Passive Income

Income Investors Need to Evaluate Reverse Mortgages

reverse mortgage


Money is an emotional topic at times. Among the most emotional topics can be reverse mortgages. But, before jumping to a conclusion, investors need to remember there are two sides to every story. In the case of reverse mortgages, there are good and bad sides of the story to consider.

First, let’s define the terms. Then, we will look at a recent study that shows the reverse mortgage could be an important tool for income investors. Finally, we want to highlight a few of the risks.

The Definition of a Reverse Mortgage

In simple terms, according to Hull Financial Planning, “a reverse mortgage is where the bank slowly pays you for the rights to own your home. The bank gives you a stream of payments for as long as you’re living in the home, and after each payment, interest accrues.

At the end, when you’re no longer living in the home – whether because you had to move to an assisted living facility or you peeled the garlic – the bank can use the home as the collateral against the loan and claim it unless you or your estate pays the balance on the mortgage.

The term that the government uses is a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM)… To qualify, you need to be living in a single family home, condo, or mobile home, or you need to be the owner-occupant of a 2-4 unit home.

You also need to have little to no mortgage on the home, since the idea is that you’re using the equity built up in your home in order to fund cash flow requirements. If you’re using the reverse mortgage to pay off your existing mortgage, then you’re not going to get as good of a deal out of the reverse mortgage.

You also need to continue to maintain the house, keep insurance on it, and pay your property taxes. This helps to ensure that there’s a worthwhile house available for the bank when you’re no longer occupying it. Finally…[y]ou have to be at least 62 years old to qualify for one.”

The risks jump out in general terms. You will be using your home for income and this could be a problem in some ways. But, before assessing the risks, let’s look at the study.

A Reverse Mortgage as a Financial Planning Tool

Two Ph.Ds, Barry H. Sacks, J.D., Ph.D. and Stephen R. Sacks, Ph.D., published “Reversing the Conventional Wisdom: Using Home Equity to Supplement Retirement Income” in the Journal of Financial Planning. From the title, we see they are viewing their argument that the products are useful as an uphill fight.

The executive summary of their paper tells us the most important points:

  • This paper examines three strategies for using home equity, in the form of a reverse mortgage credit line, to increase the safe maximum initial rate of retirement income withdrawals.
  • These strategies are:

(1) the conventional, passive strategy of using the reverse mortgage as a last resort after exhausting the securities portfolio; and two active strategies:

(2) a coordinated strategy under which the credit line is drawn upon according to an algorithm designed to maximize portfolio recovery after negative investment returns, and

(3) drawing upon the reverse mortgage credit line first, until exhausted.


  • A three-spreadsheet stochastic model is described, with one spreadsheet incorporating each strategy. The three spreadsheets are run simultaneously, with the same investment performance and withdrawal amounts in each.


  • The cash flow survival probability over 30 years is determined for each strategy, and the comparisons are presented graphically for a range of initial withdrawal rates.


  • We find substantial increases in the cash flow survival probability when the active strategies are used as compared with the results when the conventional strategy is used. For example, the 30-year cash flow survival probability for an initial withdrawal rate of 6 percent is only 55 percent when the conventional strategy is used but is close to 90 percent when the coordinated strategy is used.


  • The model also shows that the retiree’s residual net worth (portfolio plus home equity) after 30 years is about twice as likely to be greater when an active strategy is used than when the conventional strategy is used.

The highlights are apparent. Retirees using a coordinated strategy that funds living expenses with a  reverse mortgage when the stock market declines have a greater likelihood of meeting their retirement goals.

Two charts can help illustrate this point. The first shows that the probability of having enough money for retirement with a conventional approach may be lower than many investors believe.

cash flow survival

Source: Journal of Financial Planning

The next chart shows the probability of success when the reverse mortgage is used.

probability of cash flow survival

Source: Journal of Financial Planning

Risks Are Important to Consider

AARP notes that there are important risks to consider.

“You can keep the house only as long as you can pay your property taxes and homeowners insurance. If you run out of money and let these bills slide, you’re in default, and the bank can foreclose on your house.

About 46,000 reverse mortgages are in default — 8 percent of the total, says the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. So far, 61 percent of the troubled borrowers are in repayment plans. Still, lenders won’t let defaults accumulate indefinitely. You’ll likely see foreclosures rise toward the end of this year.

If married couples decide to take a reverse mortgage, be sure you’re both on the loan. That way, either one of you can remain in the house without repaying the loan if the other spouse dies or enters assisted care.

Under current HUD policy, spouses who aren’t on the loan are forced to repay if they want to keep the house. If they don’t have the necessary assets, the home is sold out from under them. AARP considers this a misreading of the law and has filed a lawsuit, according to AARP senior attorney Jean Constantine-Davis.

If the spouse or other heirs do want to buy the house, they owe the lesser of either the total loan amount or 95 percent of the home’s current market value. Some lenders have tried to charge relatives the full amount of the mortgage balance, including all fees and even if it’s more than the house is worth. So know your rights.”

In other words, there is a risk you can lose your house or you may not be able to leave your home to your heirs. These risks need to be considered but even with the risks, the reverse mortgage could be worth discussing with a financial planner.

