success seemed to be assured and the stock carried much less risk than it did in 1972.

This could be the point that Amazon is at. The stock has gained more than 150,000% since it began trading in 1997.

AMZN quarterly chart

Yet it offers the potential to become a ten bagger from its current level.

A tenbagger, according to Investopedia, is an investment that appreciates to 10 times its initial purchase price. The term “tenbagger” was coined by legendary fund manager Peter Lynch in his book “One Up On Wall Street.”

While tenbagger can describe any investment that appreciates or has the potential to increase ten-fold, it is usually used to describe stocks with explosive growth prospects.

Lynch coined the term because he is an avid baseball fan, and “bag” is a colloquial term for base; thus “tenbagger” represents two home runs and a double, or the stock equivalent of a hugely successful baseball play.

Amazon’s expansion into new businesses carries the potential to increase earnings and that could lead to even more stock gains, even after the big gains of the past.


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.

Stock market

How to Trade the Change From FAANG To FAANGUP

The FAANG stocks are the market leaders, a group of tech stocks consisting of Facebook (Nasdaq: FB), Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN), Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) and Alphabet (Nasdaq: GOOGL), the parent company of Google.

The chart of an index consisting of those stocks is shown below.

FANG weekly chart

Their leadership is visible in the chart. The index gained more than 230% from the lows in early 2016 to their peak last year. But there could be a change coming to that group as some other leading tech stocks come to market.

Pinterest Could Be the First

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that “Pinterest Inc. has confidentially filed paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission for an initial public offering that is expected to value the company, which operates a platform for online image searches, at $12 billion or more as it joins a parade of hot tech startups planning share debuts in 2019.

Pinterest logo

The filing is the latest example of a rush to the public markets by highly valued technology companies including ride-hailing service providers Lyft Inc. and Uber Technologies Inc., which have both also filed confidentially for listings.

Such companies had for years shied away from public markets—a luxury afforded them by a surfeit of private capital—but in recent months the tide has turned.

The shift appears to derive from the outsize gains new tech stocks have enjoyed of late. As of this week, shares of U.S.-listed technology and internet companies that went public in 2018 are up about 33% on average, according to Dealogic.

That is far ahead of the major indexes and the performance of all 2018 U.S. IPOs, which are up 11%.

Bankers and others predict that 2019 could be the busiest year ever for IPOs by the amount of money raised. The current high-water mark is 1999, near the height of the dot-com bubble, when companies raised $107.9 billion going public in the U.S., according to Dealogic.

Last year’s total was barely half that, at $60.8 billion, up from $49.4 billion in 2017.”

Even before Pinterest, traders could have a chance to own Lyft, which filed confidentially for its IPO late last year. The company may make the submission public next week and begin trading on Nasdaq by the end of March according to reporting in The Wall Street Journal.

Uber also filed confidentially at the same time late last year, while workplace-messaging provider Slack Technologies Inc. has since submitted paperwork for a so-called direct listing.

The Journal noted “Many of the largest companies are wedded to going public in 2019, regardless of market conditions. In some cases, like with Uber, they have told investors they wouldn’t raise any additional private capital.

It is a big turnabout from last fall, when many companies that were expected to debut in 2018 delayed their plans as markets swooned amid fears of slowing economic growth in the U.S. and other concerns.”

While some big-name companies still successfully launched, they had a more difficult time pricing their offerings. Two of the biggest fall IPOs were those of biotech Moderna Inc. (Nasdaq: MRNA) and music-streaming company Tencent Music Entertainment Corp. MRNA is shown below.

Moderna, which had been one of the most highly valued health-care startups, hasn’t fared as well as Tencent. The biotechnology company raised more than $600 million, pricing its shares at $23 apiece in early December.

It suffered one of the worst opening days for a company going public last year. Since then, the stock has recovered somewhat but still trades near the offering price.

MRNA daily chart

Shares of Tencent Music, which fetched a valuation of more than $20 billion at pricing, have risen by about 30% since then.

TME daily chart

Pinterest and its underwriters, led by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., are eyeing a late-June listing, according to people close to the deal. They warned that, as always with IPOs and unpredictable markets, the timing or valuation could shift.

The social-media company’s chief executive, Ben Silbermann, has said the company would look to debut in 2019 and The Wall Street Journal reported in December that it was preparing for an IPO that could take place as soon as April.

In September, Pinterest, which launched in 2010, surpassed 250 million monthly active users, who visit the site to browse through and share billions of images on topics ranging from living-room furniture to dinner recipes and tattoos.

