Passive Income

Hard Money Lending Can Provide Passive Income

passive income

Every saver has come to understand the problem of low interest rates. Interest rates available on safe investments could be lower than the rate of inflation. This leads to a loss in buying power. This also leads many investors to chase yields by accepting more risk.

There is a tradeoff between risk and reward. Higher rewards will invariably carry more risks than investment options with less risk. But, there are ways to reduce risk.

Hard Money Lending Could Balance Risks With Rewards

Hard money loans are a specific type of real estate loan. These loans are always backed by assets, which means that the property serves as sole collateral for the loan. In many underwriting processes, the value of the property will be the most important factor in approving the loan.

In hard money lending, a lender can overlook some of the concerns with a borrower’s credit history or the state of the local real estate market because they have a process in place to take control of the property if that proves to be necessary.

Although these are real estate loans, they are not like mortgages. The goal of a hard money lender is to provide access to short term capital. The focus on the short term reduces risk since real estate trends are fairly steady in the short run.

These loans also carry relatively high interest rates. This is possible because the borrower is frequently focused on a highly leveraged deal and is targeting large returns. The interest paid on a hard money loan is just one small cost of the transaction.

Although the loan would be just one part of the transaction, it is possible that without the loan there would not be any type of transaction. That makes the loan worth a great deal.

Rather than address the theory of the process, an example could be the best way to explain this type of investment.

An Example of the Rewards and Risks of Hard Money Lending

Consider an individual with above average home maintenance skills. The individual might have worked with a builder in the past but been laid off in the slowdown of the housing cycle.

This individual is shopping for a home that has been foreclosed. The home may have been worth $220,000 when the bank foreclosed. But, after several months, the bank is willing to accept an offer of $140,000.

Please remember that we are not addressing the buying or selling of real estate and are not suggesting that this type of deal is available on any particular property. We are using numbers to demonstrate the potential value of hard money lending.

This home has sat vacant and is in need of some repairs. It could also use upgrades including new paint and a finished basement. The investor is capable of completing the work without the need to hire a contractor at a cost of $25,000. The home should be ready for resale in three months.

When the work is completed, the home should sell for $250,000. But, the investor has only $20,000 and banks will not lend on the property because it is not going to be owner occupied.

A local hard money lender is able to provide a loan that funds the purchase and the repairs. The total cost would be $165,000 ($140,000 to buy the home and $25,000 for repairs). The lender provides $145,000 and the buyer invests $20,000.

This loan would be for one year. The borrower would pay a 2% funding fee ($2,900) and 10% interest ($14,500). The lender receives a first mortgage on the loan which could be sold, as is, for $220,000. Paperwork is completed by local title companies.

This means the lender is protected unless the home value falls below $145,000, a 35% decline which is only seen in market crashes. The borrower is willing to pay the high rate because they stand to make much more when the work is done.

In this example, the borrower, the lender and the individual investors who fund the loans are able to profit.

Local Lenders Are in This Business

In almost every local community, there are individuals funding real estate purchases like this. The fix and flip model of real estate investing has existed for decades and will continue to serve an important role in the market. That means financing opportunities will continue to be available.

Investors like these deals because interest rates for hard money loans are typically 9.75% to 15% and origination fees can be 2% to 3%.

Low LTV rates provide security to the lender. Hard money LTV (loan-to-value) rates are typically 50% to 65%, but they can be based on the purchase price or the after-repairs appraisal value, usually whichever is higher, rather than being forced to go with the lower of the two as bank lenders are.

Borrowers typically put some money down, another factor that reduces the risk of the lender since they then face a real loss if they fail to achieve their goals.

Borrowers like these deals because the underwriting process is considerably faster than a typical mortgage. The costs are also lower than a typical mortgage.

Most hard money loans have interest-only payments during the term of the loan with the principal due at the end of the loan, but in some situations, it is possible to have money to cover the monthly interest payments included in the original loan amount.

These are short-term loans, often used to bridge between other financing options, so the typical term is between six months and two years.

Because hard money lending is an integral part of the real estate market, lenders and borrowers tend to know each other in local real estate markets. This means it is relatively easy for new investors to put cash to work in these markets.

It is possible for a new investor to find deals on their own and lend directly to real estate buyers. Or, it is almost always possible to find existing lenders and work with them to fund individual projects. Some large lenders also provide pooled investments with high yields.

Perhaps the best way to get started is to complete a web search for lenders in your area and contact them to begin earning passive income.

Stock Picks

This Sector Could Lead the Market Higher


Traders have been whipsawed in February as market volatility increased. The selloff which took prices of the S&P 500 Index, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq 100 Index down by more than 10% in a matter of days seems to have ended as quickly as it began.

Traders are now questioning whether or not they should be expecting more down side in the stock market. Bulls can point to a number of reasons to expect that the worst is behind us. These include strong earnings and the potential for even stronger earnings.

It’s important when assessing the market to recall that the effects of tax reform are still largely unknown. Consumers are still receiving bonuses from many companies. Others are adapting to raises their company provided after the new rules took effect.

In other cases, consumers are adapting to higher take home pay they saw for the first time in recent weeks after tax withholding tables were adjusted. In some cases, the pay increases from a lower withholding rate may be the largest income increase a consumer has enjoyed in years.