Stock Picks

Cybersecurity Could Be the Next Big Thing for Investors

cybersecurity stocks


No matter what your political opinion is, if you follow politics you understand there is a potential threat to the election process. The degree of the threat isn’t secure, and the potential source is also unclear. But, as local election boards move to voting machines instead of paper ballots, the threat of hacking those machines becomes real.

While elections are a threat that is in the headlines, the reality is that almost everything in modern society is at risk of hacking. Every corporate server is a potential  target of hackers and home networks can be a target.

But, less understood is the fact that other targets exist. Many cars are connected to networks that push upgrades to systems and correct errors in previous versions of software. Even systems within the car are connected via network connections.

Fears of hacking even extend into our bodies. Last year, “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled 465,000 pacemakers after discovering security flaws that could allow hackers to reprogram the devices to run the batteries down or even modify the patient’s heartbeat, potentially putting half a million patients lives at risk.”

An Industry to Fight the Cyber Threats

As networks become increasingly important, a new industry has grown up to combat the threats. Stocks in the cybersecurity sector could be excellent long term investments since these threats will not subside in the future. In fact, cyber threats are likely to increase.

Leading stocks in the industry include:

Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (NYSE: PANW)

PANW provides firewall appliances and software; Panorama, a security management solution for the control of appliances deployed on an end-customer’s network as a virtual or a physical appliance; and Virtual System Upgrades, which are available as extensions to the virtual system capacity that ships with physical appliances.

It also offers subscription services covering the areas of threat prevention, uniform resource locator filtering, malware and persistent threat, laptop and mobile device protection, and firewall, as well as cyber-attack, threat intelligence, and content control.

In addition, the company provides support services; and professional services, including application traffic management, solution design and planning, configuration, and firewall migration, as well as online and classroom-style education training services.

The stock has been a market leader for some time.

PANW daily chart

Zscaler, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZS)

ZS operates as a cloud security company worldwide. The company develops a software-as-a-service based security platform that secures access for users and devices to applications and services.

It serves airline and transportation, conglomerate, consumer good and retail, financial service, healthcare, manufacturing, media and communication, public sector and education, technology, and telecommunications service industries.

ZS daily chart

SailPoint Technologies Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SAIL)

SAIL designs, develops, and markets identity governance software solutions in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. The company offers on-premises software and cloud-based solutions, which empower organizations to govern the digital identities of employees, contractors, business partners, and other users, as well as manage their constantly changing access rights to enterprise applications and data across hybrid IT environments.

Its solutions include IdentityIQ, an on-premises identity governance solution; IdentityNow, a cloud-based multi-tenant governance suite; SecurityIQ, an on-premises identity governance for files solution that secures access to data stored in file servers, collaboration portals, mailboxes, and cloud storage systems; and IdentityAI, a cloud-based identity analytics solution for organizations to detect potential threats before they turn into security breaches. 

This stock has also been a market leader.

SAIL daily chart

Okta, Inc. (Nasdaq: OKTA)

OKTA provides identity solutions for enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, universities, non-profits, and government agencies in the United States and internationally.  The company offers Okta Identity Cloud, a platform that offers a suite of products to manage and secure identities, such as Universal Directory, a cloud-based system of record to store and secure user, application, and device profiles for an organization; Single Sign-On that enables users to access their applications in the cloud or on-premise from various devices with a single entry of their user credentials.

The stock price is breaking resistance and could be set for a significant move.

OKTA daily chart

Fortinet, Inc. (Nasdaq: FTNT)

FTNT provides broad, automated, and integrated cybersecurity solutions worldwide. It offers FortiGate hardware and software licenses that provide various security and networking functions, including firewall, intrusion prevention, anti-malware, virtual private network, application control, Web filtering, anti-spam, and WAN acceleration; and FortiSandbox technology that delivers proactive detection and mitigation services; and FortiSIEM family of products, which offers a cloud-ready security information and event management solution for enterprises and service providers.

The stock has been in a strong up trend and a pull back is possible after the sharp gain.

FTNT daily chart

Any of these stocks could be a winner. But, there is no guarantee any stock will increase in value. Therefore, it is important to consider diversifying which could require owning several of these companies.

Investors who want a diversified exposure to the industry can consider the ETFMG Prime Cyber Security ETF (NYSE: HACK). This exchange traded fund offers a way to benefit from the growth of cyber security without needing to pick the potential winners in the sector.

It is also important to have a risk management strategy for all investments. Some investors manage risk with stop loss orders. This strategy requires placing sell orders below the entry price of a position. For example, an investor could place an order to sell if prices fall by 10% or 20%.

In a fast moving market, stop loss orders could be executed significantly below the desired price level. To avoid that risk, some investors manage risk by position sizing.

For a position sizing strategy, the investor allocates a set percentage of the account to each position and accepts the fact they could lose the entire amount. This could be implemented by allocating 2% or 5% of the account to each position. Position sizing may require a large account.

Investors could also consider using call options. These are available at prices significantly below the price of the stock and could deliver large gains if the stock moves higher before the option expires. Call options could be used by long term investors by simply purchasing new calls whenever one expires.

These strategies could help investors benefit from the cyber security sector without suffering excessively large losses if the sector crashes.

Value Investing

Buying Assets for Pennies on the Dollar


The goal of investing is simple. Investors are trying to buy assets that will increase in value. That’s true of stocks, real estate, precious metals and other investments. This is a common goal of all investors, their strategic objective, in a sense. But, the tactics to reach that objective vary.