The company generates revenue from ads scattered across its site and notched more than $700 million in 2018, up 50% from the prior year, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Lyft Also Offers Potential

Lyft, according to The Wall Street Journal, has been in a race with rival Uber Technologies Inc., which has also filed privately for an IPO, but it is now clear Lyft will provide the first major test of how public investors value the ride-hailing industry.

Lyft is planning to launch its roadshow pitch to investors in mid-March, the people said, which could mean the shares start trading by the end of the month. There is no guarantee that timing will hold, as it will depend in part on cooperation from the markets.

Lyft is expected to pitch itself to potential investors as a comprehensive ride-hailing service offering access to cars, bikes and scooters, mostly in the U.S., and one that won’t be saddled with losses from competing globally.

Like many fast-growing technology companies, Lyft is planning to debut with supervoting shares that will give the company’s founders near-majority control, despite together owning a stake of less than 10%, The Wall Street Journal has reported.

The question for investors is whether or not they should chase these shares if they open up on their first day of trading. In the long run, the companies could struggle financially and there could be a pullback that allows for a better entry later.

These will almost certainly be highly publicized events but they might not be the best deals for individuals until a few months after the offering so that insiders can complete selling their shares.


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.


Marijuana Could Be a $50 Billion Industry

For now, marijuana is in an unusual position. It is legal in some states but illegal in others and it is also illegal on the federal level. But some analysts believe sales could quickly hit $50 billion a year if the substance was fully legalized.

The legal atmosphere could complicate investment in the industry. As Barron’s notes, “U.S. federal law still considers marijuana an illegal drug in the same class as heroin. Any financial service provided to a cannabis business may violate federal law.

So bankers in the Federal Reserve System, not to mention the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, won’t touch an American business connected to the cannabis plant. Weed outfits can’t even deduct their business expenses, under the U.S. tax code.

Happily, we have federalism. Since California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, 32 other states, plus the District of Columbia, have allowed medical marijuana. Now 10 states permit recreational use.

Each state does it differently, however, so multistate operators like Curaleaf (CURA.Canada) and Acreage (ACRG.U.Canada) must pick their way across a regulatory obstacle course. And their shares can trade only on the thin Canadian Securities Exchange or the OTC Markets Group in the U.S.

No one expects the U.S. to legalize pot soon. But some federal initiatives are trying to let states do their thing.

A recent hearing before a subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee considered the SAFE Banking Act, a bill that would allow banks to legally handle the proceeds from a state-legal cannabis business.

“Thousands of employees and businesses across this country have been put at risk because they are forced to deal with piles of cash, while Congress stuck its head in the sand,” said the bill’s co-sponsor, Ed Perlmutter (D., Colo.).

With no federal approval, U.S. companies face different rules in virtually every state. Here are state-by-state comparisons.

marijuana laws by state

Source: CRS presentation of data from the National Conference of State Legislatures.

“The American voters have spoken,” said Perlmutter, “and you cannot put the genie back in the bottle. Prohibition is over.”

A broader federal reform would result from the States Act, first proposed by Sens. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.) and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) in June 2018. It would exempt cannabis from most federal drug laws, within states that have legalized it.

The SAFE Banking Act might get a vote this year, but Congress isn’t likely to seriously consider the States Act before next year, says Troy Dayton, who heads the cannabis investment and research firm Arcview Group.

Meanwhile, legalization continues to sweep across the states. Last November, voters in Missouri and Utah approved medical marijuana, while Michigan added recreational pot.

New York, New Jersey, and Illinois don’t have voter referendums, but their governors have said they’ll seek legislation that legalizes recreational sales. Advocates are gathering signatures for public initiatives in Florida, Arizona, and Ohio on recreational pot.

Municipalities have a say, too. In Massachusetts, the state’s Cannabis Control Commission evaluates the suitability of licensees, says Commissioner Shaleen Title, but each municipality can vote on how many cannabis establishments it wants.”

While full legalization is unlikely to come soon, investors can prepare for that event which could be a reality in several years.

Getting Ready for National Sales

In a skeptical article called You’d Have to Be High to Buy American Marijuana Stocks, Barron’s presented a summary of stocks in the industry.

top contenders in U.S. marijuana market

Source: Barron’s


This article reviewed the risks which included the fact that “Just finding the stocks is hard. Although marijuana is legal for recreational or medical use in many states, it remains illegal under federal law.