These factors are bullish because they boost consumer confidence and consumer spending. That should lead to higher earnings for many companies and analysts do, in fact, expect double digit earnings growth for the large cap companies in the S&P 500.

Bears can point to overvaluation, an argument they have been able to make almost continuously for the past 20 years. They can also point to higher interest rates, but no one knows how the higher rates will affect anything, since rates never fell this far before and the increases are now in uncharted waters.

A Trading Strategy to Cut Through the Two Arguments

If the stock market does move higher from here, it is likely that the indexes should be led higher by the stocks that led the last advance. This is based on the momentum factor which has been widely studied and found to apply to the markets.

A paper by Narashimhan Jegadeesh and Sheridan Titman detailing momentum called “Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency” was published in 1993.

This paper began by sorting stocks by their returns and forming portfolios from the best and worst performers. The authors tested what happened if investors had bought stocks that had been the top performers and sold short the stocks that were the worst performers in the past.

They looked at performance periods ranging from three months to twelve months. Their results were consistent. The winners of the past continued to deliver market beating results in the future. These portfolios were rebalanced frequently.

As an example of rebalancing, consider a portfolio with a twelve month holding period. This portfolio would be formed based on the results of the previous twelve months. A three month holding period would be used for portfolios based on performance over the past three months.

Based on other research that confirmed this concept, it is now widely accepted that momentum portfolios can consistently beat the market averages.

A 2013 Journal of Finance article tested the idea of momentum in markets around the world. “Value and Momentum Everywhere” was written by Clifford S. Asness, Tobias J. Moskowitz, and Lasse Heje Pedersen. This study looked at stocks in the US, the United Kingdom, Europe, Japan and other markets. In all cases, except Japan, momentum portfolios outperformed value portfolios.

The Chip Sector Could Outperform

Among the high momentum sectors are chipmakers, including individual companies like Applied Materials (Nasdaq: AMAT), Micron Technology (Nasdaq: MU) and Skyworks Solutions (Nasdaq: SWKS) which are all developing bullish base patterns on their charts.

Skyworks Solutions is a significant Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) chip supplier, while Applied Materials is an indirect iPhone X play. This means the stocks could benefit from news about the iPhone maker but could carry less risk than Apple.

Skyworks is breaking out of an extended basing pattern.


The stock is trading at levels not seen since 2015. Breaking out to new highs is a bullish indicator. The stock has also been basing, a pattern believed to be a set for an extended price move.

Applied Materials makes equipment used by other manufacturers to make display screens that are used on the Apple iPhone X, other high-end handsets, as well as TVs and other displays. The stock is completing a rare consolidation after moving almost straight up for months.


It is trading near new highs and a break out is likely to bring in new buyers who could be concerned about missing another run up in price like the one the stock delivered over two years beginning in late 2015.

Value investors focused on fundamentals could be attracted to AMAT after a strong earnings report, dividend hike and the announcement of a stock buyback.

Another stock attractive to value investors could be Micron Technology. The monthly chart is shown below.


Note the years long consolidation followed by a break out, a retracement that offered value investors a second chance and now a small pull back that provides yet another buying opportunity.

Any of these stocks could be a potential winner and all worth further research. All are buys based on technical chart patterns. They all also meet the criteria of many value investors.

MU is trading with a price to earnings (P/E) ratio of just 7. This is well below the industry average of 23.9. AMAT’s P/E ratio of 15 is also well below the industry average. SWKS, with a P/E ratio of 23.6, is trading at the industry average.

Interestingly, MU has the greatest expected earnings per share growth rate with analysts expecting growth averaging 27% a year. AMAT is expected to grow earnings at 19% a year while SWKS is expected to grow earnings at about 15% a year. These are all above average growth rates.

If the market turns down, growth and value could cushion the down side risk. Trade management, including the use of stop loss orders, could also reduce risks. Stops that trail the market higher could be a way to allow profits to run on these stocks in the bull market expected to materialize.

Value Investing

Investing Secrets of the Witch of Wall Street

Witch of Wall Street

Source: New England Historical Society

You might not be familiar with the “witch of Wall Street.” Hetty Green died in 1916 after accumulating a fortune worth an estimated $200 million, or about $4.5 billion in today’s dollars. You probably have heard of JP Morgan who lived around that same time, yet had a fortune of just $80 million.

Before we get to her investing secrets, we will answer the question you almost certainly have which is why she was called the witch of Wall Street.

According to the Smithsonian Magazine, the “most memorable image of Green–and the one that earned her the sobriquet “witch”–came after the death of her husband, when she started wearing mourning clothes.”

At the same time, “her fixation with making and maintaining money grew and grew, to the point where she wouldn’t seek medical attention for herself or her children because of the cost, and they all lived in cheap housing and moved frequently.”

The New England Historical Society explains some her habits included “eating a lunch of oatmeal heated on a radiator. She moved frequently among cheap apartments in Brooklyn, N.Y., and Hoboken, N.J., to avoid establishing a residence and paying taxes.

According to the most damning story about Hetty Green, she wouldn’t pay for a good doctor when her son injured his leg in a sledding accident. Doctors later amputated his leg.”