In the long run, all successful investors are paying pennies on the dollar for assets. The dollars will come in the future as long as they accurately gauge the value of the assets today. That means that successful investors are simply hunting for bargains.

This is a tactic every shopper is familiar with. If they are shopping for paper towels and the product is normally priced at $5, they are more likely to buy if the store marks the price down to $3.80. That’s because they are now paying $0.76 for a dollar’s worth of paper towels.

Value investors in the stock market are looking for the same type of sales.

Identifying Value

Investors have developed a number of strategies to find value in the stock market. Many of these strategies are complex while others are relatively simple to implement. As individual investors, we believe it is important to have strategies that are as simple as possible, but no simpler.

One of those strategies that is straightforward to implement is based on the book value of a company.

An asset’s book value is equal to its carrying value on the balance sheet, and companies calculate it netting the asset against its accumulated depreciation. Book value is also the net asset value of a company calculated as total assets minus intangible assets (patents, goodwill) and liabilities.

For the initial outlay of an investment, book value may be net or gross of expenses such as trading costs, sales taxes, service charges and so on.

For investors in stocks, book value can be applied with the price to book (P/B) ratio as a valuation multiple is useful for value comparison between similar companies within the same industry when they follow a uniform accounting method for asset valuation.

As with most fundamental metrics, a low P/B generally shows a high degree of value when compared to a stock with a high P/B ratio.

One appealing aspect of the P/B ratio is the opportunity to quickly identify assets that are selling for pennies on the dollar. When the P/B ratio is less than 1, the price of the stock is below the book value and there is a potential opportunity to buy the stock at a discount.

Understanding Risk

However, stocks are not like paper towels and a discounted price may not always be a bargain. A stock with a low P/B value could be a troubled company, one that is perhaps headed to bankruptcy. That is a risk of value investing and exists no mater which valuation metric is used to identify value.

There are some steps that can be taken to reduce this risk. It is important to remember that risks can never be completely eliminated but they can be mitigated. A catastrophic risk management plan could include a stop loss rule that sells a position if the price declines by a large amount.

To mitigate risks, investors could consider requiring the stock to be in an up trend. This would indicate that buyers are interested in the stock and in effect the market is confident that bankruptcy is a remote possibility.

Another strategy for reducing risk is to require the payment of a dividend. This will not protect against additional declines as much as it will reduce the impact of additional declines, since the dividend provides a small payment to the investor while waiting for the price to increase.

Risks could also be mitigated by limiting investments to large cap stocks. There is no guarantee a large cap company will not fall into bankruptcy but the risks are lowered since there is a greater likelihood of small companies suffering financial crises.

Implementing the Strategy

Like other fundamental metrics, the P/B ratio can be used to evaluate the value of a stock. For example, an investor could limit investments to stocks where the P/B ratio is less than 1, indicating the stock is selling for less than the book value of the company.

One way to find stocks meeting that requirement is with the free stock screening tool available at At this site, you could screen for a variety of fundamental factors like free cash flow, high levels of institutional ownership and bullish institutional transactions. An example is shown below.

FINVIZ screening tool


For this screen, we selected stocks that are included in the S&P 500 index and that have a low P/B ratio, specifically a ratio below 1. The screener allows investors to select a variety of values and we also required that the stock be higher in the past six months.

Just seven stocks passed the screen.

FINVIZ screening tool


Any of these stocks could be a buy. Allergan, for example, shows a bullish chart pattern, which would be expected given the requirement that the stock be higher than it was six months ago.

AGN daily chart

Allergan plc (NYSE: AGN) is a specialty pharmaceutical company. The company operates through three segments: US Specialized Therapeutics, US General Medicine and International.

The US Specialized Therapeutics segment includes sales relating to branded products within the United States, including Medical Aesthetics, Medical Dermatology, Eye Care, Neurosciences and Urology therapeutic products.

The US General Medicine segment includes sales relating to branded products within the United States that do not fall into the US Specialized Therapeutics business units, including Central Nervous System, Gastrointestinal, Women’s Health, Anti-Infectives and Diversified Brands.

The International segment includes sales relating to products sold outside the United States.

The stock has a P/B ratio of 0.91 according to FinViz although other sources show different values. Investors will need to determine which data source they are comfortable with and stick with that source consistently.

It is possible to implement the strategy with call options to lower the capital required. It could be rebalanced every six months, or annually. Endless combinations of rules are possible but long term success is most likely when rules are minimized and applied consistently.


It’s Time to Ask What Bitcoin Really Is

what is bitcoin

When an investor buys a stock, they know what they are getting. Technically, it’s a chance to participate in the future gains of the company’s business.

When an investor buys a bond, they also know exactly what they are getting. They are receiving an agreed upon interest payment that acts as rent for the money they lend the company until the company returns that money when the bond matures.

Investors buying options on stocks, exchange traded funds, foreign exchange, real estate or almost anything else know exactly what they’re getting. But, when buying cryptocurrencies, many investors have no idea what they are buying.

Different Meanings to Different People

Cryptos are explained by white papers which define exactly what the process for the issuing and exchanging the currency will be. So, from a technical perspective, the investor has the opportunity to understand exactly what they are buying.