As a result, the companies can’t list on the Nasdaq or New York Stock Exchange, so they’ve gone to the Canadian Securities Exchange in Toronto (and the OTC Markets Group in the U.S.). Companies that sell only in Canada, like Canopy Growth (NYSE: CGC), can list in the U.S. and tap deeper-pocketed investors.”

The article added:

“The U.S. companies have disclosed investment risks ranging from federal investigations to allegations of self-dealing. Heightening the risk is thin trading in Canada’s market, which can scarcely accommodate both the investing public and early-stage private-equity investors—some itching to unload stock at the first chance.

These potential problems don’t seem to be reflected in U.S. cannabis stock prices, which carry a hefty collective market valuation of US$14 billion, despite modest revenues and the ferocious cash-burn rates at loss-making start-ups.

“It’s difficult to do due diligence on these operations right now,” says Stavola’s new colleague, iAnthus CEO Hadley Ford. “The store counts are small and with the massive upfront spending, free cash flow doesn’t exist.”

Sorting winners and losers so early on is virtually impossible. Better to wait and see how many of these outfits can turn a profit. For speculative investors who can’t wait, there are two possibilities: Spread small bets across the U.S. industry, a strategy suggested by Ford, or buy one of the handful of weed-focused exchange-traded funds, such as Horizons Emerging Marijuana Growers Index (HMJR.Canada, and HZEMF in the States).”

Stocks that are listed in Canada but have at least operations in the U. S. include Curaleaf Holdings (CURA.Canada), Acreage Holdings (ACRG.U.Canada), Green Thumb Industries (GTII.Canada), MedMen Enterprises (MMEN.Canada), Harvest Health & Recreation (HARV.Canada), and Trulieve Cannabis (TRUL.Canada).

Investors can access stocks that trade in Canada and many other countries through brokerage accounts at many of the large U. S. brokers. However, some brokers may not allow investments in marijuana stocks even if they offer access to foreign markets.

If you want to buy a stock your broker won’t allow, it is possible another broker will and a query to additional brokers could allow you to determine that. There are potential risks in the industry, including high valuations for some of the stocks. But there are also potentially large rewards.

For aggressive investors, the marijuana industry could be worth a look. And it could also be a reasonable strategy to take profits off the table when they are available to minimize the risks associated with the industry.



Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.



Stock market

After a One Day Drop of More Than 50%, Is This Company a Buy?

It’s unusual to see a multi-billion-dollar company lose more than half of its value in one day. But that happened when (Nasdaq: STMP) announced that it would be expanding its base of business partners.

While that seems to be a possibly favorable announcement, the news was bearish to investors. The company saw its market capitalization drop from over $3 billion on the announcement.

STMP daily chart

Amazon Forced the Change

CNN reported that “ says it is ending an exclusive relationship with the US Postal Service, sending shares of its stock plunging more than 50%.

The company says Amazon is disrupting the shipping business, and it needs to do shipping deals with postal service competitors going into the future.

Amazon has popularized two-day shipping with its Prime service, and says its customers demand two-day shipping guarantees. FedEx (NYSE: FDX), UPS (NYSE: UPS) and DHL offer those guarantees. The Post Office doesn’t.

“One of our nonnegotiable items is that … we will no longer be exclusive to the USPS,” said CEO Kenneth McBride in a call with analysts on Thursday evening. “USPS has not agreed to accept these terms or any other terms of our partnership proposal.”

McBride said opted to discontinue its shipping partnership with the Postal Service so it can “fully embrace partnerships with other carriers who we think will be well positioned to win in the shipping business in the next five years.”

The CEO added that “Our customers are demanding and need 2-day delivery guaranteed” and “In the last month … Amazon came out and they said, ‘Hey, we’re going after shipping’” will still allow its customers to print out stamps, but McBride said that decision to end the exclusive deal will cause “some short-term pain for us over the next few years.”

He said that it now expects revenue to fall as much as 8% this year. Analysts forecast had forecast sales would grow by more than 16%.

McBride said a key reason why made its decision to end the Postal Service partnership was Amazon publicly stating it will get into the delivery business itself.

“Amazon’s track record of disrupting an industry is well established. So their threat should be taken very seriously by every player in the shipping industry,” he said. “We are setting our corporate strategy assuming Amazon will be a big global player in shipping.”

New Opportunities

Barron’s noted that “the company will no longer use the Postal Service to deliver stamps to customers, and instead will seek to make shipping deals with companies such as FedEx (FDX) and United Parcel Service (UPS). Customers can still print their own postage using the online provider.