The Mother of Value Investing

Hetty was short for Henrietta and Henrietta Green may have been the first women on Wall Street. And, to understand how unusual it was for a woman to do things like this, consider the fact that she died before women were allowed to vote nationally, a right they won in 1920.

Like Warren Buffett, her business career began when she was young. Her family owned a large whaling fleet in New England when whale oil was used for light. She began reading financial news to her father when she was 6 and was responsible for maintaining the financial statements for the family business by the time she was 13.

According to the Telegraph, “For her 20th birthday her father endowed her with a wardrobe full of the finest dresses of the season worth $1,200 in order to attract a wealthy suitor. But her reaction to the gift demonstrated her priorities: she sold the clothes and invested the proceeds in government bonds.”

She inherited an estimated $7 million when her father died in 1865 and became a full time investor.

Her secret to success was simple, although she insisted there was no secret, “There is no great secret in fortune-making … All you do is buy cheap and sell dear, act with thrift and shrewdness and be persistent,” she said.

Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful

Like Buffett, Green was ready for crises. Panics were a regular occurrence during her investment career. In the financial panics of 1873, 1893 and 1907 she had cash available to buy bonds, shares of railroad companies and real estate at deep discounts.

The Panic of 1907 is long forgotten but was steep. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost almost 49% in the bear market.

panic of 1907

According to the Federal Reserve,“The Panic of 1907 was the first worldwide financial crisis of the twentieth century. It transformed a recession into a contraction surpassed in severity only by the Great Depression.

The panic’s impact is still felt today because it spurred the monetary reform movement that led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. [Economists have] argued that the experience of the Panic of 1907 changed how New York Clearing House bankers perceived the value of a central bank because the panic took hold mainly among trust companies, institutions outside their membership.”

While the panic ruined many on Wall Street, Green’s cash provided an opportunity for her to grow her fortune.

She would later say, “When the crash came, I had the money, and I was one of the very few who really had it. The others had their securities and their values. I had the cash and they had to come to me in droves.” 

In 1907 she bailed out the City of New York when the banks were unable to. She was part of a group that JP Morgan famously put together to limit the impact of that crisis. She loaned $1.1 million and took short-term municipal bonds for collateral. The bonds paid a relatively high interest rate of 5.5%.

In this way, her actions were again similar to Buffett’s. The Oracle of Omaha provided billions to Goldman Sachs and General Electric during the financial crisis and enjoyed an above market interest rate of 10% on his investments, 100 years after Hetty Green did the same thing.

Green was truly a value investor. She did not follow a buy and hold approach, preferring to move on to better opportunities when they became available “I never buy anything just to hold it. There is a price on everything I have,” she said. “When that price is offered, I sell.”

Although Green seemed to have traded in any financial instrument that offered value, she seemed to favor hard assets. She invested primarily in the shares of rail roads, which were the largest sector of the stock market at that time, rail road bonds, real estate and mortgages.

In the late 1800s, rail roads offered an investment in their operations and in land. The government gave the companies thousands of acres of land to build on and included mineral rights in the land grants. An example of the breadth of these grants is below.

land grants

Source: Wikimedia

At the time of her death she was reported to have owned 6,000 properties in 48 states. Along with railways, hotels and office buildings she also owned cemeteries and held mortgages on almost 600 churches.

Her approach to land was to look for fast growing cities and buy land on the outskirts of the booming city. In other words, she waited for the city to come to her and was rewarded for her foresight when it did.

Despite her great wealth, Green is largely unknown today. While other rich families created foundations or focused their philanthropy, Green’s wealth passed to her children and was eventually divided among 64 colleges, churches, hospitals, and other charities.

But, her investment lessons live on. Buy cheap assets. Sell when they are overvalued. And, have cash reserves at the ready when opportunities become available.



Regulators Aren’t an Existential Threat to Cryptocurrencies



There are a number of reasons that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are volatile. But, one of the reasons is certainly the threat of regulation. For now, this is largely an unregulated market which presents problems and offers opportunities.

To start with, it’s important to understand opportunities require research. One benefit of regulation is that it decreases the likelihood of fraud or theft even though regulation cannot eliminate these threats. In the largely unregulated crypto markets, traders must educate themselves to avoid these threats.

While regulations do provide some benefits, there are concerns zealous regulations could virtually shut down the developing crypto markets.

Threats to the Market

Cryptocurrencies offer privacy and the possibility of privacy raises concerns of illegal activity. If transactions can be completed anonymously, there is a possibility of illegal deals being conducted. Regulators would like to end illegal activities, but they do understand these transactions can also be completed with cash.

Perhaps the greater concern to regulators is the possibility of tax evasion. The crypto market could make it possible to launder money, creating legitimate funds from money gained illicitly. It is also possible traders would simply not report gains and evade income taxes on their profits.

These concerns have led regulators in some countries to consider bans on cryptocurrencies. South Korea may be at the forefront of this issue. Those concerns began in December and have been a factor contributing to volatility in the markets.

Bitcoin Ticker

Source: Bitcoin Ticker

According to CNBC, the plans of government officials in South Korea to impose tough regulations on cryptocurrency markets was one of the driving factors behind a sell off in the markets.

At one point, there was speculation that the government would ban the trading of cryptocurrencies in Korea. This fed concerns of traders around the world that the country might cut off a key source of demand for bitcoin and other cryptos.