An example of the technical architecture is shown below.

technical architecture


This is, of course, important. But, the technical architecture is usually not going to be the most important piece of the investment decision for investors. That’s also true for stocks, bonds and other investments. Here, an investor is buying a business or a growth opportunity.

But, from a practical perspective, what the cryptocurrency offers is less well defined.

One study identified seven different explanations for the investment case in cryptos. The rationale has evolved over time. In an approximate chronological order, the investments cases have been:


  1. E-cash proof of concept. Since all prior e-cash schemes had failed, it took a while for people to be convinced of its technical and economic viability and move on to more expansive conceptions of the protocol.


  1. Cheap p2p payments network. In essence, this would be a decentralized and open source version of Paypal or Venmo.


  1. Censorship-resistant digital gold. For this argument, crypto’s characteristics including the fact that it offers an untamperable, uninflatable, largely unseizable, intergenerational wealth store which cannot be interfered with by banks or the state. This is an argument similar to the one raised by individuals who prefer gold bars as a disaster hedge.


  1. Private and anonymous darknet currency. This use allows cryptos to be employed in illegal transactions. While this may not seem like a goal of a currency, the fact is that many illegal transactions are conducted using large denominations of U. S. currencies.

Experts estimate that somewhere between one quarter and three quarters of $100 bills, for example, are used in criminal transactions and many are held outside the country. This explains why there are so many $100 bills in circulation despite their near absence from everyday transactions for many individuals.

crypto use in transactions


  1. Reserve currency for the cryptocurrency industry. Others argue that bitcoin serves as reserve currency for a global financial system based on cryptos. This would make bitcoin equivalent to the dollar which serves as the reserve currency for global commerce.
  2. Programmable shared database. This is described as “a slightly more niche view, and generally involves the understanding that Bitcoin can embed arbitrary data, not just currency transactions.

Individuals holding this view tend to see Bitcoin as a programmable, expressive protocol, which can facilitate broader use-cases. In 2015–16, it was popular to express the notion that Bitcoin would eventually absorb a diverse set of functionalities through sidechains.

Projects like Namecoin, Blockstack, DeOS, Rootstock, and some of the timestamping services rely on this view of the protocol.”

  1. Uncorrelated financial asset. This view holds that investing in bitcoin or other crypto provides exposure to an asset class, similar to the classes of stocks, bonds, real estate and other traditional investment selections.

The chart below shows the evolution of these arguments.

evolution of crypto arguments


That chart also shows there is no single argument for exposure to cryptos that is accepted at any one time. Investors could hold bitcoin for a number of those reasons or for other reasons.

The Investment Case for Cryptos

Here, it might be helpful to consider the reasons many investors give for considering an investment in gold:

  1. A History of Holding Its Value
  2. Weakness of the U.S. Dollar
  3. Inflation
  4. Deflation
  5. Geopolitical Uncertainty
  6. Supply Constraints
  7. Increasing Demand
  8. Portfolio Diversification

The truth is that all of these arguments except the first one (a history of holding its value) can be applied to cryptos. And, depending on the time frame being considered, crypto can be a store of value. They have experienced a number of bull and bear markets in their brief history, like any other asset.

But, in some cases, cryptos have withstood the test of time. There have been a number of economic catastrophes around the world in the past decade and cryptos did allow some to store wealth even as their country’s currency collapsed.

Crypto assets are also mobile and could be transferred quickly. In this way, they are like gold bars but perhaps more practical given the weight of gold. It isn’t hard to envision the arguments in favor of an allocation to crypto in a portfolio as a disaster hedge.

It is not difficult to envision a scenario where cryptos become more useful as advances in computing power make them easier to use and lower transaction costs.

While they are unlikely to replace credit cards or debit cards in the foreseeable future, an investment in cryptos could be like an investment in credit card processors when the industry was beginning.

Demand for cryptos could increase simply as cryptos survive. They have survived a bubble and by some measures the bubble has been completely retraced. To many analysts, when prices return to the beginning level of the bubble, that’s considered a buy signal.

But, bubbles take time to resolve and the markets rarely recover quickly. Now could be the time to start investing in crypto with a long term plan to accumulate the assets in a diversified portfolio. A small investment every month, similar to dollar cost averaging in mutual funds, could reward investors in the long run.


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Weekly Recap

Weekly Review

weekly review


An Alternative to Bitcoin: Ethereum

Investors have always had a choice of strategies. This is true in the stock market where investors can buy large caps, small caps or midcaps. They can pursue growth, value or a variety of factors that are believed to capture different aspects of performance. The same variety of alternatives exists in the fixed income markets.

Therefore, it is not surprising to learn that the cryptocurrency market, perhaps the newest asset class available to investors, also offers alternatives. You can find out more, in this article.

This Could Be the Most Important Part of a Company’s Financials

Elon Musk recently highlighted the importance of cash for a company. The billionaire CEO of Tesla and other companies tweeted that he would be taking Tesla private. He informed investors the deal would be valued at $420 a share.

Analysts immediately went to work determining whether or not a deal was feasible at that price. So what does cash have to do with a company? Find out here.

Trading the Fed Chairman’s Jackson Hole Speech

Every August, economists from around the world converge on Jackson Hole, Wyoming for one of the most important conferences of the year. Many years, the Chair of the Federal Reserve addresses the audience.