Amazon’s Prime service has popularized two-day shipping among customers, and FedEx, UPS, and DHL offer similar guarantees. The Postal Service doesn’t.”

The news “wiped out $2 billion in’s market value and sent its shares to their lowest level since August 2016 even though the company reported a 29% year-over-year jump in revenue, to $170.2 million, for its fiscal fourth quarter. ended its USPS deal so it “fully embrace partnerships with other carriers who we think will be well positioned to win in the shipping business in the next five years,” CEO Kenneth McBride said on a conference call with analysts.”

But this could be a transformative event for the company. “in its annual 10-K filing, the e-commerce powerhouse made it clear it is adding “transportation and logistics services” to the arenas in which it competes.

At least two analysts cut their ratings on

The company’s strategy shift “will take heavy investment in order to re-establish new deals with strategic carriers in order to restore growth over the long-term,” Roth Capital Partners analyst wrote in a research note on Friday. He downgraded the stock to Sell from Buy and slashed his price target to $78 from $260.”

Investors could consider the companies STMP plans to partner with, including FDX.

FDX daily chart

Analysts expect FDX to report earnings per share of about $16 this year and $18 next year. This could be a bargain since the price of the stock is just about 10 times next year’s expected earnings.

The long-term chart of UPS shows that the stock is in a down trend that began last year.

UPS weekly chart

A down trend is defined by a series of lower highs and lower lows. That is visible in the chart above. The company is expected to report earnings of about $7.50 this year and $8.22 next year. At the recent price, the stock is trading with a price to earnings (P/E) ratio of about 14 based on next year’s expected earnings.

Depressed valuations in the shipping industry could indicate that investors expect an economic slowdown. These companies would be likely to experience declines in revenue and earnings in an economic contraction.

The decline of STMP demonstrates the problem investors face when buying growth. Prior to the news, the company had delivered growth in revenue averaging about 32% a year over the past five years. Earnings per share grew by about 31% a year over that time.

That type of growth could justify a higher than average valuation for the stock however any slowdown in growth could lead to a sell off. That is what happened, but the selling could be overdone. The stock is now trading in line with the broad stock market and could deliver some growth in the long run.

Bottom fishing, or buying after a large decline, carries a great deal of risk because there is no way of knowing if additional declines are ahead. However, cautious investors could place STMP on a watch list and consider buying if the stock consolidates at a lower level or even turns up.

The consolidation could indicate the selling pressure has dissipated. The up move could indicate buying pressure developed. Either pattern could decrease the risk.


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.

Stock market

Robots Could Be the Next Big Investment Theme

Robots have been an almost constant theme in the public imagination for decades. Television shows in the 1960s often featured robots in households, making it appear as if the future would be filled with affordable and useful robots.

In the television shows and cartoons, the robots were lifelike and almost human. In the real world, the current robots available are often useful but not always like humans.


Source: BMW Werk Leipzig 

Machines like this are increasingly common in the industry.

Rise of the Machines chart

Source: Barron’s

At General Motors, according to a recent article in Barron’s, 13,000 of the 30,000 robots in its plants worldwide are now connected. Each day, those robots feed operating data into the cloud. GM uses the data to do predictive maintenance on its machines to improve plant uptime.

“One [percentage point] improvement in uptime is significant,” says Dan Grieshaber, GM’s director of global manufacturing engineering integration. “We got seven [percentage points] improvement in our first month with data analytics. That’s huge dollars.”

Technology is also enabling robots to do more. The sorting of red and green pills in the Fanuc facility wasn’t directed by any human. The machines recognize color and can react to object orientation and a changing environment like never before.

A fast-growing niche is collaborative robots, or cobots. These smaller robots work alongside humans and are cheaper, easier to program, and appeal to smaller enterprises that wouldn’t have considered robotic automation in the past.

Rise of the Robots

Source: Barron’s

The new technologies are part of what manufacturing executives are calling the next industrial revolution, one that makes robotic automation accessible to a wider assortment of customers.

Already, growth has been explosive. Robot deliveries have grown 19% a year on average for the past five years, up from the 5% annual growth averaged in the previous 20 years.

For investors, there are opportunities to be found in the major robot makers but they are largely on overseas markets.

Fanuc, a Japanese company, is the largest. Other large makers include Japan’s Yaskawa Electric and Germany’s Kuka. ABB Group (NYSE: ABB) and Teradyne (Nasdaq: TER) are U. S. based companies that could be potential investments.