South Korea is not alone. Regulators in other countries are also struggling with how to respond to the cryptocurrency boom, with responses ranging from an exchange ban in China to a licensing system in Japan.

In the end, Korea appears to have adopted a more lenient system of regulation than was once feared.

Know Your Customer Rules Apply to Crypto Markets

South Korea’s Financial Services Commission (FSC) said it would only allow trade in cryptocurrencies from bank accounts opened under the real names of investors. Those rules enabled banks to comply with existing regulations.

Korea, like many other countries including the United States, imposes a requirement on financial institutions to know their customers. This rule serves at least two purposes. By knowing a customer’s risk tolerance, for example, a brokerage firm could help the investor avoid some investments.

To meet this requirement, many firms require customers to complete a risk profile. They then approve a customer for trading products that are consistent with their profile. For example, conservative investors with small accounts seeking income might not be allowed to write naked puts which carry significant risk.

Another purpose of the know your customer rules is to prevent money laundering. Firms are required to do their best to prevent the flow of funds from illegal activities. They do this by learning basic information about a customer.



The measures implemented by the FSC were intended to “reduce room for cryptocurrency transactions to be exploited for illegal activities, such as crimes, money laundering and tax evasion,” the FSC added in the document.

A representative of South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb which began the real-name cryptocurrency identification service, told CNBC operations had “gone smoothly” on the first day they were implemented. “Nothing has changed in terms of coin transaction,” he added.

Meanwhile, many “participants in the cryptocurrency space said the steps taken by South Korea were positive on a long-term basis.”

“I think it’s the start of a crackdown on anonymity and the illegal use cases that some cryptocurrencies might have,” Julian Hosp, co-founder and president of cryptocurrency start-up TenX, told CNBC’s “The Rundown.”

“If, afterwards, investors and companies have more legal security working in the ecosystem, it’s going to have some short-term downsides, but long term, it’s going to have a really, really big boost,” Hosp explained.”

Mend It, Don’t End It

South Korea’s government will almost certainly allow cryptocurrency exchanges to keep operating in the country. This was a welcome development for traders who had feared an outright ban in the country which could have spread to other countries.

Government officials are also communicating their philosophy which should alleviate the concerns of traders.

Policy makers will focus on making cryptocurrency trading transparent rather than outlawing it altogether, Hong Nam-ki, minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination, said in a video posted on the presidential website according to Bloomberg.

This was the government’s first direct response to the public uproar over a justice ministry proposal in December to shut digital-asset exchanges.

Hong clarified the government’s position after more than 200,000 Koreans backed a petition on the Blue House website of President Moon Jae-in denouncing the justice ministry’s proposal. Korea’s system is similar to that of the U.S., where petitions that gather enough signatures elicit an answer from the White House.

Hong said policy makers will continue monitoring the global discussion around cryptocurrencies and that an exchange ban is still a possibility, even though it isn’t currently a focus of the government.

Korea already prevents virtual currency trading by minors, foreigners and financial institutions, is studying a cryptocurrency tax and will beef up the security of digital assets, Hong said, citing the recent hack of an exchange in Japan.

Demand for Bitcoin in Korea was so extreme at one point in January that it lifted local prices 50% higher than those in the U.S. The premium has since dropped to around 5%, but local trading is still active. Among traditional currencies, only the yen, dollar and euro are used more often than the Korean won to trade Bitcoin, according to

Now that the regulatory picture is becoming clearer, volatility in the market could be falling.

Bitcoin ticker

Prices could also be moving higher as traders become comfortable in the fact that the markets will not be regulated out of existence.



Weekly Recap

Weekly Review

Here’s Why Cryptocurrencies Really Are Money

Bulls and bears can become passionate about their arguments. This seems to be especially true in the cryptocurrency markets where disagreements between the two camps are plentiful.

We explain these arguments in detail and discuss why cryptocurrencies really are money, here

Finding Safe Dividends

It happened in 2008 with big banks and many large companies. The stock price fell, and the dividend yield soared. Income investors saw high yields and bought the stocks, only to see the dividend get cut or eliminated. In this article, we provide a checklist that can be used to help you avoid dividend cutters and avoid the pain of lower income and a falling stock price. Learn more here

A Sector That Marijuana Could Push to Higher Highs

The bear market is a distant memory for many investors. It was 2008 when stocks began plunging and by March 2009, a bottom was in place. The bear market pushed market averages down by more than 50% but all have recovered to new highs by now. Most industries are at new highs but, not all. One sector in particular could be pushed to an all new time high. You can read more about this sector here

Goldman Sachs Could Be the Best Choice for Income for Small Investors

Goldman Sachs is a Wall Street legend. The company has been completing large deals for about 149 years, since the firm was founded by Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs in 1869. Since then, the firm has grown and generated more than $42 billion in revenue. Why does this matter to small investors? Find out here


Value Investing

Goldman Sachs Could Be the Best Choice for Income for Small Investors

Goldman Sachs

Learn about Good investment ideas / opportunities for small investors, Goldman Sachs is a Wall Street legend. The company has been completing large deals for about 149 years, since the firm was founded by Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs in 1869. Since then, the firm has grown and generated more than $42 billion in revenue.