Find out what Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said here.

Baby Bonds Could Help You Diversify Your Fixed Income Portfolio

Bonds belong in many portfolios. There are many ways to add bonds and each way has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the most popular passive income investments is an investment in a bond mutual fund. With thousands of funds available, there is almost certain one or more that matches the objectives of a fixed income investor. We share the details in this article.





Passive Income

Baby Bonds Could Help You Diversify Your Fixed Income Portfolio

baby bonds


Bonds belong in many portfolios. There are many ways to add bonds and each way has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the most popular passive income investments is an investment in a bond mutual fund. With thousands of funds available, there is almost certain one or more that matches the objectives of a fixed income investor.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Funds

Among the advantages of the funds are that you get instant diversification for a small investment. Many funds have low minimum investment amounts and for $1,000 or less, an investor could immediately own a portfolio of hundreds of bonds.

Diversification is important because it protects the risk of bankruptcy. If an investor owns just one bond and that company goes bankrupt, the investor would suffer a large loss. The same would be true if the company suffered a downgrade or for any adverse action on that bond.

By owning several bonds, the investor insures against this type of risk. But, bonds can require large minimum investments, usually $1,000 or more for an individual bond, and diversification can seem to be impossible to achieve for a small investor. That is one of the reasons mutual funds have been attractive to fixed income investors.

These same advantages apply to exchange traded funds, or ETFs.

But, there are disadvantages to funds. Among the disadvantages is the fact that the manager will decide when to buy and sell different bonds. Selling can create a taxable event for an investor and in a fund, these events are beyond the control of the individual investor.

Taking Control of Fixed Income Diversification

There is a little known alternative to bonds called “baby bonds.” These bonds are issued by some corporations with face value of $25 instead of the more common face value of $1,000. Baby bonds have been traded on the New York Stock Exchange for the past two decades.

Recent reports indicate there are about $20 billion of baby bonds outstanding, a relatively small amount in the corporate bond market which is worth an estimated $9 trillion. But baby bonds carry yields like large bonds and could be attractive to individual investors who know about them.

According to Barron’s, “Bankers conceived of baby bonds to help corporate issuers diversify their bond offerings to the retail market. Various industries have tapped this capital market, including shipping, utilities, communications, retailing, and finance.

The bonds are typically senior unsecured, meaning they’re senior to other debt and preferred stock in a default but are not collateralized. Issuers like them because, unlike regular corporates, they are callable after just five years and anytime thereafter.

This allows issuers to reduce the cost of their funding if they can subsequently refinance cheaper or cut debt if they no longer need the capital.”

Callable Bonds Carry Reinvestment Risk

A callable bond (also called redeemable bond) is a type of bond (debt security) that allows the issuer of the bond to retain the privilege of redeeming the bond at some point before the bond reaches its date of maturity.

In other words, on the call date(s), the issuer has the right, but not the obligation, to buy back the bonds from the bond holders at a defined call price. Technically speaking, the bonds are not really bought and held by the issuer but are instead cancelled immediately.

The call price will usually exceed the par or issue price. In certain cases, mainly in the high-yield debt market, there can be a substantial call premium.

The call provides the issuer an option which it pays for by offering a higher coupon rate. If interest rates in the market have gone down by the time of the call date, the issuer will be able to refinance its debt at a cheaper level and so will be incentivized to call the bonds it originally issued.

Another way to look at this interplay is that, as interest rates go down, the price of the bonds go up; therefore, it is advantageous to buy the bonds back at par value.

That presents reinvestment risk that is not found in noncallable bonds. Reinvestment risk is the risk that an investor won’t be able to obtain the same rate when they reinvest the principal of the bond. This risk is smaller when the Federal Reserve is raising rates as they are now.

Investment Opportunities in the Baby Bond Market

There are some potentially interesting opportunities to investors in the baby bond market. Recent yields of some bonds are shown below.

Source: Barron’s

EBay’s 6% baby bond is rated BBB+. That is a moderate investment-grade rating indicating the risk of default is relatively low according to analysts. The bond was recently trading at $26.24. At that price the yield is 5.72%.

EBAYL daily chart

But, that yield assumes the bond is held until maturity in 2066. But, remember that the company can call the bond at any time. If the company calls the bond when it is able to in 2021, the yield would be just 4.19%. That’s because the investor paid more than the par value of $25 and the bond would be redeemed at $25 if it is called.

These bonds are relatively stable but can show high intraday volatility. The chart below shows that an investor may have used a stop loss order and distorted the market for a time.

TVC weekly chart

In addition to having low prices, baby bonds also sometimes have higher yields than the large bonds of the same company.

For example, the Tennessee Valley Authority baby bond shown in table above offered a recent yield of 3.65%. These bonds are exempt from some income taxes so the tax equivalent yield is higher for some investors.

TVA’s regular corporates, those with a face value of $1,000 due in 2027 traded with a recent yield of 3.36%.  This demonstrates the potential value of baby bonds.

Baby bonds could be attractive to investors seeking steady income. Bond funds will generally pay a varying amount of income related to the performance of the manager in a given quarter. Baby bonds can provide diversification while eliminating this risk unless the bonds are called in a quarter.