TER weekly chart

TER supplies automation equipment for test and industrial applications. The company designs, develops, manufactures and sells automatic test systems used to test semiconductors, wireless products, data storage and complex electronics systems in the consumer electronics, wireless, automotive, industrial, communications, and aerospace and defense industries.

Barron’s noted that, “Teradyne is particularly attractive. Robots are 12% of total sales but the business is growing rapidly, and investors don’t give the company credit for that growth.

Its stock trades for 17.2 estimated 2019 earnings—a small premium to other semiconductor equipment companies that don’t have high-growth franchises.

Teradyne’s automation business generated $261 million in 2018, and Weston Twigg, an analyst with KeyBanc, says that cobots can be a $1 billion business by 2021. That’s a huge opportunity for a company with $2.1 billion in revenue.

Based on the multiples paid for other high-growth industrials and for Teradyne’s semiconductor peers, the company’s shares could double over the next couple of years.”

Industrial robotics

Source: Barron’s

Barron’s has also been bullish on ABB because the company is selling its slower- growth power-grid infrastructure business. What’s left will be dedicated to electrification and advanced automation technologies—including robotics.

ABB weekly chart

The site noted, “It’s impossible to write about growing robot use without considering the impact on factory workers. One side of the debate worries that robotic automation steals jobs from the people who have the most trouble training for a new career. The other side maintains that higher productivity will create more jobs.

Everyone in the robotics industry is painfully aware of this debate. Robot users are quick to point out that they apply robotic technology to dirty and dangerous jobs they have trouble filling.

ABB CEO Ulrich Speisshofer frames the debate another way: Better manufacturers get the work. Economies with the highest penetration of robotics—South Korea, Germany, Japan—have healthy manufacturing sectors that create jobs.

The penetration data also point to the potential demand. To increase robot density to the levels of those three countries, the industry would need to ship four million to five million industrial robots—more than 11 years of production at current rates.

(There are only about two million robots around the world today.)

Consider what happened in aerospace when China emerged as an economic power. Boeing ’s backlog went from three years of production to seven. Along the way, its valuation went from 15 times estimated earnings to around 18 times. The robotic backlog is expanding in a similar way.

Fortunately, you don’t have to rely solely on a Boeing-like multiple expansion with industrial robots. Higher growth and a stable industry structure should do the trick for investors in Teradyne and ABB.”

Investors could also consider an exchange traded fund (ETF) that tracks the industry.

Robo Global Robotics & Automation ETF (NYSE: ROBO) is a fund with more than $1.3 billion in assets. The fund’s sponsor notes that “ROBO was the first robotics and automation ETF to market, providing investors with a liquid, cost-effective and diversified way to gain access to rapidly evolving robotics technology and AI.”

Bill Studebaker, CIO of ROBO Global, reminds investors that this could be a volatile investment. He recently said, “The market is not good at pricing exponential growth, and this is what we’re seeing in robotics and AI.”

An example of the type of company the ROBO ETF holds is Zebra Technologies Corp., which specializes in automated sensor and scanning technology.

“When you look at Zebra, if you order anything from over the holidays, chances are that Zebra Technologies was involved in your order,” Studebaker said. But older companies are also involved in the sector.

Deere & Company (NYSE: DE), according to Studebaker, is in the portfolio because “over 60 percent of their tractors have autonomous mobility capabilities.”

The biggest problems in the world today represent opportunities for AI and robotics companies in the long-term, Studebaker said.

“AI technologies and applications are becoming central to every industry, and I think now is the time to focus on investing,” he said.

Studebaker compared the impact that automation and AI will have on the business world to the impact the internet has had in the last two decades.

“As we look out the next three, five, ten years, investors I think are going to look back at this opportunity and say, ‘Why did I miss it?’”

However, this is a risky sector and risk should be considered before making any investment in the industry.



Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.


This Is Why Crypto Could Be a Buy

Cryptocurrencies were a trader’s favorite in 2017 but then a crash destroyed significant value in the sector. That crash could be a reason to consider investing now.

The crash was significant, wiping out the gains of the bubble. The depth of that decline can be seen in the chart below. It can also be seen that the price began to stabilize near the end of 2018 and could be forming what technical analysts consider to be a basing pattern on the chart.

bitcoin weekly chart

Basing, according to Investopedia, “refers to a period in which a stock or other traded security is showing minimal upward or downward movement. The resulting price pattern looks like a flat line or slightly rounded.