In the financial crisis, under pressure because of derivatives trades that suffered large losses, Goldman became a traditional bank holding company, ending the business model of an independent securities firm. This move made the company eligible for assistance from the government under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, as it was known.

Goldman would eventually receive a $10 billion bailout in the financial crisis. But, since then the company has moved into traditional banking and it is now the fifth largest bank in the US with assets of about $930 billion.

Much of the bank’s operations are conducted through the division known as Marcus by Goldman Sachs. Marcus personal loans and online savings accounts help people find ways to be smarter with their money.

The company explained the mission of Marcus:

We listened to 10,000 people tell us about their experiences with debt. When people tried paying off their expenses using credit cards, they often got stuck in an endless cycle of high interest rates and fees. Debt happens—and it can happen to anyone. A loan from Marcus can help you better manage it.

We understand that people want to make the most out of their money. It’s why we’ve designed our savings products to truly be on our customers’ side. Whether your savings goals are Short term investment tips or long-term, we have a savings product that fits your need.

Growth for Goldman and an Investment Opportunity for Individuals

Marcus has grown rapidly. In a recent presentation to analysts, the company’s CEO Lloyd Blankfein explained that deposits have increased by 90% since April 2016.


Source: Goldman Sachs

Those deposits allow the company to fund loans and for now, Marcus has more than enough assets to cover billions in additional loans.

Loans are priced with interest rates between about 7% and 24%. The precise rate depends on a variety of factors including the applicant’s credit score and the length of the loan. But, according to, an independent source of information, these rates are competitive with other lenders.

What could be most appealing about Marcus is the company’s potential as a source of passive income for smaller investors. Marcus pays above average rates of interest on its deposits.

Passive Income for Savers Remains Low

The Federal Reserve began raising short term interest rates in 2015.

2015 interest rates

Source: Federal Reserve

Since then, the Fed has boosted the target for the Federal Funds rate from a range of 0% to 0.25% to the current level of 1.25% to 1.50%.

The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which banks lend to each other overnight. Technically, the rate that the borrowing institution pays to the lending institution is determined between the two banks. The weighted average rate for all of these types of negotiations is called the effective federal funds rate.

This means that the effective federal funds rate is essentially determined by the market. However, it is influenced by the Federal Reserve through open market operations to reach the federal funds rate target.

The Fed notes that, “The federal funds rate is the central interest rate in the U.S. financial market. It influences other interest rates such as the prime rate, which is the rate banks charge their customers with higher credit ratings. Additionally, the federal funds rate indirectly influences longer- term interest rates such as mortgages, loans, and savings, all of which are very important to consumer wealth and confidence.”

Analysts expect the Fed to push the rate higher, towards at least 2% by the end of the year. Despite the Fed’s actions, individuals are still not benefiting from higher rates. Fed data shows that banks are paying depositors an average of just 0.07% on their money.


Source: Federal Reserve

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, confirms that individuals are securing low rates even when they are willing to commit to a five year lockup of their money in a certificate of deposit (CD).

deposit products

Source: FDIC

Marcus Offers More Than 1%

Goldman’s bank is offering savers a substantial premium to the average with a savings account that pays 1.5%. In what many analysts find surprising, the accounts are targeting small investors. Goldman has traditionally focused on high net worth clients with assets of millions of dollars.

Marcus allows individuals to earn above average interest rates with a minimum deposit of just $1. There are limitations on this account that restrict the number of withdrawals per month to just six transactions.

This account would not be suitable as a substitute for a checking account but it could be useful as a source of passive income for investors looking to hold cash as an emergency reserve.

Marcus also offers CDs. Interest rates on CDs that mature in six months pay an interest rate of 0.6% while a 5 year CD pays investors 2.5%. A 3 year certificate offers investors 2%.

These are not high levels of passive income, but Marcus marks an aggressive entry into consumer finance by Goldman. The company obviously sees an opportunity to enjoy a low cost source of capital and has already obtained more than $17 billion in deposits.

Overall, the benefits to Goldman are obvious. The company is able to increase income by borrowing at low rates and lending the money at substantially higher rates. This is a proven formula for profits by banks.

This money can be used by any division of the company. Goldman’s investment bankers now have access to cheap capital for deals and its traders have access to the capital to generate profits for the parent company.

There are also obvious benefits for individual investors. The high level of passive income is important to consider. Access to Goldman is also a possible consideration. Creating an account, for as little as $1, could make the individual a client of one of the world’s largest investment banks.

For now, there is no link between the company’s research with the consumer arm of the business but if that were to change, Marcus could become a gateway to valuable information for individual investors.






Stock Picks

A Sector That Marijuana Could Push to Higher Highs

The bear market is a distant memory for many investors. It was 2008 when stocks began plunging and by March 2009, a bottom was in place. The bear market pushed market averages down by more than 50% but all have recovered to new highs by now. Most industries are at new highs but, not all.

The investment banking and brokerage industry remains almost 25% below the high the index reached in 2007. This industry includes large brokerage firms like TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation (Nasdaq: AMTD), The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) and The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE: SCHW).


But, in the past few months, consumers have been rushing to open brokerage accounts and this should be bullish for the industry, even if it’s not as bullish for the individual investors.

E*Trade Financial Corp. (Nasdaq: ETFC) reported that the company added 64,581 gross new brokerage accounts in January. That’s the most in a month since September 2016 but it came just days before the market crashed.