Baby bonds could also be managed for taxes and could be the best choice for some investors despite the fact that they are relatively little known.





Stock Picks

Trading the Fed Chairman’s Jackson Hole Speech

Every August, economists from around the world converge on Jackson Hole, Wyoming for one of the most important conferences of the year. Many years, the Chair of the Federal Reserve addresses the audience.

Federal Reserve Bank

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

This year, according to CNBC, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said “he expects a slow but steady diet of interest rate increases to continue as the central bank looks to find the right recipe between promoting growth and controlling excesses.

In his closely watched speech at the Fed’s annual retreat at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Powell expressed confidence in the economy and said he does not see inflation getting out of hand.

As a result, the current trajectory the Fed has been following since December 2015 is unlikely to change so long as there aren’t any significant changes to economic trends. The central bank, he said, is focused squarely on not stepping in to halt economic momentum but also wants to be a bulwark against runaway growth.

“I see the current path of gradually raising interest rates as the [Federal Open Market Committee’s] approach to taking seriously both of these risks,” he said…

“As the most recent FOMC statement indicates, if the strong growth in income and jobs continues, further gradual increases in the target range for the federal funds rate will likely be appropriate,” he said.

At several points in the speech, Powell referenced former Chairman Alan Greenspan’s leadership of the Fed in the 1990s.  In particular, Powell noted that Greenspan waited for evidence of inflation before acting, leading analysts to believe Powell may be nearing an end to the interest rate hikes.

“The takeaway from Jackson Hole is that the Fed may not look to tighten much more than is currently priced into markets,” Mark McCormick, North American head of FX strategy at TD Securities in Toronto told Reuters.

What Powell’s Philosophy Can Mean for Investors

Analysts with Evercore/ISI noted that “market participants / sentiment from those we spoke to today perceived the Powell speech / policy trajectory as quite dovish—especially given the myriad downside global risks from trade and emerging markets and midterms, etc on the horizon.”

These analysts concluded that traders should take a “risk on” approach to the markets based on Powell’s comments. A risk on approach involves investing aggressively.

Risk on and risk off are considered to be trading strategies by traders. Risk on is aggressive and risk off is more conservative. Hedge funds tend to follow this strategy which is widely referenced in the media and is usually considered to be a short term strategy in the markets.

In the U. S. markets, a risk on environment indicates investors should consider increasing exposure to small cap and tech stocks.

Investors can increase exposure to small cap stocks with a single exchange traded fund, or ETF, if they choose to. Among their options are the iShares Russell 2000 Index Fund (NYSE: IWM). The chart below shows this ETF is in a strong up trend.

IWM weekly chart

While many investors may consider new highs to be a sign that a stock or ETF should be avoided, the truth is new highs often lead to more new highs. This can be seen by looking back to March 2017 in the chart above, a time when IWM reached new highs. A blue arrow highlights that area.

IWM broke out of that consolidation, pulled back and then began reaching a series of new highs. While there were occasional declines, for the most part prices moved higher. The breakout from the consolidation, in hindsight, was an ideal time to buy.

On the right side of the chart, the most recent price action shows that IWM has again broken out of a short consolidation and could be moving towards more new highs. Now could be an ideal time to buy with a stop near the recent lows which would be below $165.

To obtain exposure to tech stocks, the Invesco QQQ Trust (Nasdaq: QQQ) could be used. This ETF tracks the Nasdaq 100 index which includes the largest tech stocks trading on the Nasdaq system. The chart below shows that prices recently broke out of a consolidation.

QQQ weekly chart

Risk Beyond the U. S.

Some traders will want to look beyond the U. S. for their portfolios and here they may find emerging markets to be appealing. Emerging markets are an asset that tends to rise during risk on periods.

This all points to potential gains in emerging markets. Investors can gain access to these markets with another ETF, iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (NYSE: EEM). This ETF has been in a pullback as the chart below shows.

EEM Weekly chart


Analysts have been increasingly bullish on these markets. LPL Research noted, “We’ve emphasized before that we expect the economic growth rate for emerging markets (EM) this year will be the highest for any global region, and we still believe this is the case, even amid currency turmoil.

EM economies as a whole are still in the early stages of an economic recovery and stand to benefit from robust consumer demand and dynamic global output changes. We also believe the U.S. and China will reach an agreement on trade that avoids any significant negative impacts to either economy.”

Risks are important to consider with this and any investment. Among the most important risks to consider is Turkey where the currency has reached new all time lows.

emerging currencies

Source: LPL Research

“Recent events in Turkey have been understandably unsettling for investors,” according to LPL Research Chief Investment Strategist John Lynch. “However, we believe the current situation in Turkey will remain relatively contained, and emerging markets’ strong fundamentals will prevail after currency and trade fears subside.”

Even after considering the risks, many investors may find EEM to be attractive, especially in a risk on environment. Eventually markets will transition to a more conservative position but for now, analysts seem to be bullish and investors can consider becoming aggressive in this environment.

The Fed is often the key to the “risk on / risk off” background and until Chairman Powell turns bearish in his comments, the market is likely to deliver strong gains in aggressive sectors including small caps, tech stocks and emerging markets.