Often, ‘basing’ is a term used by technical analysts to describe a market that is consolidating after a period of rapid growth or decline. A market that is basing has equal amounts of supply and demand.

Basing is a common occurrence after the price has been in a lengthy decline or had a significant advance. In other words, the market is taking a break. Some markets can form a base that lasts for several years before the trend reverses.

Basing periods are accompanied by declining volume as prices consolidate. Volatility also contracts as a market trades sideways.

Markets that are basing establish clear support and resistance levels as the bulls and bears fight for control. Institutional traders may use a basing period to accumulate a large order they are buying for a customer.

Many technical analysts believe that basing is crucial, especially for markets that have had a rapid advance. They view basing as the “breather” that allows the issue to continue climbing.”

The site notes that basing can represent a trend continuation or a reversal.

“Traders who are using a basing period to find an entry point in a trending market should place a trade when price breaks above the high of the consolidated range (for a long position). The breakout should occur on above-average volume to show participation in the move.

Ideally, a commonly used moving average, such as the 20-day or 50-day, acts as support at the bottom of the basing period; this allows the moving average to catch up to price. The moving average acts as resistance for a short position.

The narrow range of a basing formation allows for a healthy risk/reward ratio. Traders can place a stop-loss order on the opposite side of the consolidation period.

Because the market is expected to start trending again, profit targets that are many multiples of the stop amount can be set to capture the bulk of the move.

On the other hand, contrarian traders may use a basing period to find potential bottoms or tops in a security.

If a market has been consolidating for an extended time, a breakout in the opposite direction to the previous trend often triggers stop-loss orders and attracts breakout traders which can cause a reversal.

As with the trend continuation strategy, the trade should be exited if price crosses the opposite side of the basing range. Traders could use retracements of the previous trend to set profit targets.”

The next chart shows the details of the recent basing formation in bitcoin.

bitcoin daily chart

The Decline May Have Boosted Bitcoin

One expert recently told that the sell off could have created a buying opportunity as money moved from speculators, or weak hands, to more entrenched investors, or smart hands.

“Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit and known crypto bull, claimed that the crypto hype is gone, leaving space for true crypto believers. Ohanian spoke on the subject in an interview with Yahoo Finance [that was recently released].

When asked if he is still a big believer in crypto, Ohanian acknowledged that the current state of the market is undoubtedly still considered to be a crypto winter, which means crypto prices are depressed.

However, citing Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, Ohanian emphasized that the bear market has contributed to the elimination of speculators, while true crypto believers have stayed to build real crypto infrastructure.

Ohanian elaborated that in his opinion, the extinction of the hype around the crypto and blockchain space is actually a good thing for industry development. He said:

“Now, it’s still to be seen. But what’s a strong signal to me is still some of the smartest people I know in tech are working on solving these problems. They’re building companies that are built on blockchain. The hype is gone. The fervor is gone. But I think that’s a good thing.”

Ohanian was also asked about the announcement from banking giant JPMorgan Chase concerning the launch of its own cryptocurrency JPM Coin, a blockchain-powered asset that is expected to increase settlement efficiency within the bank’s operations.

Answering the question, Ohanian stressed that the recent move by JPMorgan is just another indication that there is real innovation happening since the wild speculation is gone.

Considering the upcoming release of the coin to be a good thing, Ohanian still noted that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon had previously called major cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) a scam.

Recently, Dimon has since clarified his stance towards Bitcoin, claiming that he had not intended to become the spokesperson against the biggest cryptocurrency.

Born in 1983, Alexis Ohanian became a 23-year-old multi-millionaire in 2006 after selling Reddit along with the second co-founder Steve Huffman back in 2016. The internet entrepreneur and investor is also a co-founder of early-stage venture capital firm Initialized Capital.

In July 2018, Ohanian maintained his prediction that Bitcoin and top altcoin Ethereum (ETH) will hit $20,000 and $1,500 respectively in 2018.

However, since July 2018, the highest price points of the two cryptos have been maximum thresholds of around $7,200 and $400 respectively, according to CoinMarketCap.”

A chart of ETH is shown below.

ETH daily stock chart

Given the dynamics of the market and the chart pattern, now could be an ideal time for individual investors to consider making modest commitments to the crypto markets by buying either BTC or ETH. The lower price of ETH could make it more appealing to small investors. 


Did you know that dividends have rewarded investors for at least 100 years, at least since John D. Rockefeller said, “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.”

We have prepared a special report about dividends that you can access right here.