Source: Bloomberg

The rush to open accounts comes amid a price war that is benefiting individuals. Schwab cut its commissions from $8.95 per trade to $6.95 last February and then, just weeks later, cut commissions again to just $4.95 after others matched its initial cut.

Commissions are just one source of revenue for the industry. Brokers also make money from fees they charge account holders. Investors also pay interest if they invest on margin. Brokers can also earn money from exchanges for directing customer orders to a particular venue in some cases.

Additional revenue for a broker can come from lending shares to facilitate short trades. Some brokers will make money by matching orders and making earnings between the buying and selling prices. In other words, commissions might not be the most significant source of revenue for some firms.

New Trends Driving Revenue

According to Investor’s Business Daily, trading volumes at the online brokers are up, in part due to interest in Bitcoin, blockchain, and cannabis-related securities. Both Ameritrade and E-Trade said such trading has represented roughly 10% of daily average revenue trades.

“We’ve said in January to date, our trading levels are literally near 1 million,” Ameritrade CEO Timothy Hockey told analysts on the Jan. 22 earnings call, according to a Seeking Alpha transcript. “If you zeroed out all of the cannabis and the blockchain-related symbols, you’d still have a number that’s just shy of 900,000 in trading.”

These trends are bringing younger investors into the stock market trading.

Hockey, the Ameritrade CEO, said that millennial account openings are running 72% higher than a year ago, but the online brokers are applying safeguards when it comes to new Bitcoin futures trading, with only select customers invited to take part.

Opening Bitcoin futures trading to all their customers is “not safe for the customer, it’s not safe for us,” E-Trade CEO Karl Roessner told analysts. “You really have to know what you’re doing if you’re going to engage in Bitcoin-related futures. We’ve built out the risk framework around it. We made sure we have the right margin requirements against it.”

Policy Changes Are Also Driving Business

Instinet analyst Steven Chubak has found at least five significant “policy tailwinds” he says will drive results for investment banks and brokers for the next year.

  1. Companies that “had been very high taxpayers” now stand to receive windfalls from the reformed tax rules. That, in turn, will build up excess capital in relation to regulatory requirements, sparking a round of buybacks or otherwise providing more fuel for earnings.
  2. Tax reform should also boost mergers and acquisitions which will generate additional revenue and profits for the investment banks.
  3. Equity markets seem ready to absorb new shares of companies that could be available from initial public offerings or secondary offerings.
  4. Share buyback programs could boost revenue for firms.
  5. Federal Reserve policy could boost earnings as interest rates rise.

“The Fed is one of the key narratives,” Morningstar analyst Michael Wong told IBD. Traditional banks benefit from a wider spread between short-term interest rates – the rate at which they borrow – and long-term rates at which they lend.

Online brokers and wealth management firms are more leveraged to short-term rates, on which floating-rate margin loans for trading accounts are based. TD Ameritrade CFO Stephen Boyle said on a recent earnings call that the next 25 basis point increase to the Fed’s target rate could yield an estimated $60 million to $110 million in pretax income.

Interactive Brokers said the next rate hike would add $15 million in net interest income over a year, with CFO Paul Brody explaining that “our policy of giving our customers the benefit of future rate increases will necessarily limit our upside here.”

Morningstar analyst Wong calculates that of Schwab’s $1.1 billion increase in net revenue in 2017, 84% came from net interest income. That was a key to offsetting the 34% decline in its average revenue per trade, to $7.33, and other fee cuts.

Given Schwab’s “massive scale and industry-leading cost efficiency, we believe the company can sustain severe competitive pressures, such as trading revenue dropping to $0, and still earn above its cost of capital,” Wong wrote in a Jan. 5 research report.

Instinet’s Chubak estimates that net interest income accounted for at least 50% of revenue at Schwab, Ameritrade and E-Trade over the past year. Commissions make up just 8% of revenue at Schwab vs. 20% at E-Trade and 36% at Ameritrade, according to Chubak, who also assigns a 24% upside to earnings from tax cuts for the online brokerage group.

Among the firms to consider in this industry are LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA). Analysts expect the firm which has more than 14,000 financial advisors and $475 billion in assets under management to report earnings growth of 27% this year.



The stock has already broken out to new all time highs.

Schwab is also at new all time highs.


Like LPLA, SCHW is a leader in its sector and market leaders could be the biggest winners in the rapidly growing investment industry.



Value Investing

Finding best safe dividend high paying stocks


It happened in 2008 with big banks and many large companies. The stock price fell, and the dividend yield soared. Learn about Finding best safe dividend high paying stocks. Income investors saw high yields and bought the stocks, only to see the dividend get cut or eliminated.

But, that’s not the only time that happened. Investors in General Electric saw their dividends cut just last year. In November, General Electric cut its dividend for only the second time since the 1930s.

To compound the paid of a dividend cut, the stock price of the company often falls sharply on the news that management has decided to reduce the payout. In the case of GE, the stock price fell more than 10% in the week after the cut was announced.


Investing in stocks carries risks and the risks can never be completely eliminated. But, prudent investors can reduce risks. If you hold dividend paying stocks, or are considering buying one, it could be worth checking just how safe that dividend is.