Value Investing

This Could Be the Most Important Part of a Company’s Financials

cash is important to financials


Elon Musk recently highlighted the importance of cash for a company. The billionaire CEO of Tesla and other companies tweeted that he would be taking Tesla private. He informed investors the deal would be valued at $420 a share.

Analysts immediately went to work determining whether or not a deal was feasible at that price. The general consensus was that it was not. And, that was based on the company’s cash flow.

Cash Flow Determines a Company’s Future

Analysts immediately began calculating how much cash Musk would need. There was a general agreement that it would be about $72 billion. A quick look at the company’s balance sheet showed there was about $2.2 billion in cash at the end of last quarter. That would mean Musk was well short of what he needed.

When companies need cash, they can sometimes meet that need through operations.

Remember, cash is the basic measure of a company’s operations. They sell products, buy raw materials, pay employees and meet other expenses with cash. This can be calculated using financial statements with a measure known as cash flow from operations.

Not all of the cash flow from operations will be available for things like taking a company private. Some of the cash flow from operations will be needed simply to maintain the company’s normal operations. A more specific measure known as free cash flow will allow analysts to determine how much cash is available for an acquisition.

Free cash flow (FCF) is a measure of a company’s financial performance, calculated as operating cash flow minus capital expenditures. FCF represents the cash that a company is able to generate after spending the money required to maintain or expand its asset base.

Management’s responsibilities include allocating FCF. They can decide to reinvest free cash into operations, buying new equipment or building new factories, for example. Or, management can use FCF to reward investors with increased dividends or share buy backs.

For Tesla, FCF Is a Concern of Analysts

Musk could, potentially, use FCF to take Tesla private assuming the free cash is sufficient to fund that idea. Unfortunately, analysts have been noting the fact that Tesla is not generating enough FCF. In fact, some analysts believe the company is facing potential problems.

Recently, Bloomberg noted that, “Tesla Doesn’t Burn Fuel, It Burns Cash.” The chart below was included in the article and demonstrates the large amount of cash that Tesla is consuming as it grows.

Tesla's free cash flow

Source: Bloomberg

Negative FCF is common in companies that are ramping up operations as Tesla is. Management is required to make investments that will benefit the company in the long run. For a car company, those investments would include factories and raw materials to build cars.

In the long run, management will expect those investments to deliver returns. And, the trend in FCF should change from down to up as those large initial cash outlays eventually yield results.

Because negative FCF is common in startups, investors often step up to finance the initial stages of operations. They can do this by buying shares of the company in an initial public offering or a secondary offering where the company sells shares on a stock exchange.

Or, investors can lend the company money. In the case of Tesla, investors have loaned the company a large amount of money.

long-term debt

Source: Bloomberg

The company’s high level of debt can be a concern to investors, and it also indicates that Musk could have difficulty financing his intended plans. In fact, he did call off the potential deal after several weeks. Investors analyzing cash flow could have made significant returns by taking a position to benefit from a potential decline in the stock.

TSLA daily chart

Bears could have shorted the stock or used put options to potentially benefit from a downside move. And, their analysis could have been based on cash flow.

Using Cash Flow to Make Investment Decisions

Like other fundamental metrics, FCF can be used to evaluate the value of a stock. The price to FCF ratio is interpreted in the same way other fundamental ratios like the P/E ratio or the price to book (P/B) ratio are. Lower values are often indicative of more value than higher values.

One way to find stocks meeting that requirement is with the free stock screening tool available at At this site, you could screen for a variety of fundamental factors like free cash flow, high levels of institutional ownership and bullish institutional transactions. An example is shown below.

free stock screener


For this screen, we selected stocks that are included in the S&P 500 index and that have a low P/FCF ratio, specifically a ratio below 5. The screener allows investors to select a variety of values.

stock screen selection criteria

When evaluating this screen recently, we found 10 companies passed this initial test. We narrowed the list to just 4 companies by requiring a dividend yield of at least 3%.

list of screened stocks


Because FCF is so important, it could be an important criterion for investors to consider. Many investors may find that FCF could deliver better results than a focus on earnings which so many investors use as a fundamental screen when buying.

There are a variety of ways FCF could be used. We showed a simple screen above and added the dividend requirement because all approaches to value investing can require holding stocks for the long term. The dividend provides some level of return while waiting for the price of the stock to rise.

Investors could also screen for FCF growth, requiring the company to show an up trend in this metric as a way of spotting companies that offer growth potential. Management will be forced to allocate the growing FCF in ways that should benefit investors in the long run.

While many investors will continue to focus on earnings, it is likely that when the next downturn hits the economy, earnings will drop. That will mean that companies with strong FCF growth will be in a better position to survive the downturn and deliver gains to investors.




An Alternative to Bitcoin: Ethereum

Ethereum logo

Investors have always had a choice of strategies. This is true in the stock market where investors can buy large caps, small caps or midcaps. They can pursue growth, value or a variety of factors that are believed to capture different aspects of performance.

The same variety of alternatives exists in the fixed income markets where investors can balance potential risks and rewards and the same is true in real estate. In fact, every asset class forces investors to select from various alternatives.

Therefore, it is not surprising to learn that the cryptocurrency market, perhaps the newest asset class available to investors, also offers alternatives.

Ethereum is the Second Largest Opportunity in the Market

Recently, bitcoin was the largest crypto with a market cap of more than $110 billion. The size of the market changes rapidly but the relative position of the largest assets in the category has remained fairly stable over time.

The second crypto, by market cap, is Ethereum with a market cap of about $28 billion recently, about a quarter the size of bitcoin. In stock market terms, this could be a mid cap.

Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality.[3] It supports a modified version of Nakamoto consensus via transaction-based state transitions.

Ether is a cryptocurrency whose blockchain is generated by the Ethereum platform. Ether can be transferred between accounts and used to compensate participant mining nodes for computations performed.



Ethereum provides a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes. “Gas”, an internal transaction pricing mechanism, is used to mitigate spam and allocate resources on the network.

Ethereum was proposed in late 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, a cryptocurrency researcher and programmer. Development was funded by an online crowdsale that took place between July and August 2014.

The system went live on 30 July 2015, with 11.9 million coins “premined” for the crowdsale. This accounts for about 13 percent of the total circulating supply.

In 2016, as a result of the collapse of The DAO project, Ethereum was split into two separate blockchains – the new separate version became Ethereum (ETH), and the original continued as Ethereum Classic (ETC).

Like many other cryptos, price changes in Ethereum are highly correlated to bitcoin. This is shown in the chart below. Ethereum is the green line and bitcoin is the orange line.

ethereum chart

What could be of interest to traders is the fact that Ethereum is more volatile than bitcoin at times. Volatility is important to traders in any market.

The Investment Case for Ethereum

According to some experts, the underlying technology of Ethereum makes it more valuable than bitcoin.

“Bitcoin was the first coin to ever operate on a blockchain network. Every transaction that takes place on Bitcoin’s blockchain is recorded in a “block.” This block is then attached to a long chain of blocks.

In the case of Bitcoin, its blockchain is a public ledger. And what that means is anyone participating in the network can see the transactions taking place and the linked electronic signatures.

That being said, Bitcoin’s use of blockchain technology is fairly basic. Ethereum uses the technology differently, offering more promise to both developers and currency enthusiasts.

Ethereum is written in Turing-complete code language. For a computer to be Turing complete, it must be capable of running any algorithm. Because of Turning-complete language, any script can run on Ethereum. Ethereum’s blockchain records things far more rapidly than Bitcoin’s — processing transactions in 12 seconds, as opposed to Bitcoin’s 20 minutes.

This makes Ethereum’s blockchain the best network to support any business or program. Its ability to solve problems with accuracy and precision has no rival.

Ethereum’s speed and ability to act as a platform for dapps has attracted the attention of dozens of companies, all of which are vying to be the first to use and potentially profit from Ethereum’s blockchain.”

Another reason to consider Ethereum as an investment is its utility. As explains,

“Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership of property.

This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middleman or counterparty risk.

The project was bootstrapped via an ether presale in August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss non-profit, with contributions from great minds across the globe.”

Among the most popular projects that are already built are those shown below:

rankings by category


Etheremon is an example of the dapps possible with ether. It is “a decentralized application built on the Ethereum network. Etheremon creates a world of Monsters (or Mons) where you can capture, train, transform, and trade them with others.

Combining Blockchain and Virtual Reality technology, Etheremon offers users an unprecedented gaming experience. This will be the first gaming world ever where you actually own the assets which no one can influence or steal from you and see them operating like in the real world.”

Combining Blockchain and Virtual Reality technology


Of course, there are risks associated with Ethereum and the risks are the same that affect any crypto investment. There is the possibility that the entire crypto market could collapse but given the billions of dollars in the market, that possibility is considered remote by some.

However, even if the crypto market and Ethereum survive in the long run, there is no guarantee that the price of any cryptocurrency will be higher than it is today. Although, technically, this is true of any investment, the risks of a price decline in the crypto markets could be considered to be higher than average.

While the risks must be considered, it is possible that an investment in crypto could be right for many investors. In fact, the potential gains in this market are significant and that could make the risks acceptable to aggressive investors.



Weekly Recap

Weekly Review

Bitcoin Isn’t the Only Crypto Opportunity

Many investors are interested in cryptocurrencies. This drives some to consider investing in bitcoin. That is the largest crypto and the one that offers the most accessible option for investors who can gain access through brokerage accounts with permission to trade futures.

Bitcoin is, of course, a possible alternative way to transact commerce. But, it has several problems that will need to be solved before it can be widely used.

This week, we discussed those problems and provided an alternative to Bitcoin. You can learn more Here.

The Next Global Hotspot Is…

Investors are growing increasingly concerned about global stock markets. And, they should be. After all, emerging markets have led to global stock market selloffs in the past. One of the most important crises was in 1997.

In our recent article, we evaluate those concerns and identify which country could be the next global hotspot.

These Could Be the Best Digital Marketing Trades

Advertising is big business because it is the business of persuading consumers. Advertisers have courted consumers for hundreds of years, but the business is one of almost constant change. The latest changes, like many of the previous ones are driven by changes in technology.

In our recent article, we share those changes with you and provide trading opportunities.

Income from Idle Assets Is Now Possible

Many of us can sit down in a corner of our home and identify idle assets sitting in our line of sight. If we do this in the right spot, we might find a basement filled with unused sports gear or a car we drive just a few hours a week. 

Now, thanks to some apps and some initiative, it could be possible to turn those assets into income.

Find out how, right here.