A Dividend Safety Checkup

While this process will not eliminate risks, it can help you. Every quarter for stocks you own, or before making a new purchase, if income is a priority, consider reviewing some more obscure fundamental indicators.

First, check for how well the dividend is covered. Coverage means how much of a company’s earnings or cash flow are dedicated to dividends. A high ratio is often unsustainable and a sign that a cut is near.

The dividend payout ratio is found by dividing the dividend per share by a company’s reported earnings per share. A ratio above 50% could be a warning sign that the company is dedicating too much of its earnings to dividends.

In addition to paying for dividends, earnings are also used by companies to reinvest in their business or to fund acquisitions that help them grow.

While a ratio of 50% is a warnings sign, a ratio above 100% is an outright red flag that cannot be ignored. If the dividend exceeds earnings, especially for a few years in a row, the situation is unsustainable, and the payout is likely to be cut.

The dividend coverage ratio is found by dividing the company’s reported cash flow per share by the amount of the dividend per share. Conservative investors would want to see a coverage ratio of at least 120% to demonstrate the dividend is safe.

Check for Growth

Many companies increase their dividend every year. This is positive signal for investors since an increased dividend shows that management is confident the company is positioned for growth.

However, investors tend to expect predictability from a company. They could become concerned if a company fails to increase its dividend for a year or if the pace of the increases slows compared to the recent past.

To check for the sustainability of dividend increases, look at the dividend growth rate over the past five years. Compare that to the earnings growth rate over the same time. Obviously, earnings should be faster than dividends.

It can be helpful to compare the ratio of dividend growth to earnings growth for a company to its peer group. This will take a little extra work but a company with a ratio that is below its industry average could be set up for a future dividend cut in the next economic downturn.

Avoid High Levels of Debt

Debt can be especially problematic when interest rates are rising as they are now. Companies often refinance debt as it comes due or borrow at variable rates. One of those options can prove to be expensive in a rising rate environment. A detailed review of debt can require extensive effort but income investors can focus on just a few warning signs.

One is the debt to equity ratio. The amount of total debt a company has can be found on its balance sheet. Its equity is also reported on the balance sheet. Here, again, a comparison to the industry average will be helpful because debt loads vary by industry.

Debt to equity shows a company’s solvency. That is important to consider but liquidity is also important to consider when evaluating the safety of a company. Solvency focuses on the company’s ability to prosper in the long run. Liquidity measures its ability to survive in the short run.

It is possible for a company to be solvent but illiquid. Some large financial firms that went bankrupt in 2008 claim they were solvent but simply needed a liquidity injection to survive.

To gauge solvency, focus on short term debt. The short-term debt coverage ratio is found by dividing income from operations by current liabilities. Current liabilities will be found on the balance sheet. Conservative investors should limit buys to companies with a ratio above 2.

Another liquidity indicator is the quick ratio, or the ratio of cash and cash equivalents (excluding inventory) divided by current liabilities which are debts that must be paid over the next twelve months. A quick ratio of 1.0 is a sign of short run financial strength.

Putting It All Together

No one indicator can deliver all of the information an investor needs. That’s to be expected because successful investing is hard work. Combining indicators will show an investor more information. The indicators defined above look at a company’s income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows.

Each financial statement includes important information and is worth reviewing for investors who are seeking to minimize risks. If an investor is seeking to maximize income, safety needs to be the first priority and income traps must be avoided. These traps are easy to spot when considering whether to buy or sell.

To avoid income traps, simply avoid excessively high dividend yields. That itself could be a sign of trouble. In 2009, GE offered a yield of 23%.


It is obvious in hindsight that was not sustainable. But, in real time, the question to ask is whether or not an investment opportunity looks too good to be true. In this case, 23% a year from a leading company was too good to be true.

That question, combined with the checklist above, should help you avoid dividend cutters and avoid the pain of lower income and a falling stock price.



Here’s Why Cryptocurrencies Really Are Money

Bulls and bears can become passionate about their arguments. This seems to be especially true in the cryptocurrency markets where disagreements between the two camps are plentiful.

Bulls are traders who expect prices to rise. According to Wall Street legend, they are called bulls because bulls attack by pushing their horns up when striking their prey. Bears, on the other hand, strike their prey with a downward motion and hence bears are expecting price to move down.

In the crypto markets, bulls argue the market is in its infancy and could go much higher, eventually being worth trillions of dollars. Recently, the total value of the cryptocurrency market is near $420 billion but that value changes rapidly. They have many other arguments that we will address in the future.

Bears argue, among other things, that cryptos aren’t money and therefore the price of all of the currencies will eventually collapse with many falling to zero. To address this argument, we can consider what money is and whether or not cryptocurrencies are money.

What Exactly Is Money?

Economists have agreed that there are certain key characteristics of money. Among those are:

  • Scarcity which means the supply of money must be limited and controlled.
  • Verifiability which means money must serve as a medium of exchange that can be trusted by both buyers and sellers.
  • Store of value which means that money holds value over time.
  • Unit of account which means there is a recognizable way to price items.

In the United States, dollars obviously meet these characteristics. The government controls the supply and all transactions can be completed with dollars. Items are priced in dollars and cents (unit of account) and over time the dollar has retained a value.

The dollar has not retained the same value over time. There is no requirement for it to do so. In fact, changes in value are expected over time. The chart below shows the dollar index has changed in value over time.

Dollar Index

The Dollar Index is maintained by the Federal Reserve as a measure of the value of the United States dollar relative to a basket of foreign currencies. Other currencies are weighted in accordance with their importance to international trade.

Cryptos and Rocks Can Be Money

There is no requirement that money be currency. Gold also meets the characteristics of money as do rocks on the island of Yap.

According to economists with the St. Louis branch of the Federal Reserve:

On Yap Island, large stones were used as a medium of exchange. The stones were quarried almost 280 miles away on the island of Palau and brought to Yap by small boats. Every inhabitant could bring new stone money units into the system.

“The money creation costs, in the form of labor effort and equipment such as boats, protected the economy from inflation.

Instead of having to laboriously move the stones, which are up to 13 feet in diameter, with every transaction from a buyer’s front yard to a seller’s front yard, the ownership rights were transferred virtually. A stone remained at its original location, and the unit of value could be detached from it and circulated irrespective of the stone’s whereabouts.”

rocks can be money

Source: NPR

The economists concluded that “The stone money of Yap can therefore be described as a quasivirtual currency, as each unit of value was only loosely linked to a physical object.”

Cryptocurrencies also possess the characteristics of money.

Comparing Cryptos to Gold and Cash

There are, of course, other ways to define the characteristics of money. Within the dynamic field of economics, there are almost always varying characteristics of different terms. They are most often similar and the changes are just different versions of the same general idea.

Some experts identify six key attributes for an item to effectively function as money:

  1. Scarcity – This is money’s most important attribute.
  2. Durability – The money should hold up over many rounds of transactions.
  3. Divisibility – There must be smaller units and larger units available for different transactions.
  4. Verifiability – Real money must be easily distinguishable and identifiable when compared against fake ones.
  5. Portability – It must be possible to move significant sums of money from one place to another.
  6. Fungibility – Each piece must follow defined rules in all transactions. For example, any $1 bill is interchangeable with any other $1 bill.

Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, possess all of these attributes to varying degrees. The chart below compares bitcoin to both gold and cash.

bitcoin, gold, and cash


A similar chart could be prepared for almost all cryptocurrency and the results would be similar if not the same.

Since Crypto is Money, the Bulls Have a Point

Because cryptos can function as money, and because at least some traders value them in that way, there is some value greater than the zero for the value of the cryptos.

This demonstrates that cryptocurrencies have a fundamental value although that value will be difficult to find. In that way, cryptos are like stocks.

Stock market analysts spend a great deal of time and effort attempting to identify a stock’s fair value, which can also be called intrinsic value or fundamental value. No matter what it is called, analysts are generally expecting to find the value is not the same as the stock’s current price.

Based on their model, the analysts compare the fair value they calculate with the stock’s market price. If the stock price is below the calculated fair value, the stock is considered to be undervalued and is a buy. When the market price is above the fair value, the stock is considered overvalued and is a sell.

The fact that the fair value rarely is the same as the current market price provides the basis for the stock market trading. Analysts are providing information to traders who make buy and sell decisions based on the estimates of value in their pursuit of profits.

This is exactly what is occurring in the crypto markets. Traders are searching for the fair value of cryptos and making buy and sell decisions in an effort to benefit from their analysis.

One of the more important differences between cryptos and stocks is the fact that the valuation models for cryptos is not fully defined, yet. However, the fact that cryptos possess the attributes of money indicates there is a fair value for each crypto.

Traders who discover that fair value could make fortunes in this new market. And traders who ignore this market may regret their decisions as fortunes are made.








Weekly Recap

Weekly Review

Is the Selloff in Cryptos a Buying Opportunity?

Market declines follow a predictable pattern in some ways. Bears claim vindication. It doesn’t matter that large gains were possible before the decline or that large profits were taken. It also doesn’t matter that prices are still up compared to where they were a year ago.

When prices fall, bears like to say, “I told you so.”

Is there a buying opportunity? Read more here.

Investing Secrets of Sir John Templeton

When we think of investors who changed the theory of investing, we might think of Warren Buffett who took the philosophy of value investing to previously unimaginable heights. We might also think of Peter Lynch who championed the individual investor who he believed could beat Wall Street.

We should also think about an investor who opened the world of investment opportunities to individual investors. Read about him here. 

Analysts Say Look at This Sector as Stocks Rebound

Stocks fell sharply over the past week. The S&P 500 dropped 9.5% below its all time high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 10.7% below its high and the Russell 2000 index which tracks small cap stocks declined 10.2%. These selloffs mark the first 5% decline since 2016.

Now that the pull back many investors had been waiting for is in place, how can you find potential buying opportunities? Find out here.

Become a Private Equity Investor for Passive Income

Private equity is one of the best performing asset classes over time, but, at least until now, individual investors have largely been locked out of the market.

Private equity or PE is an asset class allowing investors to directly invest in private companies. Sometimes PE firms will buy a whole company and at other times they take a smaller equity investment.

The industry is tightly regulated and is limited to large pension funds and endowments, as well as individual wealthy investors. Individuals have needed to be accredited, meaning they have high incomes or assets of $1 million or more. That has recently changed. Learn more here.